presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-06 10:00:23 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Setting objectives and deadlines, and creating a structure 制定目标和期限,创建一个体系。

Set deadlines on research progress reports and when drafts of the thesis must be submitted.给研究报告和论文草稿设定一个提交期限。
Don't assume that senior thesis work must be of the quality of an MS degree thesis.
Negative information is OK.
Set clear objectives, and review progress in detail at least monthly.
Set regular deadlines for research, outlines, writing, re-writing, editing etc.  Most Thesis writers are good students, follow advice well and come to appreciate value of deadlines
Start early, find a student with talent and enthusiasm who will invest heavily in their thesis research and document, and be prepared to invest heavily yourself.
Work with the student to create a timeline with clearly identified milestones, else it might become overwhelming at the end for both.
Depending on the student, you may need to provide a more or less detailed structure or timeline for them to follow.  This student was extremely self motivated but that is not always the case.
Schedule weekly meetings--schedule due dates for drafts of the thesis or parts of the thesis Along the lines of my last answer, don't allow the student to leave it too late to show you their writing.
To set up a strict timeline in advance with deadlines for various components of the project (lit review, methods, results, discussion, etc.).
I would advise them to schedule regular meetings with the student throughout the academic year.
Most seniors need more direction/structure than graduate students. Even the brightest and most advanced undergraduates haven!ˉt had much experience working independentl--and they think that they!ˉre better at adaptin to it than, in fact, they are.
Communication   Make sure to talk frequently with them during all times throughout the year, but especially as they are starting in the Fall, as the students often feel they have to be independent right from the start.  But this often means they end up in a bit of a vacuum intellectually, or (for science / engineering students) that they focus only on gathering data so they have something to "show".  But it pays off much more in the Spring when they come to write the thesis, if they have laid the proper foundations for their thinking and knowledge of the literature, even if that means they had to sacrifice some time in the lab in order to pull together a clearer picture in their own mind to start.
Keep in touch with the student, to make sure he/she is not floundering.


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