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英国硕士论文指导-Dissertation写作研究: Critical Success Factors in Emerg

论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-09-23 10:26:21 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

For Office Use: Ref Meeting
Does your research have any involvement with the NHS ? Yes No
If you have answered Yes to this question, then your project is not of relevance to the Cardiff Business School
Research Ethics Committee and ethical approval must instead be sought from the appropriate NHS
Local/Multi-centre Research Ethics Committee. Otherwise, please complete this form.
Name of Student: Mr. Ding-Kuo Lu
Student Number: 0429086
Department: School of Social Sciences /Cardiff Business School (Social Science Research Methods
via Business and Management Study Route).
Title of Dissertation: Critical Success Factors in Emergency Relief Logistics
Start and Estimated End Date of Dissertation:
01/April/2006 to 15/September/2006
Briefly state the Aims and Objectives of this Dissertation:
The aim of this study is to establish Critical Success Factors for a future disaster relief logistics. Research
objectives are as follow:
1. To establish the Critical Success Factors for the Emergency Relief Logistics
2. To determine the variables associated with CSFs.
3. To determine which factors are the most influential
4. To describe the extent to which the CSFs in Emergency Relief Logistics have been met
Methodology to be Applied:
1. Semi -structured interviews
2. Questionnaire survey
Does your research involve human participants? Yes No
If you have answered 'No' to this question you do not need to complete the rest of this form, otherwise please
proceed to the next question
Participants in the Research:
1. Current senior military officers and staff in Taiwan
2. Senior staff and field logisticians of Taiwanese relief organisations
Consent and Participant Information Arrangements (use of consent forms, for example) (please attach a copy
of your proposed consent form and/or questionnaire):
Please refer to the attached copy
sampleformmasters.doc Version: 15/05/2006
What Ethical Issues are raised by the research and how do you intend to deal with them?
1. Confidentiality:
I will first follow and obey the Cardiff Business Scholl Ethics Guidelines during the entire research
process. I will explain to the participants that the information will be used for academic study only.
In addition, the information collected will be kept confidentially. Further more, I will inform them
that their personal information will be treated anonymously.
sampleformmasters.doc Version: 15/05/2006
Please complete the following in relation to your research project:
Yes No n/a
1 Will you describe the main details of the research process to participants in advance,#p#分页标题#e#
so that they are informed about what to expect?
2 Will you tell participants that their participation is voluntary?
3 Will you obtain written consent for participation?
4 Will you tell participants that they may withdraw from the research at any time and
for any reason?
5 If you are using a questionnaire, will you give participants the option of omitting
questions they do not want to answer?
6 Will you tell participants that their data will be treated with full confidentiality and
that, if published, it will not be identifiable as theirs?
7 Will you offer to send participants findings from the research (e.g. copies of
publications arising from the research)?
If you have ticked No to any of Q1-7, please give an explanation on a separate sheet.
(Note: N/A = not applicable)
There is an obligation on the lead researcher to bring to the attention of Cardiff Business School Ethics Committee any issues with ethical
implications not clearly covered by the above checklist.
Two copies of this form (and attachments) should be submitted to Sara Bragg, Secretary to the School’s
Research Ethics Committee, Room F07, Cardiff Business School
Print Name : DING-KUO LU
As the supervisor for this student project I confirm that I believe that all research ethical issues have been dealt
with in accordance with University policy and the research ethics guidelines of the relevant professional
Print Name : Dr. Stephen Pettit
This project has been considered using agreed School procedures and is now approved.
(Chair, School Research Ethics Committee)
Print Name
sampleformmasters.doc Version: 15/05/2006
Consent Form – Anonymous data
I understand that my participation in this project will involve semi-structured interviews about
my perceptions and experiences during the past disaster relief operations which will require
approximately 30 minutes of my time.
I understand that participation in this study is entirely voluntary and that I can withdraw from
the study at any time without giving a reason and without loss of any value.
I understand that I am free to ask any questions at any time. If for any reason I experience
discomfort during participation in this project, I am free to withdraw or discuss my concerns
with Dr. Stephen Pettit.
I understand that the information provided by me will be held totally anonymously, so that it is
impossible to trace this information back to me individually. I understand that, in accordance
with the Data Protection Act, this information may be retained indefinitely.
I also understand that at the end of the study I will be provided with additional information#p#分页标题#e#
and feedback about the purpose of the study.
I, consent to participate in the study conducted by
Mr. Ding-Kuo Lu of Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University with the supervision of Dr.
Stephen Pettit.
sampleformmasters.doc Version: 15/05/2006
Consent Form – Anonymous data
I understand that my participation in this project will involve answering a questionnaire about
my understanding and experiences toward disaster relief operations which will require
approximately 20 minutes of my time.
I understand that participation in this study is entirely voluntary and that I can withdraw from
the study at any time without giving a reason and without loss of any value.
I understand that I am free to ask any questions at any time. If for any reason I experience
discomfort during participation in this project, I am free to withdraw or discuss my concerns
with Dr. Stephen Pettit.
I understand that the information provided by me will be held totally anonymously, so that it is
impossible to trace this information back to me individually. I understand that, in accordance
with the Data Protection Act, this information may be retained indefinitely.
I also understand that at the end of the study I will be provided with additional information
and feedback about the purpose of the study.
I, consent to participate in the study conducted by
Mr. Ding-Kuo Lu of Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University with the supervision of Dr.
Stephen Pettit.
sampleformmasters.doc Version: 15/05/2006
Consent Form – Confidential data
I understand that my participation in this project will involve a semi-structured interview about
my understanding and experiences toward disaster relief operations which will require
approximately 20 minutes of my time.
I understand that participation in this study is entirely voluntary and that I can withdraw from
the study at any time without giving a reason and without loss of any value.
I understand that I am free to ask any questions at any time. If for any reason I experience
discomfort during participation in this project, I am free to withdraw or discuss my concerns
with Dr. Stephen Pettit.
I understand that the information provided by me will be held confidentially, such that only the
Experimenter can trace this information back to me individually. The information will be
retained up to one year when it will be destroyed. I understand that I can ask for the
information I provide to be deleted/destroyed at any time and, in accordance with the Data
Protection Act, I can have access to the information at any time.
I also understand that at the end of the study I will be provided with additional information#p#分页标题#e#
and feedback about the purpose of the study.
I, consent to participate in the study conducted by
Mr. Ding-Kuo Lu of Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University with the supervision of Dr.
Stephen Pettit.
sampleformmasters.doc Version: 15/05/2006
Consent Form – Confidential data
I understand that my participation in this project will involve answering a questionnaire about
my understanding and experiences toward disaster relief operations which will require
approximately 20 minutes of my time.
I understand that participation in this study is entirely voluntary and that I can withdraw from
the study at any time without giving a reason and without loss of any value.
I understand that I am free to ask any questions at any time. If for any reason I experience
discomfort during participation in this project, I am free to withdraw or discuss my concerns
with Dr. Stephen Pettit.http://www.ukassignment.org/liuxueshenglunwen/
I understand that the information provided by me will be held confidentially, such that only the
Experimenter can trace this information back to me individually. The information will be
retained up to one year when it will be destroyed. I understand that I can ask for the
information I provide to be deleted/destroyed at any time and, in accordance with the Data
Protection Act, I can have access to the information at any time.
I also understand that at the end of the study I will be provided with additional information
and feedback about the purpose of the study.
I, consent to participate in the study conducted by
英国留学生硕士论文写作Mr. Ding-Kuo Lu of Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University with the supervision of Dr.
Stephen Pettit.


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