presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-03-20 22:04:27 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
For a long term, reading has been the most valued lesson in Chinese EFL teaching. However, middle school students can hardly access to proper extra-curricular reading materials which in line with teenager’s psychological level and English ability.长期以来,在我国的英语教学中,阅读课一直是最受重视的科目。然而除了教科书,学生很少能接触到符合其相应年龄和英语能力水平的课外读物。
Due to the impact of test-oriented educational system, students learn English passively and have no interest on English reading; while for some English teachers, the traditional reading teaching method was ingrained in their mind. The English New Curriculum Standard (NCS) for secondary school asks a higher requirement for middle school students. EFL teachers from Changshu Foreign Language School (CFLMS) are becoming realized that text-centered teaching method and subjective accommodation process can no longer meat the students’ need, and the requirement of NCS. This paper will probe the feasibility and validity of GR model based on the study of English teaching reform in CFLMS.经过对理论和实践的探讨研究,本文作者认为分级、多样化的教学材料和指导模式能有效激发学生的英语阅读的主观能动性,提高英语阅读能力。
Key words: EFL teaching; reading; graded reading   http://www.ukassignment.org/lxslw/
摘 要 iv
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Purpose 1
1.2 Significance 2
1.3 Layout of the Thesis 3
Chapter Literature Review 4
2.1 Research on EFL reading 4
2.2 Influencing factors in reading comprehension 5
2.2.1 Linguistic factors 5
2.2.2 Non-linguistic factors 7
2.3 Conclusion 8
Chapter Three Case Study on English Education Reform in CFLMS 9
3.1 Introduction 9
3.2 Attract Students into Reading 9
3.3 Enhance Reading Skills 10
3.4 Verify Comprehension Assessment Method 10
3.5 Encourage Extensive Reading 11
3.6 Suggestions 11
Chapter Four Conclusion 12
4.1 Evaluation of the Programme and Conclusion 12
4.2 Limitations and Prospects for Implementation 12
Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论
1.1 Background and Purpose 背景和目的
The New Curriculum Standards for Middle School English(NCS)(2001) proposes a higher requirement for middle school students, which focus on enhancing the reading ability rather than understanding the basic knowledge. 中学英语(NCS)(2001)新课程标准为初中学生提出了更高的要求,更加注重于提高阅读能力,而不是了解一些基本知识。
According to the NCS, the level 3 requires students be able to read the text correctly, understand the written commanders, understand the general ideas of short stories or passages, learn to use dictionaries, and have at least 40,000 accumulated extra-curricular reading amount; in level 4, students should able to read the text correctly including practical writings and personal letters, catch clues from simple texts, guess the meanings of new words according to the text, know how the story happens and the reactions of correctors, and have at least 10,0000 accumulated extra-curricular reading amount; the level 5 requires students with much more advanced reading abilities for grade 9 students and the extra-curricular reading scale amounts to at least 150,000.
However, the disappointing fact is that middle school students’ reading ability is far from satisfaction, when they devote a great deal of energy to doing reading exercise.然而,令人失望的事实是,初中学生的阅读能力是远远不能让人满意的,尤其是在做阅读练习时,他们投入了大量的能源。 Here are four main problems which students have: 1) too slow reading speed and too less vocabulary; 2) too shallow understanding of the texts; 3) lack of extra reading exercise and cultural background knowledge; 4) lack of English language sense. To conclude, students are universally blind about what to read and how to read. 
In traditional Foreign Language teaching, reading means study short passages in detail, including syntactic, semantic, and lexical analyses and translation into the first language to study meaning. Such a pedagogic practice--of focusing on the language of a text--may be justified as a language lesson, but it may very well be counterproductive as a reading lesson.
Over the past few years, some English educators tried to recommend some interesting stories after school, but students’ reading ability was not been improved as teachers expected due to their different literacy levels. Changshu Foreign Language Middle School (CFLMS) carried out an English education reform programme which use graded reading (GR) model to cope with individual differences in big classrooms. The author decided to probe the feasibility and validity of GR model based on the study of English teaching reform in CFLMS. 
1.2 Significance 意义
Reading skills have been regarded as the most important skills among the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) which second language learners, especially those learning English as second language or foreign language, must master. The acquisition of any second language should be based on adequate reading. So is English. Middle school students should be initially cultivated the ability of getting information, processing information, and finally using information to solve the problems. Thus, good reading habits, effective reading strategies and high reading interest as well are essential. All these reading abilities will lay a sounded foundation for students’ further English study.所有这些阅读能力都为学生进一步学习英语的奠定了坚实的基础。
The graded reading model is the branch of graded teaching method which originates from Record of Learning written by Confucius in Warring States Period of China. It suggests that students should be educated according to their faculty and age. (吴辉琴, 2004) In this model, students are grouped according to their grade, since students in each grade of junior school are characterized with different knowledge foundation, receptivity level and psychology. Students of all grades can receive appropriate conduction which is benefit for both improving scores and future English study. Besides, it also effectively promotes the improvement of the teaching quality.
Most published studies on graded model amid to enhance students’ performance in exams rather than to raise their study interest. The significance of this study was to explore the feasibility of graded level reading mode.
 Layout of the Thesis本论文的布局
This paper is organized as follows:本文的组织如下:
Chapter one introduce background for this research, presenting the current situation of English reading situation in Chinese middle schools. It also discusses the significance of using Graded Reading (GR) model to guide middle school students’ English reading.
Chapter Two reviews the research on EFL reading that have affected the development of GR model in EFL reading teaching. It also discusses the influencing factors in reading comprehension both in linguistic field and non-linguistic field.
Chapter three makes a detailed analysis of the practice of GR model in Education reform programme in Changshu Foreign Language Middle School (CFLMS), which includes the author’s suggestion to CFLMS.
Chapter Five presents the evaluation of GR model for EFL reading education in China. Besides, its limitations are listed down, which constitute enlightenment for further related studies. #p#分页标题#e#

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