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在线决策辅助工具推荐代理——Recommendation Agent (RA)

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-01-10 23:31:53 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
Recommendation Agent (RA)
The capability of recommendation agent as Haubl and Trifts once stated:
“To allow consumers to efficiently screen the (potentially very large) sets of alternatives available in an online shopping environment” (Haubl and Trifts, 2000).
“为了让消费者能够有效地筛选集(可能非常大)的替代品,需要设置一定的网上购物环境”的(Haubl Trifts,2000年)。
Nowadays there is a trend to apply a recommendation agent in order to help consumers online shopping be more successful. If consumers effectively implement recommendation agents, then it can increase both customer loyalty and the overall sales volume.
A typical recommendation agent is used in response to the problem of information overload to the consumer (Haubl and Murray, 2003). http://www.ukassignment.org/uklunwen 

Thus, Recommendation agents are a kind of system that filters information for the user’s needs. They try to understand the consumers’ interests (Haubl and Murray, 2003). Furthermore and more important, their main function is to apply different methods of filtering the vast amount of information to fit in with the user’s needs and to reduce the cost of searching. According to Rensnick and Varian (1997) that recommendation agent was born to solve the problem of information overload. Nevertheless, a relationship between the one with the problem and the problem solver sometimes does not real exist in the electronic shopping environment. However, what we need to note is that a recommendation agent includes the process of filter information; the main point is to recommend proper information in order to attract users.

Thus, in this information age, recommendation agents are broadly applied on e-commerce, education, and organization knowledge management (Spiekermann, 2001). It provides a kind of mass customization that is rapidly growing throughout the World Wide Web. However this research focuses on the e-commerce area. For a website, a good choice of the correct intelligent tools can affect its survival, a useful product recommendation system is progressively known by online stores as a means to sell more products. On the other hand, websites that do not adapt the correct tools will see a poor purchase rate and experience less traffic as consumers are more likely to keep coming back to online stores that are adapting recommendation system (Castagnos et. al, 2009). For instance, Yahoo!, Alta Vista, and Amazon all use a recommendation tool to suggest relevant documents according to any keywords the customer has supplied or even from past purchases they have made. Furthermore, it is hard to estimate when consumers will visit the website, and it is also hard to hire employees to set up an employees’ working timetable. Thus, in order to advance a website’s efficiency and to reduce customers supply problems, Amazon applied a recommendation agent function aimed to marketing products or give customers purchase recommendation as well as to replace some of their workers. For instance, the sort of recommendations may include music, books, movies, or even restaurants according to other similar consumers’ tastes in terms of their likes and dislikes (Birukov et al., 2004).
To sum up, “A recommendation agent is a tool for screening alternatives” (Haubl and Murray, 2003).
因此,在这个信息时代,推荐剂被广泛的应用在电子商务,教育,组织知识管理(Spiekermann,2001年)。它提供了一种大规模定制的整个万维网正在迅速增长。不过,这项研究主要集中在电子商务领域。一个网站,一个不错的选择了正确的智能工具,可以影响其生存,一个有用的产品推荐系统逐渐被称为网上商店作为一种手段来销售更多的产品。另一方面,不太适应的正确的工具的网站,会看到一个贫穷的购买率,因为消费者更愿意继续回来自适应推荐系统(Castagnos等人,2009)的网上商店,经验少的流量。例如,雅虎(Yahoo!),Alta Vista的,和亚马逊都使用了推荐工具根据关键字的客户提供了他们从过去的购买,甚至建议相关文件。此外,还很难估计,当消费者访问的网站,也很难雇用员工设立一个员工的工作时间表。因此,为了推进一个网站的使用效率,减少客户的供应问题,亚马逊应用推荐代理的功能的目的是推销产品或为客户提供购买建议,以及更换一些的工人。例如,排序的建议可能包括音乐,书籍,电影,甚至是餐厅根据其他类似消费者的口味,他们的好恶(比鲁科夫等,2004)。

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