Introduction 简介 As almost everyone in the world has dealt with some type of banking, whether it be used a safe place that handles cash, credit, and other financial transactions, a place to store excess cash, a place that allows consumers to borrow money for products, homes, cars, and/or helps businesses grow by providing funds to start someone’s dream. Banking has been noted as being one of the key drivers in the US economy today as banking provides the liquidity needed for families and businesses to invest for the future (Amadeo, 2018) The Banking Regulation Act of 1949 defined banking as “the purpose of lending and investment, deposits of money from the public repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawable by check, draft or noted as otherwise”. The legal dictionary defined banking as “the business of receiving deposits from the public or via the financial markets, with the object of on-lending at a higher rate of interest”. Regardless of what banking is defined as, banks have many duties to the customer, which include keeping their money safe, cash checks, deposit and withdraw money as well as maintain confidentiality. History 历史 Banking like technology has been an ever-changing industry. In today’s banking market, banks offer a much wider range of services and products that they have ever before, and at an alarming faster rate as well but as mentioned on Fact Monster.com, banking has never lost its true purpose which is to put people and communities first by helping families surplus funds, lending money to help people buy necessities, put children through college and countless other purposes. For almost everyone in the world, banking is vital to their lives and a first choice when wanting to save, borrow and/or invest (Factmonster.com, 2017). 类似银行业的技术一直是一个不断变化的行业。在今天的银行市场上,银行提供了前所未有的更广泛的服务和产品,并且以惊人的速度增长,但事实上也是如此。银行业从未失去其真正的宗旨,即通过帮助家庭剩余资金、贷款帮助人们购买必需品、让孩子上大学和无数其他用途,把人和社区放在首位。对于世界上几乎所有人来说,银行业对他们的生活至关重要,是他们储蓄、借贷和/或投资的首选。 When looking at the history of banks, the first banks became available in 1791. In most states, bank organizers needed special permission from the state government to open and operate while also being supervised by the Bank of the United States, which was created in 1816 until 1832 (Factmonster.com, 2017). Back in the 1800s, bankers had to be cautious about who they lent and for how long since money than was scarce, and they needed to make sure they had enough for unexpected times, at that time, thirty to sixty-day loans were the norm. Soon after the Bank of the United States went out of business in 1832, state governments took over the job of being the banks’ supervisors, yet they proved not to be good ones. During that time, banks made loans using their own money and notes were being used in exchange for gold or silver. State governments were supposed to make sure that the notes equaled up to the cash on hand, but many times that was not the case and the commerce suffered, and banks began to fail. In 1863, the National Currency Act was put in place and President Lincoln signed into law the National Bank Act. The national bank act created a new system of banks that were to be controlled by a Comptroller of the Currency. When looking at the history of banks coming into the 1900s, it is stated that the new laws that were put in place worked well and no national bank lost its money due to the supervision of US government securities but then in 1930s, the banking crisis began due to the worldwide depression. In 1931, more than 1,000 U.S. banks failed due to defaulted loans and deflation of value on assets. When President Roosevelt was put in office, he made the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) examine all banks to see if they were able to stay open and serve customers with the currency that had. In 1933, the FDIC was put in place and accounts were protected up to 2,500 per depositor as well as other laws passed that regulated bank activities and allowed customers to have the relief that their money and assets were safe and sound. 回顾银行的历史,第一批银行出现在1791年。在大多数州,银行组织者需要获得州政府的特别许可才能开业和运营,同时还需要接受1816年至1832年成立的美国银行的监督。早在19世纪,由于资金短缺,银行家们不得不对借出的人和借出的时间保持谨慎,他们需要确保自己有足够的资金应付意外的时刻,当时,30到60天的贷款是正常的。1832年美国银行倒闭后不久,州政府接管了银行监管机构的工作,但事实证明,这些监管机构并不好。在那段时间里,银行用自己的钱发放贷款,纸币被用来交换黄金或白银。州政府本应确保票据与手头现金持平,但很多时候情况并非如此,商业受到影响,银行开始倒闭。1863年,《国家货币法》出台,林肯总统签署了《国家银行法》。《国家银行法》创建了一个新的银行体系,由货币主计长控制。回顾银行进入20世纪的历史,有人指出,实施的新法律运作良好,没有一家国家银行因美国政府证券的监管而亏损,但在20世纪30年代,由于全球经济萧条,银行危机开始了。1931年,由于贷款违约和资产价值缩水,1000多家美国银行倒闭。当罗斯福总统上任时,他让货币监理署(OCC)检查所有银行,看看它们是否能够保持营业,并用已发行的货币为客户服务。1933年,联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)成立,每个储户的账户受保护高达2500个,并通过了其他法律来监管银行活动,允许客户放心,他们的资金和资产是安全可靠的。 Looking at banking today and back to the 1980s, technology has overtaken the whole banking industry. We have been able to enjoy the luxuries of telephone banking, debit and credit cards, ATMs and electronic banking. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency now uses technology to ensure that banks are being operated as they are supposed to be and has the control that is needed within today’s economy, which has caused the banking industry to double from 1980 to 2000. The profitability of banks grew even faster and represented 30% of all profits in 2007, which was a huge growth from it being only 13% in the late 1970s (Amadeo, 2018). 回顾今天的银行业,回到20世纪80年代,技术已经超越了整个银行业。我们已经能够享受电话银行、借记卡和信用卡、自动柜员机和电子银行的奢侈。货币主计长办公室现在使用技术确保银行按预期运作,并拥有当今经济所需的控制权,这导致银行业从1980年到2000年翻了一番。银行的盈利能力增长更快,占2007年全部利润的30%,这是一个巨大的增长,而在20世纪70年代末只有13%。 Corporate stakeholders and respond to their issues 公司利益相关者并回应他们的问题 Within the banking industry, there are several different stakeholders. Those include customers, depositors, regulators, investors, taxpayers, politicians and the directors and staff of banks. As all stakeholders hold the interest of a properly functioning banking system, none of the stakeholders work alone. Although the power among stakeholders varies by group, the power of shareholders, directors, and staff have weakened while the one who is considered depositors have a privileged position among the stakeholders (Dunbar and Clunie, 2013). Within the banking industry, each stakeholder has the potential to fight and ask for a change if they feel as if that the power between stakeholders is unfair or deemed improper. Ultimately though, a balance between all stakeholders is what is required and will include an acceptable regulatory, political and social environment for funders, bond investors and equity investors alike (Dunbar and Clunie, 2013). Stakeholders have begun to respond to issues that affect them and the banks they are apart of by participating in a CSR, which is a corporate social responsibility. In a Webranking survey, it states that participants that are in a capital-market who expect banks to involve their stakeholders to participate in a corporate social responsibility process to help them better understand the important role that stakeholders have in today’s business. The capital markets then decided which CSR targets are set and achieved and then how developments will be reported. Stakeholders also respond to issues by having engagement, both internally and externally. Stakeholders are aware that in order to gain and maintain trust and continuing to manage reputational risk by engaging key members in a business to see what is important to them (Osburne, 2016). 在银行业内部,有几个不同的利益相关者。这些人包括客户、储户、监管机构、投资者、纳税人、政客以及银行的董事和员工。由于所有利益相关者都关心正常运作的银行系统,因此没有一个利益相关者独自工作。虽然利益相关者之间的权力因群体而异,但股东、董事和员工的权力有所削弱,而被视为储户的人在利益相关者中享有特权地位。在银行业内部,如果每个利益相关者觉得利益相关者之间的权力不公平或被认为不适当,他们都有可能进行斗争并要求改变。但最终,所有利益相关者之间的平衡是必要的,并将包括为出资人、债券投资者和股票投资者提供可接受的监管、政治和社会环境。利益相关者已经开始通过参与企业社会责任(CSR)来应对影响他们和他们所在的银行的问题,这是一种企业社会责任。在一项网络排名调查中,它指出,资本市场中的参与者希望银行让其利益相关者参与企业社会责任过程,以帮助他们更好地了解利益相关者在当今业务中的重要作用。然后,资本市场决定设定并实现哪些企业社会责任目标,以及如何报告发展情况。利益相关者还通过内部和外部参与来应对问题。利益相关者意识到,为了获得和维持信任,并通过让企业中的关键成员了解什么对他们来说是重要的,从而继续管理声誉风险。 The role of the industry in its social, economic, and political setting 行业在其社会、经济和政治环境中的作用 Banks play important roles in a social, economic and political setting within our society. As banks roles include assisting customers with finances, investments, assets management as well as supporting economic development and international trade with the contribution to overall financial security. By banks having expert knowledge to help those in the community, they create a value for customers that encourage customer loyalty and long-term shareholder values (SEB, 2018) As banks provide services that people want and need, as it could be impossible to live without, banks are fundamentally socially, economically and politically institutions (Booth, 2011) 银行在社会、经济和政治环境中发挥着重要作用。银行的职责包括协助客户进行金融、投资、资产管理,以及支持经济发展和国际贸易,为整体金融安全做出贡献。银行拥有专业知识来帮助社区中的人,从而为客户创造价值,鼓励客户忠诚度和长期股东价值,因为银行提供人们想要和需要的服务,没有这些服务就无法生存,银行从根本上说是社会、经济和政治机构。 Domestic and international ethics 国内和国际伦理 When talking about ethical banking, it is important to know that it encompasses all banking systems that embraces environmentally and socially conscious practices. When banking looks at banking ethically, they look at how they can earn a profit but in a way that is ethical and consistent with their own practices (Financial Bank) US Bank states that their commitment to the highest ethical standards is what makes their banking possible. As they follow a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, they are proven to be a bank that everyone can trust. As the Code of Ethics mandates that all banks act with integrity, speak when there is a concern all while protecting your reputation and brand while also mitigating risks and strengthens within the ethical culture of the bank (US Bank). As international banking is now becoming the backbone of any economy and plays a very vital role with the development of a financial system of any country, a code of ethics within the international market needs to be set forth. International banking activities have increased rapidly due to the increase of international trading and foreign direct investments, therefore the need for domestic and international ethics is at an all-time high. Banking has become more globalized which then leads to advances in communications and technology among the international market and working with many people within many banking aspects (Shodhganga, 2018) 当谈到道德银行时,重要的是要知道它涵盖了所有包含环境和社会意识实践的银行系统。当银行业从道德角度看待银行业时,他们关注的是如何赚取利润,但以符合道德且符合自身实践的方式(金融银行)美国银行表示,他们对最高道德标准的承诺是使其银行业成为可能的原因。由于他们遵循道德规范和商业行为,他们被证明是一家人人都可以信任的银行。由于《道德准则》要求所有银行诚信行事,因此在出现问题时发言,同时保护您的声誉和品牌,同时降低风险,加强银行(美国银行)的道德文化。由于国际银行业正在成为任何经济体的支柱,并在任何国家金融体系的发展中发挥着至关重要的作用,因此需要在国际市场中制定一套道德规范。由于国际贸易和外国直接投资的增加,国际银行活动迅速增加,因此对国内和国际道德的需求空前高涨。银行业变得更加全球化,这导致了国际市场之间通信和技术的进步,并在许多银行方面与许多人合作。 Ecological and natural resources 生态和自然资源 The World Bank, a component of the World Bank Group, is an international financial institution that provides money to countries for a capital project. The World Bank consists of two institutions: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as the International Development Association (World Bank). As the World Bank is committed to helping the environment and national resources, they strive to ensure that the conservation and sustainable use of the environment leads to a supportable growth and ultimately helps lift people out of poverty for good. One strategy that the World Bank articulates is a vision for a “Green, Clean, and Resilient World for All” and has put a ton of effort into supporting productive and thriving landscapes that will cultivate growth, improve livelihoods and sustain life (The World Bank). As environmental issues such as pollution, erosion, and deforestation affect the world, the poorest communities are the ones who will suffer the most as they are impacted the most by the changes and destruction within the environment and has very little resources to help them to adapt. The World Bank makes the commitment to address environmental degradation and help ensure environmental sustainability to help not only improve the environment but as well as reduce poverty and help improve the lives of many. The World Bank Group’s Environment and Natural Resource Group helps provide the expertise, technical assistance and financing to help the countries that are hit with poverty in hopes to manage their land, sea and freshwater natural resources in a way that will create jobs, improve livelihood, enhance the ecosystem; such as carbon sequestration, pollination or water regulation as well as decrease pollution while also increase the resilience to climate change in all hopes to create a safe, clean and thriving community for all (World Bank Group.org) 世界银行是世界银行集团的一个组成部分,是一家国际金融机构,为各国的资本项目提供资金。世界银行由两个机构组成:国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会(世界银行)。由于世界银行致力于帮助环境和国家资源,它们努力确保环境的保护和可持续利用带来可支持的增长,并最终帮助人们永远摆脱贫困。世界银行阐述的一项战略是“人人共享的绿色、清洁和有弹性的世界”的愿景,并已投入大量精力支持生产和繁荣的景观,以促进增长、改善生计和维持生活(世界银行)。由于污染、侵蚀和毁林等环境问题影响着世界,最贫穷的社区将受到最大的影响,因为他们受环境变化和破坏的影响最大,并且几乎没有资源帮助他们适应。世界银行承诺解决环境退化问题,帮助确保环境可持续性,以帮助不仅改善环境,而且减少贫困,帮助改善许多人的生活。世界银行集团的环境和自然资源小组帮助提供专门知识、技术援助和资金,帮助受贫困影响的国家,以期以创造就业机会、改善生计、改善生态系统的方式管理其土地、海洋和淡水自然资源;例如碳封存、授粉或水调节,以及减少污染,同时提高对气候变化的适应能力,希望为所有人创造一个安全、清洁和繁荣的社区(世界银行集团) Social Issues 社会问题 Social issues are fought by social banking which focuses on satisfying the needs of the economy and society, while also considering one’s social, cultural, ecological and economic sustainability. According to the Institute for Social Banking, social banking is described as the provision of banking and financial services that consequently purses as a bank’s main objectives which in return will turn into a positive contribution to the potential of all human beings to develop in the present as well as in the future (Institute for Social Banking) Social Banks are defined by Benedikter by being a “bank with a conscience”. Social bank focus on investing in the community, provide help to those who are in need of help as well as support social, environmental and ethical agendas (Benedikter, 2011) Social banks try to close the gap in social issues that are focused around social issues within the banking industry and try to help by investing their money in endeavors that only promote the greater good of the society instead of for-profit, social banks’ main focus is on promoting human and environmental well-being and lend money for those projects for a purpose (Benedikter, 2011). As research shows that since the 1990 banks were not interested in their own environmental situations or that of clients and we seeing changes in the field of the financial sectors such as environmental investments, loans, green banking, global banking, and social and ethical banking, social issues began to arise. As the economic . 社会问题由社会银行解决,社会银行的重点是满足经济和社会的需求,同时考虑个人的社会、文化、生态和经济可持续性。据社会银行研究所称,社会银行被描述为提供银行和金融服务,从而将其作为银行的主要目标,反过来,这将成为对所有人在当前和未来发展潜力的积极贡献(社会银行研究所)。Benedikter将社会银行定义为“有良知的银行”。社会银行专注于社区投资,为需要帮助的人提供帮助,并提供社会支持,环境和道德议程社会银行试图弥合社会问题上的差距,这些社会问题集中在银行业内部的社会问题上,并试图通过将资金投资于只促进社会更大利益而非营利的努力来提供帮助,社会银行的主要重点是促进人类和环境福祉,并有目的地为这些项目提供贷款。研究表明,自1990年以来,银行对其自身的环境状况或客户的环境状况不感兴趣,我们看到金融领域的变化,如环境投资、贷款、绿色银行、全球银行以及社会和道德银行,社会问题开始出现。作为经济。 Empirical research since 1990 concluded that banks were not interested in their own environmental situation or that of their clients. We are witnessing certain changes and growing awareness in the field of financial sector like; environmental investment funds, loans, green banking, global banking, rural banking, agribanking, social banking, and ethical banking. The recent economic crisis caused millions of job losses. It will take years to get momentum back by major economies. As a result of this global crisis, social banking and social finance have become important trends among bank customers in the US and Europe. The crisis transformed social banks from niche institutions to large, publicly visible players. This is due to the growing level of awareness among a number of bank customers in Europe about social banking which is a less speculative, more responsible, ethical, and community-oriented. It is the modest way to deal with money than traditional banking. 自1990年以来的实证研究得出结论,银行对自己或客户的环境状况不感兴趣。我们正在见证金融领域的某些变化和日益增长的意识,例如;环境投资基金、贷款、绿色银行、全球银行、农村银行、农业银行、社会银行和道德银行。最近的经济危机造成数百万人失业。主要经济体需要几年才能恢复势头。由于这场全球危机,社会银行和社会金融已成为美国和欧洲银行客户的重要趋势。这场危机将社会银行从利基机构转变为大型、公开的参与者。这是因为欧洲许多银行客户对社交银行的认识不断提高,社交银行是一种投机性更少、更负责任、更道德和更面向社区的银行。与传统银行相比,这是一种适度的理财方式。 Rating of the industry’s overall social responsiveness and its accomplishments in this area 行业整体社会反应能力及其在该领域的成就评级 Social responsiveness refers to how businesses and their stakeholders interact with and manage their environments. The social responsiveness of a corporate accentuates the moral obligation that the said business has to society and is viewed on a mean-send continuum that can be shaped by public expectations of the responsibilities of an industry. My rating of the banking industry’s overall social responsiveness responsibilities. Generally speaking, these responsibilities are implied by the terms of the social contract, which legitimizes business as an institution with the expectation that it serve the greater good by generating commerce while adhering to society’s laws and ethical norms. From this perspective, corporations are in a dynamic relationship with society of which responsiveness is key.business as an institution with the expectation that it provides a service whilst adhering to society’s laws and ethical norms. From this perspective, businesses are in a dynamic relationship with society of which responsiveness is a key aspect. 社会响应性是指企业及其利益相关者如何与环境互动和管理环境。企业的社会响应性强调了上述企业对社会的道德义务,并被视为一个中庸的连续统,该连续统可以由公众对行业责任的期望形成。我对银行业整体社会责任的评级。一般来说,这些责任是由社会契约的条款隐含的,社会契约使企业作为一个机构合法化,期望它通过创造商业,同时遵守社会法律和道德规范,为更大的利益服务。从这个角度来看,企业与社会之间存在着动态关系,其中反应能力是关键。企业作为一个机构,期望在遵守社会法律和道德规范的同时提供服务。从这个角度来看,企业与社会的关系是动态的,其中反应能力是一个关键方面。 Conclusion 结论 Saint Leo University’s core value definition of Respect is: “Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals’ unique talents, respect their dignity, and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community’s strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas, and on learning, living, and working harmoniously” (Saint Leo University, n.d.). Employers should value all individuals and their talents while also fostering their needs in their new roles as a career woman or dual career partner. References 参考文献 Amadeo, K. (2018) Banking and How It Works-Can You Imagine a World Without Banks? Booth, P. (2011) The social role of banks is banking FactMonster.com (2018) A Brief History of US Banking Financial Web (ND) What is Ethical Banking? Osborne, J. (2016) Banks, and Sustainability: Why Addressing Stakeholders’ Issues Is Key for Trust SEB (2018) Our role in society US Bank (2018) Code of Ethics and Business Conduct World Bank Group (2018) Environment and Natural Resources The World Bank (2018) Who we are 留学生作业在最后总结圣里奥大学对尊重的核心价值定义是:“我们本着耶稣基督的精神,珍视所有人的独特才能,尊重他们的尊严,努力培养他们在工作中追求卓越的承诺。我们社区的力量取决于我们人民的团结和多样性,取决于思想的自由交流,取决于学习、生活和和谐工作。”。雇主应该重视所有个人及其才能,同时培养他们作为职业女性或双重职业伙伴的新角色的需求。本站提供各国各专业留学生作业写作指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。