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指导留学生论文-支持和反对堕胎的论文陈述-For and Against Abortion Thesis Stateme

论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-10-20 11:40:18 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

For and AgainstAbortion Thesis Statements

Abortion has been a debatable topic for decades. One can neither believe abortion to be good nor evil. Different societies have got distinct controversies about the issues involved in abortion. Moreover, the risks of lives make this social issue more debatable. Almost seventeen percent pregnancies end in abortion killing hundreds of innocent lives per year. Writing abortion thesis in colleges & universities is a great way to emphasize facts entailed in abortion.


It’s a choice of students whether to go for a pro or anti abortion thesis; however, they have to back up their thesis with the aid of strong arguments and evidences to prove their viewpoint. Abortion thesis statement is what that gives an idea to a reader about the viewpoint of author; thus, students should write abortion thesis statements in a way that persuade their target audience.


Here is one example each for and against abortion thesis statement with guidelines to help students in creating a persuasive thesis statement on abortion:


Pro Abortion Thesis Statement Example:


“Idea of Individuality and human life is not quite the same. Idea of a human life has come from conception; simultaneously on the other hand, fertilized eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives but eggs unable to implant are routinely thrown away. Would you like to call it a murder and if not, then how is abortion a murder?”



•It is right of a woman whether to give up or adopt her child for adoption.
•Abortion is a safe medical procedure for women who do it in their first trimester.
•It is better for a woman to go for adoption if she has become a victim of rape or incest to avoid any further psychological harm.

Anti Abortion Thesis Statement Example:


“Abortion is badly affecting our society today. People in huge numbers feel it to be evil as it kills an unborn for no reason. Conversely, others believe that it is a woman’s legal right to choose abortion especially in case of incest, rape, or health issues threatening life of a mother. To kill unborn using dreadful procedures is not only wrong for the doctors to perform, but morally wrong too”.



•Abortion is same as the murder of an innocent.
•Abortion gives rise to an intense psychological pain to a woman.#p#分页标题#e#
•End result of late abortion may lead the woman to bear several medical complications.


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