The other side of the medal is that introducing a CEM strategy require sa change in the university’s management way of thinking and an openness to understand the world of emotions and feelings, more difficult to monitor and capture than students’ rational comments on a product features. The factors that can severely limit UK HEIs’ change to a CEM approach are:
(1) Difficulty in winning top executives support.
(2) The HEI’s position is not bad enough to convince management toface the pain of changing route.
(3) Inability of proponents to balance creativity with documentationand numbers.
(4) Difficulty in recruiting the right front-line people with the appro-priate level of sensitivity and emotional intelligence.
(5) Difficulty in having students share their emotional experience withthe HEI’s services due to previous organisation’s disinterest.
In relation to point (1) Shaw (2007) has found that among the reason forfailure that the promoters of CEM projects acknowledge. Top managerssupport is the first and most important one, top managers are in fact oftenvery reluctant to embrace any student led project that goes beyond the HEIfacade propaganda and are too often obsessed with short term financial tar-gets over which their performance is measured. Unless UK HEIs’ positionis bad enough senior managers, unfamiliar and suspicious about CEM, willnot be ready to face the difficulties of promoting UK HEI’s change. Theproject proponents should be also able to remove from their minds all gutfeeling considerations and try to support the CEM initiative using the samelanguage of accounting and finance people to veicoalate their ideas and gainsupporters. In relation to point (4) the cost-benefit implications of recruitingthe right staff to deliver the university experience should be weighted againstthe ones of training and growing the frontline staff internally, which requires more resources and time but usually generates better results, since people aretrained specifically to delivered the university experience. Concerning point(5) also in this situation UK HEI should consider students’ emotional ex-pectations that they have built based on their experience with the company.When the student complained in the past has the company ever addresseddirectly the problem ? It is very difficult to win back students’ trust, thebest way UK HEIs could start with is by explaining clearly the purpose ofthe interview/questionnaire. Delivering on the promise to keep the studentupdated with the research results and the organisation action plan to addressthe issues that the students had rise is also very important to give a tangiblesign that something is changing.