presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-06 10:45:47 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Chapter(s) from an edited book 

Required elements

•  Chapter author(s) surname(s), Initial(s). (Year). Title of chapter (followed by “In:”) Book editor(s) initials and surnames (followed by  “ed.” or “eds.”) Title of book.  Place of publication: Publisher.  Chapter number (or first and last page numbers). 
•   Mayer, M. and Whittington, R. (1996). The survival of the European holding company: institutional choice and contingency. In: R. Whitley and P. H. Kristensen, eds.  The changing European firm: limits to convergence . London: Routledge. Ch.4.
•   Lane, C. (1996). The social constitution of supplier relations in Britain and Germany: an institutionalist analysis. In: R. Whitley and P.H. Kristensen, eds. The changing European firm. London: Routledge. 271-304. 

Multiple works by a single author within the same year

When there are several works by one author published in the same year they should be differentiated by adding a lower case letter after the date.

•   Paxson, D. (2001a). Real football options in Manc hester. In: Howell, S. et al .,  Real options: evaluating corporate investment opportunities in a dynamic world. London: Pearson Educat ion Limited. 95-112.
•   Paxson, D. (2001b). Real options in managing a football club. In: Howell, S.  et al .,  Real options: an introduction for executives. London: Pearson Education. 67-71. 
Electronic books 

Required elements:

•   Author, Initial(s). (Year of publication)  Title of book. [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher. Available from: URL  [accessed date].
•   Cook, S., Macaulay, S. and Coldicott, H. (2004). Change management excellence: using the four intelligences for successful organizational change. [e-book]. London: Kogan Page.

Journal articles  

Required elements:
•  Author(s), Initials(s). (Year). Title of article.  Full title of journal , Volume number  (Issue / Part number), Page numbers.
•   Snowden, D.J. and Boone, M.E. (2007). A leader’s framework for decision making.  Harvard Business Review  85(11), 68-76.
For electronic versions of a journal arti cle, you can choose to provide details of how you accessed the article. This  is necessary if the article is only available online:
N.B. If you accessed the article through a bibliographic database, than you can provide the database details in place of the URL.
Required elements:
•  Author(s), Initials(s). (Year). Title of article.  Full title of journal , [type of medium] Volume number (Issue / Part number), Page numbers (if provided).
Available from: URL  [accessed date]. 
•   Hamblin, Y. (2005). Library and information management employability skills: LIMES. Sconul Focus [online] 35   (Summer / Autumn 2005).
Available from: [accessed 6 May 2008]. 
•   Snowden, D.J. and Boone, M.E. (2007). A leader’s framework for decision making.  Harvard Business Review [online] 85 (11), 68-76.
Available from: Business Source  Premier via EBSCO Host. [accessed
18 December 2007].

Newspaper articles 

Required elements:
•   Author, Initials. (Year). Title of article.  Full title of newspaper , Day & month, page numbers.
•   Wallace, S. (2008). Barry to reject record pay deal and join Benitez. The Independent, 6 May.
For an online version of a newspaper articl e, you should provide the details of how you accessed the article. If you have accessed the article through a database then provide these details in place of the URL.
Required elements (electronic versions):
•   Author, Initials. (Year). Title of article.  Full title of newspaper, [type of medium]
Available from: URL (or database details) [accessed date].
•   Wallace, S. (2008). Barry to reject record pay  deal and join Benitez. The Independent, [online]

•   Wallace, S. (2008). Barry to reject record pay  deal and join Benitez. The Independent, [online] Available from: Dow Jones Factiva [accessed: 6 May 2008].



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