留学生作业大全——电子商务与法律专业课程作业,本文相比较与其他留学生作业在写作要求和格式上都有很大差异,大部分留学生作业都要求列出reference,但是这篇课程作业更加倾向于应用方面,关于网络犯罪以及许多其他类型的犯罪都采取电子证据的形式。 电子证据不稳定,可能存储在多个司法管辖区。讨论建议采用哪些程序,以便LEA收集电子证据。需写一份简短描述程序的两页说明。这一类的留学生作业一般没有字数要求,字体采用Times New Roman中使用12磅字号并以pdf格式提交。
1.0 Collection of electronic evidence from computers 从计算机收集电子证据
There are several ways to professionally obtain evidence from computers. First is deciphering. It is by using certain technical means to decrypt encrypted information to obtain and understand the information as electronic evidence. Second is testing. In the process of collecting electronic evidence, if it involves problems related to the design or use of software, professional should use pre-produced test files to test specific software on-site. The fundamental purpose of this test is to verify the correctness, completeness and security of the software. Third is recovery. It needs to use electronic data recovery technology to rescue and recover the lost electronic data in hard disk, server hard disk and floppy disk, mobile hard disk, USB or storable optical storage device. Fourth is interception. Electromagnetic leakage may also occur during the use of computer systems, and these leaked electromagnetic signals may contain some important information, so the relevant electronic data may also be intercepted by certain technical means.
2.0 Collection of electronic evidence on the Internet 在互联网上收集电子证据
Since the network log is the most direct evidence for recording the change of network information, when the network suffers from abnormal intrusion, the network log must first be checked and saved. The collection of such evidence needs to be started in detail from the system log, application log and security log of the computer operating system.
Considering collection of Email evidence, because the messages in the inbox are read-only files, the recipients cannot be modified, so they can more realistically reflect the relevant communication content. When a specific e-mail is displayed on a system-good computer, it can be fixed by printing or copying; at the same time, the content of the e-mail can be directly displayed in a court through the computer system.
In terms of collection of electronic chat records, the core content when collecting electronic chat evidence is the chat record itself, which can be provided by the network service provider; if the network service provider does not save it, it can be retrieved from the computer system used by the participant, by printing or copying to make it fixed. In addition, in order to ensure the integrity and authenticity of chat records, it is necessary to collect personal information evidence and system environmental evidence.
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3.0 Collection of electronic evidence of communication 收集通信电子证据
For call record, the parties can generally obtain from the telecom operator smoothly with their perfect instrument; the collection of the call content is obtained through recording. The recording must first identify the identity information of the parties, such as name, occupation, etc., only the identity of the subject is first determined, can the recording prove the facts of the existence of both sides.
What’s more, the recording time should be reflected in the call process, although it is not necessary to be expressed very clearly, but at least according to the recording content, it can clarify the sequence of events. Again, the original recording should not be moved, copied or deleted. At the same time, the recorder should organize the recordings into written materials and submit them together when submitting the recordings to the judiciary.
Three points should be paid attention to the collection of message evidence. First, the content of message must be the expression of the thought content related to the behavior of the information subject; second, it can clearly know or ascertain the true identity of the mobile phone user or the sender of the message. Third, when collecting message evidence, the forensic should collect the message together with the electronic information device (mobile phone) or electronic information medium (mobile phone card).