英国essay 澳洲essay 美国essay 加拿大essay MBA Essay Essay格式范文


论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-04-29 20:07:35 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

论文用途:其它 Others
Racism is a social problem that has occurred many years ago and it has passed through many phases. The four articles examine one major theme, racism. 这四个作者中的二个是First Nations writers, 另二个是Black Canadian writers. 他们都有一些experiences of racism in Canada. 由于他们所处环 境的不同,例如到加拿大时的年级, 他们有不同的ideas about racism.
“As it was in the beginning” 讲述了一个Redskin girl 被Blackcoat 带到mission school接受Christian religion 的教育。她与father paul 的侄子相爱了,但由于她的肤色受到discrimination。从小看着她长大和教育她的father paul并不像表面上那样爱她,他从骨子里对她有歧视,看不起她和她的父母。他希望他的侄子娶个白人女孩,Ida McIntosh。 从她的身上我学到最重要的是:虽然她的孩提时代接受Christian religion 的教育在mission school,但她从没有背叛她的culture, 也没有让她的 文化消失。她有她自己的思想和想法。文中提到:“ I longed, oh, God, how I longed for the old wild life!” and “I wanted my own people, my own old life, my blood called out for it, but they always said I must not return to my father’s tepee.” In addition,她并没有被father paul 同化(assimilate)到”White” world and culture. She wanted to go “home” especially when she saw an Indian.
“Growing Up Native” by Carol Geddes, she left the Yukon as a teenager. She also a first nation writer. 她也受到歧视从她小时候起。First nation exclude from white privilege 文中提到“We weren’t allowed to join anything the white kids started.” And “the prevailing attitude was that Indians were stupid” 这些歧视让作者自己都thought they were awful and they were too stupid. 幸运的是当她的一个即将去上大学的朋友给她看大学的reading list时,她发现她读过这些书,她意识到大学并不是只为白人而开,像她这样的native kids也能去上大学。最后她graduated with a B.A. from Carleton University. 从中我学到她在受歧视的环境中还不忘学习,看书,克服障碍达到自己的目标。In addition, 我也很佩服作者对于自己文化的坚持与保护。作者说“We need our culture” and “The time has come for native people to make our own decisions. We need to have self-government.”
“Can blacks be racist? Reflections on Being Too Black and African” 的作者是作为一个留学生来到加拿大最后成为Canadian citizen。 作者通过他的经历与research告诉我们什么是race 和racism。作者在来到加拿大之并没有意识到他有什么不同,因为在African大家都是一样的,当他来到加拿大他才意识到he was Black, and Blacks don’t belong in Canada. 他值得我学习的是他的聪明和他的自信,在就是他很懂的思考,he embraced his blackness and Africa and he emancipated himself from mental slavery. 就像文中提到的“if the dominant society is going to define me as Black, then I well do the defining, I will establish the boundaries of my being. The dominant culture will not dispossess me of my being with every glance.” In addition, 我学到了在不公平的条件下也要坚持自己的目标,不要轻易放弃。A university degree didn’t guarantee employment because only Canadian white citizens could qualify as professionals. 作者和他的哥哥都有好的文凭但都很难找到工作在加拿大由于他们的肤色。但作者并没#p#分页标题#e#http://www.ukassignment.org/  有放弃,通过他的二次对同一工作的面试加上一封诚恳的信,his two-year search for a job was over.
In conclusion, 这三篇文章都提到racism, 也从中学到了在困境中也不要轻易放弃,学会自尊与自信。Racism is one of the world’s major issues today. Many people are not aware of how much racism still exists in our social lives. Racism is not an ability that people are born with but it is based on how an individual is raised and what they learn when they are younger. We should start with oneself to minimize racism.


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