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留学生市场管理课程论文写作需求-Strategic Marketing Management

论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-07-21 10:13:31 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

留学作业网提供留学生市场管理课程论文写作需求Marketing Research and information
Focus Group Activity
The University catering department has approached you to organise a focus group. The key objectives are to identify:

a. Suggestions for improvement to Bush House regarding:

• Décor
• Ambience
• Opening times
• Menu choices

b. Satisfaction with the current food offerings and prices


1. Prepare a topic guide

2. Host a focus group

3. Feedback to the whole class on your findings (i.e. summarise verbally)

Activity requirements:

• Tutor summary of individual questions suggested in week 5 (below)

• Focus group moderators (for this activity there will be a lead moderator and assistant in each group)

• A note taker in each group

Topic Guide:

Introduce yourself and welcome the group. Invite participants to introduce themselves by name.

Purpose of the session is to express your views; we will be discussing use of and comments relating to Bush House. As such this group comprises Level 3 undergraduate Marketing Management students as representatives of the Business School student population.

Please remember that everyone is entitled to their views.

Ask everyone to participate, but in turn – no speaking over someone else. The moderator’s role is to ensure that each person has a chance to contribute

(Note for moderator: It is important that the discussion remains objective and does not become personal or critical of the individual)

Discussion Questions:

1. Where are your favourite places to eat (a general question) and why?

2. Do you use Bush House?
  How often?

3. Is Bush House an attractive building? (note for moderator – extend this question into decoration if it is not brought up by the group)
How would you make it better?

4. Do you feel it is a welcoming building?
How would you make it better? (note for moderator – ask at the end of this discussion whether there is anything they would keep the same)

5. How would you improve the décor? (note for moderator – may already be covered above)

6. What are your views on the ambience of Bush House? (note for moderator – may already be covered above)

7. Do you socialise in Bush House (meet friends etc)

8. Do you find the opening times convenient for you?
  Should it be open earlier? Open later?#p#分页标题#e#
Should it close later?

9. Do you find the variety of food offered sufficient?
 What would you suggest to improve the menu / variety?

10. Are you happy with the prices?
  How much would you typically pay for a meal?

11. Would you choose to eat in Bush House if it was located somewhere near to competition?

12. Are you satisfied with the service at Bush House?
Can you give examples of good service you have experienced at Bush House?
What would you suggest to improve the service?

13. Describe Bush House in three words

In conclusion:

14. If you could describe Bush House as an animal, what would it be?

15. Ask students to summarise (each in turn) what they consider to be
• the most important positive aspect of Bush House
• the aspect which needs improvement most urgently

Note for moderator - to conclude:

• http://www.ukassignment.org/Marketing/Strategic_Marketing_Management/Ask if there is anything else to discuss in relation to the building.

• Try to summarise the discussion if you can. Stress how useful the students thoughts are to the University in its attempts to offer an excellent experience to students.

Thank everyone for their participation.



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