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master dissertation伦理审批申请表格-write dissertation申请表-Ethics App

论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-09-06 10:07:49 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

master dissertation伦理审批申请表格-write dissertation申请表-Ethics Approval Application Form

Ethics Approval Application Form Department of Media and Communication

If you have answered ‘YES’ to any of the questions in the Research Ethics Review Checklist then you will need to describe more fully how you plan to deal with the ethical issues raised by your research. This does not mean that you cannot do the research, only that your proposal will need to be approved by the Research Ethics Committee.

1.  Please list below the questions you answered ‘YES’ to on the Research Ethics Review Checklist:

2.  Purpose and Design of the Proposed Research

(a) Briefly describe the basic purposes of the research proposed

(b) Outline the design of the project.
(If interviewing people or administering a survey/questionnaire, please attach either a list of the broad questions you propose to ask, or a copy of the questionnaire).

3.  Recruitment
      In the box below please provide information on the following points:

• how participants will be recruited for this project
• indicate how many participants are likely to be involved
• how initial contact will be made
• how participants will be invited to take part in this project. 
• Does the recruitment process raise any privacy issues, e.g. does the researcher plan to access personal information to identify potential participants without their knowledge or consent? 

A copy of any relevant correspondence should be attached to this application.

 4.  Personal identifiable data for medical/health research

Are you obtaining personal identifiable data specifically for medical/health research that is held by a government or private sector agency?

5.  Vulnerable participants

Will participants include students, children, the mentally ill or others in a dependent relationship?
If so, provide details:

6.  Payment

Will payment be made to any participants?
If so, give details of arrangements:

7.  Consent

Describe the consent issues involved in this proposal. Describe the procedures to be followed in obtaining the informed consent of participants and/or of others responsible. Attach any relevant documents such as a consent form, information sheet, letter of invitation etc.  If you do not propose to obtain written consent (e.g. if working with non-literate people) give a detailed explanation of the reasons for seeking oral consent, describe the procedure you intend to adopt, and specify the information to be provided to participants.  If you have answered ‘YES’ to Question 5 above please address any issues of consent and the possibility of coercion.#p#分页标题#e#

8. Protection of privacy (confidentiality)

Describe the confidentiality issues involving in this proposal. Give details of the measures that will be adopted to protect confidential information about participants, both in handling and storing raw research data and in any publications. Blanket guarantees of confidentiality are not helpful. If the term “confidential” is used in information provided to participants, a full description of what precisely confidentiality means in the context of this research should be given.

9. How the research might impact on participants
Describe and discuss any possible impact of the proposed research on the participants or their communities that you can foresee. This might include psychological, health, social, economic or political changes or ramifications. Discuss how you will try to minimise any impact.

10. Other ethical and any legal considerations
Comment on any other ethical considerations that are involved in this proposal, including any potential for legal difficulties to arise for participants.

11. Handling possible problems arising from the research
Describe the arrangements you have made to handle concerns and complaints by participants, or emergencies involving participants or researchers.




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