Description: Email has become the burden of company operation, many employees received more than 200 emails a day, the company communication dependence on E-mail become increasingly, too many emails not only improve the employees’ working efficiency, which distracting from their performance but causing poor morale, for a company's operations, this is unbearable.
Key words: communication problem; analysis; solution
I. Key communications problem关键通信问题
1.1 Communication obstacles 沟通障碍
The organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims Deal(1982)and Kennedy (2000). It is a way of operation, which directly or indirectly influence communication. The middle management teams increase accompanies with organization scale up, directly impacts the quality and speed of information transmission.
The organizational structure unreasonably setting influences the effectiveness of communication, for example, plodding organization, chaotic management, can cause communication barrier.
Corporate culture is another factor to influence communication. Schein (1992), Deal and Kennedy (2000) and Kotter (1992) advanced the idea that organizations often have very differing cultures as well as subcultures. Some large organizations normally have different subcultures since employees are working in different business units. Employees get used to formal communication ways, E-mails, to keep work records. It is an official supporting to apply to internal team work or cross department work.
1.2 Obsolete communication method 过时的沟通方式
At present, most of the internal communication in enterprise is still confined to the traditional communication methods of instructions, reports and meetings. This “one-way communication” (Refer to Figure 1) cannot play an important role in communication.
In Top-down communication, it allows leaders to be clear on direction and expectations. But it can just as easily be viewed as bossy or dictatorial. This will make employees to feel the leaders as an autocratic leadership, thus they will grow resentful and challenge their unilateral decisions. There is no feedback channel even their decision is not the correct direction or may be seen as lacking creativity.
In the bottom-up communication, it allows all employees to engage in the decision-making. But this engagement in such communication process also can make both leader and employee feel confusion. Leaders may have a difficult time to find an effective way or plan to reach the goals as there are too many inputs and unproven ideas being highlighted. The employees may easily be divided from the teams. In this communication environment, it may cause low efficiency and high cost for communication and business.
1.3 Lack of management skills
From the current situation, it is easy to see that the whole management team lacks communication skills, and a large number of people use more than 200 mails per day. The use of mail has great limitations. Without certain communication skills, spending a lot of time on email will reduce communication efficiency and make every employee feel upset.
Email is a more formal way of communication. It creates a feeling that you don't trust each other. People often use email at highlight or lowlight something. Using email to communicate is easy to convey negative emotions. The results of this experiment showed a tendency for unpleasant emotions such as anger and anxiety to increase when emotional cues transmitted are low (i.e., the Low group).This single communication method makes every employee more receptive to negative emotions and leads to the morale of the organization at present.
The last but not least,writing and reading mail takes a lot of time, so it's easy to distract the attention of employees. Using e-mail to communicate requires both sides to have good reading comprehension and writing ability. But according to the adjustment, many people lack this skill. In a Pay Scale and Future Workplace survey of hiring managers in early 2016, 60 percent reported that recent graduates lacked critical thinking skills and 44 percent lacked writing proficiency. It is obvious that most of the employees lack this ability, which increases the difficulty of coding and decoding in the process of information transmission and reduces communication efficiency.
II. Countermeasure of enterprise communication issue
2.1 Improve manger’s capability
Enterprise managers should have knowledge of the iceberg theory of leadership. There are three levels of leadership visible behavior, conscious thought and semi-conscious or preconscious basis. A manager can be considered as a wise leader when they are able to reach the third level. Only when manager know the realrequirements of employees, they could manage the smoothest relation with employees. The managers should have knowledge of mallows theory. With employees’ sending feedback, manager should be able to distinguish which level their staffs are facing. For example in fourth level money isn’t what employees’ requirements (FatehAhmad, 2015). To establish a stable and harmonious relation, managers have to understand subordinates comprehensively.
(Hogoundele, 2014)
2.2 Improve Communication Channel
2.2.1 Encourage Two-way Communication
In general enterprise communication, the information always transfers from high level to low level and ignore two-way communication. This situation will cause the enterprise manager couldn’t understand the requirements of employees. So to establish a good upward communication channel is very important. They could promote open enterprise culture to support upward communication way and encourage employee to reflect the situation to high level by normal channel.
The enterprise manager also could set up consultancy service department and internal satisfaction survey to promote two-way communication. These ways could encourage employee to offer constructive suggestions for the internal management, technical improvement and enterprise culture development.
2.2.2 Encourage cross-department & cross-level communication
The enterprise manager should promote fairly cross department and cross-level communication mode, and allow employees reporting to higher level to solve the complex problem, which the direct supervisor couldn’t solve. Meanwhile, to establish open communication environment which each employees can offer reasonable suggestion by email or report to department manager or high level.
2.3 Positive informal communication
Informal communication has some drawbacks like indiscipline, non-reliability, rumors. ButInformal communication at work has been linked with a number of important individual and organizational outcomes. Its networks help make up for weaknesses in formal communication (Poole, 2002), and improve decision making and encourage innovation (Albrecht and Hall, 1991).
The company can design their offices in such a way that the employees get the relax places for interaction and communication freely, and hold some activities in coffee corner, pantry and open areas for employees relax and innovation. All these activities will help employees being connected and develop the trust and confidence from each other.
III. Conclusion
In fact, in the process of enterprise management, enterprises should pay more attention to communication management, only strengthen communication consciousness, establish a good communication atmosphere, and make employees to effectively participate in the management of incentive policy, so as to improve the quality of the staffs working efficiency and the enterprise operation. #p#分页标题#e#
Work in enterprise management, the working system is stationary, and effective communication method is flexible, this needs us further improve communication methods, improve communication effect, and promote enterprise's survival and development.
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