美国是当前最发达的国家之一,优美的环境、完善的福利、先进的科技吸引了无数留学生的向往,国内很多大学生都希望能去美国高校留学深造。而在美国研究生留学申请过程中,提交一篇好的Essay是一个申请人在众多竞争者中脱颖而出的一个绝佳机会。这不比标准化考试,难以提分的状况。一篇好的Essay是能够给招生官留下难以忘怀的印象的。今天小编为大家带来了美国研究生申请essay的写作方法,最后还精选了一篇范文供参考。 一、申请essay写作方法 1.仔细阅读说明 很多人可能认为仔细阅读说明是多余的,但事实并非如此。如果美国研究生留学申请者不能按照要求来写文书,那么招生官很有可能就认为将来申请者被录取后也不能够守纪律。正确的做法应该是多读几次说明,记下重点,然后再开始着手构架ESSAY。 2.写一个吸引人的开头 写作语言很难在短时间内有所提高,但是如果足够用心,也能够写出不错的美国研究生文书ESSAY。如果我们问一个记者写作的诀窍是什么,几乎每一个记者都会说只要有一个好的开头就会很容易吸引读者。 录取委员会的工作人员只会用很短的时间来看申请者的文章,所以我们所写的文章一定要有一个吸引他们的开头,这样才能够让他们愿意继续读下去。我们可以用一句名言或者是一个有意思的故事来展示自身的闪光点,给招生官提供一个契机,让其想要知道有关自己的更多的细节。 3.保持真实性 大学很重视学生想法的真实性,所以文章中所要体现的一定是基于自己的真实情况。而不要总是用别人都已经用了无数次的语言和观点。申请文书是申请者向招生官展示自己对专业的已有决心和知识储备。一定要确保文书能够全面展现自己的技能和目标,同时要说明所申请的项目能够如何的帮助自己实现将来的目标。 4.避免陈词滥调 当我们写申请文书的时候,大部分都会搜集各种好文书的模板。但这其中隐藏的风险是模板对申请者影响过大,意图用许多的陈词滥调来给招生官留下深刻的印象。 因此打算去美国读研究生的朋友们千万要记得,有成千上万个学生在申请我们所心仪的大学,所以申请者必须要让自己卓尔不群。反复阅读自己的文章,删除所有陈词滥调,并试着找一个新的角度。 招生官每年都会看成千上万的申请,他们只会注意到申请者独特的东西,所以我们必须要“不一样”。 5.用充实的例子来支持自己的观点 用来申请学校的文书要展现自己的思想和世界观。如果我们想让文章可信度高,就得用足够的例子来支持你的观点。有必要先想明白怎样把ESSAY Question跟自己的个人品质结合起来,然后就从一个确切的角度来写作。 这就意味着每当我们想要表达自己想法的时候,绝对不能简单的陈述事实,要列举出自己的实际经历,写一写自己是怎样被激励的、是怎样建立信条的。 6.整洁的排版 创新是写作必要的一部分,但是不要认为一个创新的ESSAY就不是一个逻辑清晰的文章。很明显我们不是想堆砌许多没有意义的词语,所以要确保每一段都写同一个主题。 每个学校的ESSAY都是有字数限制的,所以秘诀之一就是不要想着涵盖所有。在提笔之前,一定要列出一个清晰的提纲,把你的文章分为三部分(Introduction,body and conclusion),清晰的列出自己想要表达的要点。 7.找人帮忙校对 申请者肯定会一遍又一遍的读自己的文章,来确保其没有排版、拼写和语法错误。但最好的选择还是找一个从来都没看过自己这篇文章的人来帮助检查,这样就更容易检查出自己看不出来的错误。 如果申请者找老师或者是家长来帮助校对,这样更好,因为他们不但能发现错误,还能够发现这个文章是否真的很符合真实的你。 三、申请essay写作误区 1.答非所问,论点不清晰,论据不充分 在很多童鞋的Essay中,最容易出现的一个问题就是答非所问,论点不清晰,论据不充分。而最基本的是,童鞋们首先需要搞清楚,你研究的是什么问题。问题究竟是“what?”还是“How”或者“Why”。研究生Essay的这种考核标准是为了找出真正适合申请者的专业,而不是要求你评判问题。所以首先需要搞清楚,究竟要写什么内容最重要。 2.卖弄专业术语 实际上,你花了很多时间去写的Essay在招生官那里,也许只是两分钟的浏览时间。永远不要指望你的招生官就是专业人士,而去过多的使用专业术语,这并不会起到提升Essay水平的目的。好的Essay是可以让所有人都明白你究竟写的是什么,是能够为大众所懂的。试想,如果你是招生官,在那有限的两分钟里,你会喜欢这样的Essay么? 3.试图寻求偏爱 很多童鞋,真的很想得到offer。于是拜托各个学长、学姐去打听什么类型的文章,会受到学校喜欢。这种迎合,尽管最后你的Essay几近完美,但是却也缺乏了你本身的特点。这就是为什么总有学校会强调创造性Essay和批判性思维。这就是在寻求创新和创意。 4.文章消极基调 有些童鞋为了突出自己的个人能力,而把自己遭遇的其他状况描述的非常糟糕。这样的论调也是不合理的。毕竟无论你做什么工作或者实习都是需要与人合作的。而且你进入硕士学习之后,导师也不希望自己的学生是一个总爱贬低别人,抱怨时事的人。 5.夸张 还有些童鞋,为了让Essay能够受到重视,也会想尽办法在这上面做文章。但是润色可以,如果扭曲了事实,过于夸大内容效果,其实也是可以被发现的。真正好的文章,就是真实。这正如,我看到很多选秀节目中,做作的成分一样,是让人厌恶的。所以,天道留学小编奉劝大家千万不要自作聪明。 6.过度证明你的个人魅力 大部分的研究生申请者并不是专业作家。在文章写作中,极度的追求文字的华美并不是值得提倡的,比如使用一些生僻词等以此想展现自己的词汇量,使用大量的长难句,这些不仅不是得到我们想要的效果,还会适得其反。我们要做的是努力使得我们的Essay,做到行文思路清晰,逻辑严谨,又非常有个人见地和特色,当然,要尽量避免出现语法等低级错误。 三、美国研究生申请essay范文 The famous Greek mathematician archimedes once said, "give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." The basic principle of a lever is that as the length of a lever increases, the effort needed to be exerted to accomplish a task decreases. This fundamental law can also apply to life. Life's levers are experiences and opportunities that combine to motivate the individual to succeed. However, a lever is useless when forced upon an incorrectly placed fulcrum. Fulflling oneself with passion and values is to build and place a strong and stable fulcrum. Without a passion for success, these opportunities and experiences become obsolete. Few fnd the correct balance between these variables and thus fail to reach their full potential. I, however, plan to be someone who fnds that balance. In an effort to build a successful lever for myself, I have searched for these experiences and opportunities all of my life. I have always had a passion for learning and a natural drive to succeed. At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, I began to volunteer at a local, family owned zoo. This idea came from an innate passion for animals and an ongoing interest in science. At frst, it was simply to complete a community service graduation requirement, but soon thereafter, I realized it was so much more. Work there was not like what most zoo volunteers experience. When other volunteers were following zookeepers and watching animals through cages at larger commercial zoos, I was spending nights "monkeysitting" my supervisor's newborn Japanese snow macaque. However, calling it work solely alludes to labor. It was more of a life-altering, unique opportunity and provided me with the experience that clenched my decision to major in animal science. Along with my passion for animals, I am also always looking for ways to challenge myself intellectually. I am an active member of my school's Envirothon and Math teams and a Science Olympiad competitor. After high school, it has always been a goal of mine to attend an academically competitive university. A few years of researching brought me to Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). After attending the CALS open house and information lecture on the animal science department, I knew it was the perfect ft. One of the reoccurring themes of my conversations with students and professors alike was CALS dedication to shaping students into leaders.#p#分页标题#e# With the experience I have gained in working at the zoo, I see myself emerging as a natural leader. Leaders are those few who do manage to balance the use of their "lever and fulcrum." In high school, I also have worked my way to positions such as; nHS President, Steel Drums Ensemble President, and Student representative to the School Board.www.liuxue.la Leadership roles like these are not something I plan to make the past after high school. In a school like CALS that has so many extracurricular activities to get involved in, I am sure obtaining positions similar to the ones I hold now would not be diffcult. One of the clubs that I have seriously explored is the Pre-vet Society. veterinary School is something that I plan to pursue after college and hope to get involved in at the undergraduate level. The building of a successful lever has only just begun for me. There is still so much that I have not seen or done. Life is full of opportunities that can lead to great experiences, one of my greatest being volunteering at the Woodland Zoo. With all of the opportunities CALS has to offer, if given the chance to attend, I am certain that I would utilize every one; becoming not only an active member of the university, but a leader of tomorrow. |