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RESERACH METHODOLOGY 范文格式:可持续发展的中国城市交通

论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-12-08 17:49:36 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Ever since the commencement of car, its merits along with the defects considerably changed people's way of living. There is no question of its bright side such as it altered the form of transport, shaped new industry and economy, etc. At the same time, however, due to the proliferation of population and usage of car, there is an increasing pressure both from social and legislative perspective on the environmental requirements. Human activities in relation with auto industry has generated considerable problems such as urban air pollution, greenhouse gas emission which lead to the humanity a severe challenge for a sustainable development and a harmonious coexistence with the nature system. Ever since the concept of sustainable development first coined in the Brundtland Report (WCED, 1987), evolutional thinking followed up to echo the concept. The same is true in transport industry.
China, the most prominent emerging country, has become the largest car market both in production and scale. However the related environmental problems go an opposite way towards a sustainable development. It has been recognized that the once one side focus, namely, the economic-oriented development render China a high ecologic price. As Alford et al (2001) states pollution levels in the major cities in China are among the highest on earth. Reducing CO2 emissions from vehicles in China is crucial and will significantly reduce the environmental burden of the Earth at the same time (Yao et al, 2011).
Thankfully, Chinese government has put through great effort to transform the mode of economic growth from every possible aspect to stimulate a green development and the progress is considerable. Government's effort went through both environmental and technological advocation. However, the sole responsibility on the governmental side is not enough (McGougall, 1993). The role of consumers is also essential towards the green revolution of China. 
Due to the strategy of economic development, the Chinese government has recently declared that it will cease the tax reduction for small engine cars in year 2011(Jia, 2010), which rendered the worries of the sale of small-displacement vehicles markets. Therefore, it seems www.ukassignment.org unclear that what role of Chinese consumer should play in the green progress. Thus, the idea of exploring the current executive possibility of green consumption from a consumer perspective in China serves as a start point. At the same time, critics of the changing policies on government side rendered uncertainty are also worth mentioning. Therefore, it is necessary to exam the sustainable development process both from the consumer and government side to locate the answer. 
The aim of the dissertation is to examine the current sustainable responsibility that related to urban transport in China both from government and consumer perspective. This aim will be supported by several objectives listed below:
- To analyze threats and challenges that faces with the current process of urban environment sustainability in relation with transport sector in China.
- To provide overview of government role in relation with transport and environmental issue.
- To examine the role of Chinese car consumers in this green evolution.
- To test possible ways to achieve urban transport management in relation with environmental protection.

Through a cross comparison of government policies and incentive, primary and secondary data were obtained from various sources in providing multiple dimensions of sustainable development in the transport sector. Information related to automotive sector was obtained from published journals and books, websites and conference report. Policy and strategy information related to the development of New Energy Vehicle were obtained from government report and policy documents.
There were many difficulties involved in the search for relevant data in relation to social responsibly from the consumer side, therefore several case study will be used for this research with involvement of a questionnaire.  
Chapter 1 introduces the subject area of the study with a fundamental background and the research methodology to the dissertation.
Chapter 2 begins with the introduction of current status of automotive industry around globe and in China. The negative factors against sustainable development among the industry are then examand through a number of situation and facts related to the industry and society. Finally different ways to tackle the problems have been presented. 
There is no way for this changing model of production to be succeeded by the automotive industry itself alone, it must require the direct involvement from both government policy and consumers’ usage to enable the achievement of this industry revolution, namely to promote the manufacturing and purchasing of the NEV.
This three changing forces, industry, government and consumer, are interrelated and interdependent with each other, with the consumer in demand of the cheap fuel cost that drives the industry to produce NEV, which results the industry has to transform itself to meet the market demand in order to survive in this market competition and operate in accordance the environmental requirement,. On top of this, the government has to play a role in guiding the change, by passing the law and legislation that stimulates the transformation. 
In the following chapters we would go through one by on of these three changing forces, both from a global perspective and then turn to countries individually on its implementation of the change, to the future trend of this change direction. With the hope it eventually helps us locate an answer for China’s sustainable development of its automotive industry.

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