The business and financial performance of China Unicom Company over a three year period 1. Introduction ![]() 1.2. The industry analysis of China Unicom However, the beginning of the establishment of China Unicom seems to be decided on the fate of his future course of development which is not smooth. Because The State Council gives China Unicom public network to the franchise rights illustrated in No. 178 article of the State Council (1993) Such a limited business: “to transform, and perfect the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of the private network, under the premise of guarantee the railway, electricity demand the surplus capacity will provide long distance services to the community; If a public City Network coverage can not reach or if the city common is seriously shortage of capacity, so the city can conduct business.” It is the light of the above wording, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications finds that the construction of telecommunications networks of China Unicom is not the second public network, but private network in the cities. Unicom's "long distance" services are restricted within "surplus capacity", and “the city service business” can only conducted when common network can not cover or "serious shortage of capacity". Therefore, as an industry manager, the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has dual roles to interpret these documents not only the power but also with authority to approve China Unicom’s business ( In the beginning, China Unicom has faced a lot of obstructs from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. Major are reflected in the following aspects: ![]()
This is a large-scale enterprise which rises to the monopolistic behavior of charge ministry, and the government supervises the sector, the establishment of China Unicom although enabled people to see the hope to break monopoly of the telecommunications industry. It has failed to shake the huge body, and one can imagine the effect. In fact it has been made pitiful progress (by the end of 1998, China Unicom only occupies 1% of all telecom operators market share, 5% of mobile communications services), local, long-distance markets have been closed to it ( Unicom entering the telecommunications sector breaks the exclusive monopoly of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, but China's telecommunications market’s duopoly is not asymmetry. First, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications in the telecommunications business absolutely occupies the dominant position; second, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications are both the operator and the manager, both athlete and rules-maker or referee. In other words, a small, new oligarch company must accept the management of another larger and monopolistic oligarchy "Enterprise", such a situation is impossible to guarantee fair competition. It should be noted that, in form, before Unicom entering the telecommunications industry, there is only one to operate telecommunications, which is China Telecommunications Bureau, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is only charge of it ( But in fact, China's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is the owner of China Telecommunication Bureau, directly managing its funding and personnel, and, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and China Telecommunications Bureau interplay in terms of functions and institutions, so it is a system related with the government. In fact, even the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications itself does not dare say it separates from the government.#p#分页标题#e# 2. Methodology and information gathering ![]()
The research requires collecting both secondary and primary data. Malhotra & Birks (2006) indicate that primary data is originates by the researcher specifically to address the research problem. The secondary data which is collected for some purpose is an essential component of a successful research design. Secondary data can help to ensure reliability of the research and laying foundation to the primary research. This research includes primary and secondary research. Secondary research includes relative literature review, which aims to get the documentary data. Most of these data are collected through relevant books and journals. The primary research is to use questionnaire, which is a good way of collecting certain types of financial information quickly and relatively cheaply as long as subjects are sufficiently disciplined to abandon questions that are superfluous to the main task. The thesis aims to examine the different characteristics of China Unicom’ financial statement and to analysis its influences on the performance management practices. There are too many literatures on theoretical research or practical research of financial statements, in this paper the author uses generally standardized deduction theory and empirical research quantitative analysis. This method will be based on secondary research and questionnaires. The source of secondary research will be the research published in various journals and management publications. In this chapter the whole research process is explained. It emphasized that the research is based on empirical analysis. Therefore, the collection of data is described and the process of analyzing the structure along the model is explained. 2.2. Methods ![]()
When research is conducted, it is essential to decide which type of research strategy will be followed. Commonly used strategies include experiment, survey and case Study. These strategies can be conducted using the quantitative or the qualitative approach. The quantitative approach is usually applied to scientific inquiry. It is characterized by deductive reasoning, objective investigation and precise and statistical measurement. The quantitative approach is easier to evaluate critically than the qualitative approach because it deals with measurements and numbers.#p#分页标题#e# (1) Reliability Analysis As for the study described in the same indicators, only when they are the same as or similar to the answers, and its measurement is reliable. The measuring methods of reliability include retest reliability, duplicate reliability, half reliability, and so on. To ensure that the questionnaire with a high degree of reliability and consistency, this study uses coefficient to test the reliability of the questionnaire because it is common used in the application the enterprises. (2) The validity of the analysis 2.3. Limitations ![]()
Accounting information has the following features: Firstly, the sources of accounting data are extensively wide, which are both from internal production and management activities of the enterprise and external enterprises’ various economic activities, related a variety of information. Secondly, the number of accounting data is numerous. The number of accounting data is not only because that each accounting period to deal with a large quantity of data. More importantly, with enterprise production and business activities continue, accounting data continuously generates and processes. As the characteristics of the accounting business processing, accounting data has continuous, systematic and cyclical characteristics. The benefit of cross periods research is that it can be done relatively quickly as the research data is all gathered at the same company. In addition, it is more economical in cost than other research designs. Nonetheless, a drawback of this approach is that it only tests the strength of relationships you think exist but it does not test the actual causality. In this study it could be the case that other phenomena are related to the financial structure of the China Unicom while I only test for industry, profitability, growth opportunity. 2.5. Accounting and business techniques “Financial ratios provide a quick and relatively simple means of examining the financial health of a business.” (Atrill & Mclaney 2005, p.198). Basically, a company’s financial performance can be measured through financial ratios in five areas. They are profitability, operational efficiency, liquidity, investment and cash flow. First of all, we can find out a company’s probability through the comparison between the return and the assets or equity.#p#分页标题#e# In meanwhile, the company’s liquidity risk can be measured through the relationship between the assets and liabilities. Moreover, efficiency ratios help to examine the operating efficiency of a company. Additionally, investment ratios may be able to provide an investment guide for shareholders or investors. Last but not least, cash flow analysis gives shareholders the information, which they usually pay more attention to. This report will assess the financial performance of China Unicom, especially based on the financial ratios analysis.