Influence of National Culture on HR Practices in Chinese Family Business:
There has been some confusion with regard to what is included in the word count of the MSc Dissertation and as a result I have inadvertently been inconsistent with the guidance available on blackboard and your Programme Handbook. I think it only fair to go with what has been published in the handbook, which is as follows: Length The length of the dissertation should be commensurate with presenting a systematic, readable but concise account of the research undertaken. Superfluous material and verbiage will be penalised. Dissertations should not exceed 10,000 words (approximately 30 A4 pages at 1.5 spacing. Note that this is a maximum length, not a recommendedlength. A well-crafted high-quality dissertation may well be shorter than thismaximum length. The emphasis should be on quality and not on quantity. Note: The word limit for the dissertation is to cover everything with the exceptions stated below. The length should be commensurate with presenting a systematic, readable, but concise account of the work done. Superfluous material and verbiage will be penalised whatever the length of the report. Any dissertation exceeding the specified word limit would be subject to a sliding scale penalty of 1 percentage point per 100 words (or part thereof) by which it exceeded the limit. (You should be aware that the examiner will check if the claimed word count is sufficiently close to the TurnitinUK word count to incur no penalty.) The word count excludes: Title page; Table of contents; Bibliography; Figures (i.e. diagrams, maps); Tables of data; Only certain appendices may be excluded from the word count (i.e. raw evidence from surveys carried out, or copies of documents that are not elsewhere available) with express prior permission of the supervisor. In case you need to include such appendices, you should provide a separate word count of such material, and ask your supervisor to provide a signature or statement authorising the exclusion from the word count. All other appendices are included in the word count.