引用外国文献是每个留学生都需要掌握的技能,无论是写论文,essay,course work,都需要用文献引用来举例。如何正确地引用外国文献对于留学生的作业是很关键的,本文会告诉大家如何正确的引用外国文献。引用外国文献是每个优秀的学生写论文或者essay很关键的一步,因为在你的创作中,不仅需要引用国内的文献,时常还需要引用国外的文献,所以适当地引用外国文献不但可以丰富我们的work,而且还可以让我们的work看起来更有说服力和张力。 Quoting foreign literature is a skill that every foreign student needs to master. Whether it's writing a thesis, essay, or course work, it's necessary to use literature quoting as an example. How to quote foreign documents correctly is very important for the work of foreign students. This article will tell you how to quote foreign documents correctly.Quoting foreign literature is a key step for every excellent student to write a thesis or essay. Because in your creation, you need to not only quote domestic literature, but also foreign literature from time to time, so properly quoting foreign literature can not only enrich our work, but also make our work look more convincing and tension. 文献格式: 1.引用作者姓名时按照先姓后名的顺序,多个作者名字之间用逗号隔开,最后两个姓名之间没有逗号,用&符号连接。 Doe, J. Doe, J. & Johnson, S. Q. Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. 2.注明出版日期。如果只能查询到期刊发表的年份,标上年份即可,如果可以查询到具体的出版日期,就按照年,月,日的格式进行引用,以句号结束。 Doe, J. (2001). Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. (2011, July 15).

3.注明被引用文章的标题。不要使用斜体、下划线或者引号。标题的首字母大写,如果有副标题的话,则冒号后的第一个字母也大写,最后以句号结束。 Doe, J. (2001).Recent breakthroughs in diagnosing mental illness. Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. (2011, July 15). Bone-Chilling: A history of literary horror. 4.注明你引用的文章所在期刊的编辑姓名。编辑姓名和期刊名称以”In“为前缀,按照先名后姓的格式进行引用。如果编辑姓名有两个,用&记号进行连接;三个以上的名字则用逗号连接。如果杂志的编辑只有一名,在名字后的括号里加上ED.缩写。多个编辑则采用EDs.缩写。 Doe, J. (2001).Recent breakthroughs in diagnosing mental illness. In J. Rowell (Ed.), Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. (2011, July 15). Bone-Chilling: A history of literary horror. In A. Hoffman & C. G. Brooke (Eds.), 5.注明期刊名称。首字母大写,标题加上引号。 Doe, J. (2001).Recent breakthroughs in diagnosing mental illness. In J. Rowell (Ed.), Essays on psychology Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. (2011, July 15). Bone-Chilling: A history of literary horror. In A. Hoffman & C. G. Brooke (Eds.), Genre literature through the ages

6.给出页码范围。插入文章所在的页码范围,以pp作为前缀,前缀之后有个句号。 Doe, J. (2001).Recent breakthroughs in diagnosing mental illness. In J. Rowell (Ed.), Essays on psychology (pp. 24-38). Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. (2011, July 15). Bone-Chilling: A history of literary horror. In A. Hoffman & C. G. Brooke (Eds.), Genre literature through the ages (pp. 102-118). 7.注明出版商的姓名和所在地。列出出版公司的所在地和公司名称,中间用冒号隔开,以句号作为结束。 Doe, J. (2001).Recent breakthroughs in diagnosing mental illness. In J. Rowell (Ed.), Essays on psychology (pp. 24-38). New York: Big Time Publisher. Smith, R., Orion, D. & Johnson, S. Q. (2011, July 15). Bone-Chilling: A history of literary horror. In A. Hoffman & C. G. Brooke (Eds.), Genre literature through the ages (pp. 102-118). New York: Big Time Publisher.