BB公司中国县级医院市场拓展战略研究 摘 要 近年来,国家针对医疗卫生事业进行了改革,面对新的环境,新的医疗政策重点对医疗器械行业的价格波动大、进入市场的条件和标准不规范等问题进行了重点要求,并纳入到监管范围中。面对新的医改政策,医疗器械企业将会针对准入门槛制定新的价格策略,以保证能够有效与医院机构进行合作,同时在政府采购方面,医疗器械公司也会作出新的调整,从而实现与政府的深度合作。就大部分的外资医疗器械公司来说,面对中国医改政策的变化,既要顾及其母公司的中国的运营稳定,又要针对中国政策的变化而做出对华市场战略的改善,才能够做到与中国市场的匹配。 本文重点研究BB外资医疗器械公司,通过从企业当前所处的外部环境以及企业管理方面的内部环境加上企业在市场上的竞争地位等方面入手,分析外资企业当前的优劣势及挑战和机遇情况。通过整理得出,外资医疗器械公司随着国家政策的调整,自身内部也做了改革,而且符合当前经济、社会发展情况,未来的市场优势明显,尤其是二三线市场将会进一步扩大,由于产品质量较高,符合国家质量提升的标准,碾压了众多竞争对手,同时也会面临着许多挑战,比如准入门槛不断提高、市场优质企业数量逐渐增加、政府的带量采购对价格的管控等。就外资医疗器械BB公司来说,通过对该公司当前的营销管理、人才和技术管理等方面进行研究,找出公司在内部管理上的优势和不足,然后结合该公司对中国政策的分析现状做出的发展规划,帮助其制定出有利于公司未来发展的营销策略。 关键字:医疗器械,县级市场策略,市场营销,竞争战略 Abstract Under the new medical reform environment, the increasingly strict medical policy is also in-depth supervision on the problems such as insufficient centralized procurement, imperfect price mechanism and unclear market access standards in the field of medical devices. Medical device companies will face strong market rectification plans such as the threshold of policy access, standardized access price control and the implementation of bidding and procurement mechanism. For foreign medical device companies, they should not only operate the Chinese market according to the strategic needs of the parent company, but also make timely strategic adjustments in China according to the characteristics of the Chinese medical market, so as to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges. The research object of this study is BB company, a foreign-funded medical device company with industry influence. Combined with the analysis of the external macro environment of BB company's development in China, the internal environment of the medical industry and the enterprise's own competitiveness, this paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of foreign-funded enterprises in the new environment. On the basis of relevant medical industry policies, economic and social research, it is concluded that foreign medical device companies will usher in opportunities such as increased market demand, increased policy support in second and third tier cities and strengthened industry quality supervision. They will also face challenges such as increasingly strict market access policies, the impact of the two invoice system on the circulation channels of medical devices, DRG and the reduction of bidding purchase price. Taking the medical device sales giant BB company as an example, by studying the current marketing ability, talent management ability and technological innovation ability of BB company, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of BB company in today's new medical environment. BB company combines the interpretation of China's medical policies with the company's development goals to formulate a development strategy that can achieve profitable growth for the company in China. Key words: medical devices, county-level market development, marketing, competitive strategy 第1章 绪论 1.1 研究背景和意义 1.1.1 BB公司基本情况 1.1.2 中国县级医院情况 1.1.3 研究意义 1.2 研究内容、思路与方法 1.2.1 研究内容 1.2.2 研究思路 1.2.3 研究方法 第2章 BB公司外部环境分析 2.1 外部宏观环境分析 2.1.1 政治环境 2.1.2 经济环境 2.1.3 社会文化环境 2.1.4 技术环境 2.2 行业竞争结构分析 2.2.1 竞争对手分析 2.2.2 潜在进入者竞争 2.2.3 供应商议价能力 2.2.4 客户议价能力 2.2.5 替代品竞争 2.3县级医院市场需求分析 2.3.1 县级医疗机构情况 2.3.2县级医院市场需求情况 2.3.3 县级医疗机构采购特点 第3章 BB公司内部环境分析 3.1 公司主营业务概况 3.2 公司内部资源分析 3.2.1人力资源分析 3.2.2 财务状况分析 3.2.3 经销体系分析 3.2.4 数字化继续教育平台 第4章 BB公司SWOT分析及市场拓展战略的选择 4.1 BB公司SWOT分析 4.1.1 BB公司优势分析 4.1.2 BB公司劣势分析 4.1.3 BB公司机遇分析 4.1.4 BB公司挑战分析 4.1.5 BB公司备选方案 4.2 BB公司市场拓展战略选择的依据和战略目标 4.2.1 选择依据 4.2.2 市场战略目标 4.2.3 市场拓展战略的选择 4.3 市场拓展的战略计划 4.4 市场拓展的战略任务 第5章 BB公司市场拓展战略的实施保障 5.1 市场拓展制度保障 5.2 人才战略保障措施 5.3 财务资金与成本控制保障 6结论与展望 中国有1.5万家的县级医院,应该选择其中比较有价值的医院,比如近1000家能做PCI手术的医院,1000家能做神经外科的医院为目标,在此基础上做重点推进。这两个领域也是贝朗的强势领域和市场快速发展的领域。 |