Table Of Contents
Components For marking:
The Relationship between quality and competitiveness
2. Cost of poor quality and its effect on competitiveness
The Cost Of Poor Quality
The Cost Of Good Quality
Quality Gurus
Six Sigma
Introduction 简介
The write up talks about the impact of quality in World War II and the effects it had on the United States and Japan. The US Companies focused on delivering the products on time, which means they were more concerned with the delivery dates instead of concentrating on quality. The Japanese companies at first were not very successful and the “Made in Japan” products had poor quality. Eventually, the Japanese realized the meaning of quality and understood how it is very essential to success, so they started learning more and more about quality in order to produce products with good quality and stay competitive in the market. In the end the Japanese companies, distinguished a reputation and a name as world leaders in the production of quality goods. It was the Japanese continuous effort for many years, which influenced the rest of the world to focus on quality and therefore, the western companies considered quality and realized that it was a key to compete in the global marketplace. Moreover, With the help of these considerations the total quality movement gained power and became well known.
Quality is an important term in management and it is “fitness for purpose”. Quality is about meeting the requirements and expectations of customers. Quality consists of good intent, functioning, reliable which means it can work properly be applied whenever the consumer needs it. Besides, when customers look for quality they expect it to be durable which means that the product should be useable as long as they need it without any failure or inaccuracy and most importantly the value for the product should always be appropriate and reasonable.
Competitiveness is when companies or nations compete against each other to offer products and services that satisfy quality standards and customer needs. Also, competitiveness is when two or more businesses compete for the same customer or market to gain profit.
The Relationship between quality and competitiveness
The relationship between quality and competitiveness is that the better the quality the more the competitiveness and more quality products for customers. Furthermore, the quality of a product or a service can affect the competition positively or negatively. The business must concentrate on creating quality products in order to bring more customers and stay ahead of their competitors and make more profit because if a business does not produce good products, the customers might consider not buying from them again .Also, a business must always take in consideration what type of products and services customers are looking for.
2. Cost of poor quality and its effect on competitiveness 质量低劣成本及其对竞争力的影响
The Cost Of Poor Quality
The cost of poor quality consists of internal and external costs. The internal failure costs are costs that occur when products or services does not meet the user requirements and are found before a product or service is delivered to the external customer. This means that the product did not satisfy the customer. Examples of internal failure include, rework, shortages, delays.
The external failure costs are costs caused by deficiencies occurring after the delivery of products and services to the external customer that can lead to dissatisfaction. Examples of external failure costs include, complaints; customers complaining about the products or services, repairing goods and reestablishing services, warranties.
The Cost Of Good Quality
The cost of good quality includes prevention costs and appraisal costs. Prevention costs are costs of all the activities that are intended to prevent poor quality from occurring in products or services. Examples of prevention cost may include quality planning, new product review, supplier evaluation, quality improvement team meetings and projects, quality training and education.
Appraisal costs are costs that are caused because of the need to manage products and services to assure a high quality level in all phases, conformance to quality principles and performance requirements. Examples of appraisal costs include checking and testing purchased goods and services, in process and final testing, product, process or services review. The cost of quality can affect the business because when a customer buys a product or service from a business, they look into the quality and if the quality is bad this will give the competitors an advantage over your business.
The cost of poor quality leads to a bad reputation in the business and therefore the business will not be able to produce goods and services and might not be profitable. Also, when a customer buys a product or service which has poor quality, they might not buy from the brand again and will not trust the brand name. For example, at first the Japanese attempt on quality was not successful and “Made In Japan” was synonymous with poor quality, as it was before World War II.
Quality Gurus
W. Edwards Deming was an author and a teacher to most of the successful businessmen. Corporations. He was described as a hero in Japan because he was responsible for inspiring and leading the rise of Japanese industry after World War II. Demings was widely recognized as the leading management of quality and has many useful sayings that are still used today. One of Demings’ sayings was “Adopt the new philosophy” in which he meant that the customers need and taste change every day and the competition in the market changes rapidly. In order to stay competitive and for the business to stay successful, we should adapt and accept new changes and ideas according to the market development and new technology innovation. Another useful saying of Demings was “Break down barriers between Staff areas” which meant that every employee in a business like Management, IT, Financial should work together in looking for problems and producing ways to solve them which will not only gain a business perform well but also there will be a better planning.
With the help of Demings Japanese manufacturers overcame a reputation for producing cheap, shabby products and developed a reputation as world leaders in the production of quality products.
PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. Plan; is to design or revise the business process by looking for information on what are the problems faced and also coming up with ways and ideas to solve these problems. Do is the implementation of the plan and measure the results which is helpful because you are able to make improvements and test them on a small scale. Check phase is verifying whether the changes have reached the desired destination. Act segment is “standardize” by taking action and here you can apply changes and check if the current plan is reliable in the business or if anything needs to be corrected. (Mittra 2013)
The PDCA benefits the business in many ways, thus it can be used as a tool to observe, ensure and preserve quality. By using the PDCA the organization can consider their procedures and check them by revisiting to ensure that their current process are going in accordance, which is very useful to find out if something went wrong in order to modify it. Furthermore, the PDCA cycle decreases the possibility of something that is not working to be neglected and helps in identifying issues that may occur. (Goessl2009)
Benchmarking is a measurement process where you learn and compare the productivity, cost and or quality of a specific process with another. Benchmarking is also studying and identifying the market by looking at what others have and what they do not have which will help the organization to improve its performance and in this way also the company becomes more innovative (APQC 1999). By doing benchmarking a company gains’ competitive advantage over other companies and benefits in many ways such as:#p#分页标题#e#
Helping organizations to determine what are their negative and positive characteristics compared to the competitor organization.
Finding out the spot in the organization which needs improvement which will assist your company in achieving its goals in advance.
Recognizing and identifying the best action for your business which means understanding what needs to be done and what does not be be done in order for your business to cut costs and stay ahead in the marketplace.
Identify the customer needs and requirements which will help in meeting customers and define new targets and goals.
Six Sigma
Six sigma is a philosophy developed by Motorola and it can be traced as a business improvement method that aims to identify and eliminate faults and errors in products and services. The main idea behind six sigma is that you measure how many defects and errors are there in a process so that you can figure out how to cut them down and produce a perfect product which satisfies the customer (Harris, 2013). In order to achieve six sigma, a company must not have more that 3.4 defects per million opportunities. Six Sigma can be used a problem solving method which any company can use properly to increase their profits. Six Sigma benefits a company in many ways, such as:
Improved customer loyalty - by applying six sigma the chances of having a dissatisfied customer will be reduced because the business will have a better idea on what the customer requires and therefore produce products that satisfy the customers.
Reduced cycle time, which means the system can offer group of experts a task of identifying what problems can occur and affect the project negatively and then find solutions to the problems.
Development of of staff skills- six sigma involves the employee in the development process and thus encourages participation and productivity in working with a team which also assists in building confidence among employees.
Time Management- Six Sigma allows an employee working in an organization to manage their time and help them be more efficient and effective. The employees can do so create a plan which will help be more productive and effective in the business.
Conclusion 结论
In conclusion, this write up highlights the importance of quality and the effects it had on Japan and United States. Also, the cost of having poor quality and what are the consequences it has on competitiveness. Furthermore, recognizing quality gurus and how Edward Deming philosophies contributed not only to the rise of Japanese industries but also all over the world. Understanding PDCA, Benchmarking, Six Sigma and how these concepts help in establishing the strengths and weakness of an organization to minimize problems and deliver projects on time.