论文题目:Dynamical system and differential equations Project
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文用于:BA assignment 本科课程作业
1. Discuss lyapunov function theory and how it can be used to prove global assmptotic stability of solutions.(Give an example form natural and engineering sciences.)
--- Draw level sets of Lyapunov function.
2. Discuss Perron-Frobenius theorem and how it can be used to prove global stability of solutions(Give an example) .
3. Discuss the stability of solutions of non-autonomous system x=f(x,t). X上面有一点.
4. Discuss bifurcation theory,and show how to(theoretically) characterise varies, bifurcation types apriori (saddle-node,pitchfork,hopf,transcritical).Show to charactrise super and sub-critical pitchfork and hopf.(Give an example of each)
1) transcritical.
2)pitchfork(super and sub-critical)
3)Hopf(super and sub-critical)
Due 4月15号Use matlab or maple software.
How to starting the project main ideas: looks like story.
首先介绍一下lyapunov function theory这个是什么? 写一些这个是做什么的,再应用这个一下. 给一个理论(写一些跟这个联系的定理和证明一下它.给一个怎么操作它,怎么找到它的和给一个算法.再给一个关于这个问题的例子应该还要解析, 每个题目需要写证明,而不是直接得结果``` 要比较详细 然后再Use matlab模拟一下你给的那个例子. 还有给文献就够了.``写作老师还有什么自己的想法可以添加. 谢谢!
1. what it is ?
2. motivation/ applications.
3. Theory (Give related theorem and proof (some detail))./mechanics(how to find it and compute it algorithmic).
4. Given some example(one will do but given)
(population biology research: used centre manifold theory to prove backward bifurcation).
5. Limitations/applicability
Non- autonomous→poincare’ section.