Other points to note:
Your dissertation topic must be relevant to your degree, eg: Tourism, Retail, Food, Hospitality, Finance, IMM, IBM, Man, MIS. 您的论文主题必须是相关的学位,如:旅游,零售,饮食,酒店,金融,国际煤机, IBM,文,管理信息系统。
You must keep copies of all notes/ materials/ drafts as well as the data collected and used in the dissertation, for at least one year after you have submitted your dissertation. You must produce these if requested to do so. 您必须保留所有笔记/材料/汇票的复印件,以及收集和毕业论文使用相关且提交论文后的所有数据。如果有要求这样做,就必须出示这些。
Establish the availability of your supervisor over the summer, and agree deadlines by which they will receive drafts of work.
Ensure you hand in work for review by the set deadlines. Supervisors cannot be expected to give good feedback on work received late.
Consult the SurreyLearn module „Plagiarism & Referencing: A guide for students‟ to
refresh your memory on how to reference correctly.
If you intend to use Surrey Design and Print (on-campus printers) to bind your dissertation, you must allow two weeks prior to the submission date.
If you want a copy of your dissertation, please make sure that you print an extra copy.
1.0 Introduction and overview page 4
1.1 Module contact details
1.2 Module Description
2.0 Dissertation Calendar page 7
2.1 Dissertation stages explained
3.0 Research Proposal Guidance page 9
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Your proposal should include:
4.0 Learning and Teaching Strategy and Methods page 12
5.0 Supervision page 12
5.1 The role of the supervisor
5.2 Supervision meetings
6.0 Assessment page 14
6.1 Assessment criteria
6.2 Marking process
6.3 What if I need an extension?
6.4 What happens if I fail?
7.0 Dissertation Content/Structure page 15
7.1 Contents
7.2 Length
7.3 Common faults in Dissertation
7.4 Formatting and binding
8.0 Good scholarship, referencing and academic misconduct page 20
8.1 What is good scholarship? What is plagiarism?
8.2 What do I reference?
8.3 Avoiding plagiarism
8.4 What happens if I am accused of plagiarism?
9.0 Appendices page 23
Appendix A: Example marking sheet
Appendix B: „Assessment words‟ explained
Appendix C: Supervision meetings record
Appendix D: Layout & format requirements
Appendix E: Title Page Template
Appendix F: Declaration of Originality
Appendix G: Research Ethics form
The dissertation is a core module undertaken by all MSc students in the Faculty. This means that you must pass the module, and it cannot be compensated. The purpose of the Dissertation Handbook is to provide support and guidance to you and your academic supervisor during the completion of the dissertation.
1.1 Module Contact details:
Module convenor:
Dr James Bell,
Room 16aMS03
email: [email protected]
Complete the details below when your supervisor is allocated to you.
Name: ………………………………… Room:…………………………………
Phone: ………………………………… Email:………………………………….
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2.1 Dissertation stages explained
It is expected that you will dedicate regular time to your dissertation throughout the whole of the module, both during and after the scheduled support sessions, and throughout Semester 2
as well as during the summer period. You will need to bear in mind other module commitments (such as exam revision and/ or coursework in Semester 2), but you are expected to complete your literature review during Semester 2. Try to spend at least some time each weekon your dissertation, even if this is only collecting literature.
Week 15 of Semester 1 (Reading Week) should be used to finalise your topic and to start your proposal. Sessions will be run to guide you in the preparation of your Proposal during this week.
Submission of the topic area and provisional title
You need to register the topic area and a provisional title with the Module Administrators in order for us to allocate you a supervisor. You should do this as soon as you can, via the questionnaire on SurreyLearn, and no later than Friday 4 February 2013. If you do not meet this deadline you will be assigned a supervisor, but they may not be a good match to your topic.
Allocation of supervisor
You will be allocated a dedicated supervisor for your Dissertation. You will be informed who your supervisor is by Monday 18th February. It is your responsibility to make contact with your named supervisor as soon as you can. More information about the role of your supervisor is in Section 5.0.
Complete Dissertation Proposal – submit no later than Monday 18th February
This is a valuable opportunity for you to get written „formative‟ feedback on your ideas from your supervisor early in the process. Writing a proposal is the best way to clarify your ideas and plan your dissertation (see Section 3).
The proposal is not given a grade and does not affect your overall dissertation mark, but you
are strongly advised to take advantage of this opportunity for feedback and advice. Submit your proposal on SurreyLearn AND also directly to your supervisor.
Formative Feedback on the research proposal and signing of the Ethics form:
You need to organise a meeting with your supervisor to get formative feedback on the research proposal and approval to continue as planned. This should take place no later than wc 4 March.
Ethical Issues in research
This form should be completed once your methodology is finalised. It should then be presented to Student Support no later than 17 June. If you need to obtain ethical approval, you will be given further instructions. You may not collect data until you have the necessary approvals.
Deadline for submitting drafts:
Your draft literature review should be submitted to your supervisor by 22 April. You should agree dates by which other sections of your work will be completed. It is unreasonable to expect your supervisor to read and comment on drafts of your work close to the submission date. Discuss the latest date that your supervisor will receive drafts prior to the submission deadline. You are expected to plan your time effectively – the final weeks of the module are for formatting, proofing, printing, binding etc. Your supervisor may still be available for questions and/ or meetings, but establish the availability of your supervisor at the beginning of your dissertation period.
Printing and binding
If you intend to use Surrey Design and Print to print and bind your dissertation, you will need to leave around two weeks to do this prior to the submission deadline. We will endeavour to advise you of the latest date by which Surrey Design and Print will receive dissertations and guarantee that they will be available in time for the submission deadline. Off-campus printers may be able to offer shorter turn-around times, but you should establish this with them when planning your time.
Any time between 11.00 and 16.00, Friday 13 September 2013. Location for submission will be advised by Student Support. Late submissions (even by 5 minutes) attract a penalty of 10% reduction in marks per working day. The reduction is made after the work is marked. After 3 working days the recorded mark will be zero.