Group essay, 小组论文是英美语系中常用的论文方式,主要目的为考究学生的团队意识以及团队中每个人对于这个主题的理解。在我的学习生涯中,遇到了各种各样的Group essay, 当然,以及各种各种的队友。最终目的还是写好这篇group essay和拿到高分。如何写好一篇group essay?

Group essay 首要原则
Group essay 大致分为两种,一种为语言课类Group essay,另一种为实验报告类Group essay。我想着重介绍一下实验类Group essay,也是在我学习生涯中运用最多的Group essay格式。它大致分为6个部分:Introduction、Data、Title、Method、Conclusion以及Reference。想要写好一份Group essay,首先分工一定要明确,各个组员之间的分工不可交叉重叠甚至两个人完全重合,这样导致的结果就是完成的Group essay 有很大的分歧,甚至是偏题。其次,在各个组员分工不同的同时,组员之间要学会团队合作,在文章主题与主题之间的衔接一定要协商处理好,这样写出来的Group essay 会更加自然和谐,自然会得到教授的赏识。再者,每个小组的组员在决策毫无错误的情况下应该无条件完成组长布置的每一个任务,不完成很大可能会拖垮Group essay 的进度。最后,就是Group essay的引用(Reference)部分,知识产权的保护涉及到每一个人的利益。
对待Group eassy, 一定要认真审完一遍题目,做到要求的各个点基本了然于心,当然,教授的课程必须要认真对待,结合教授所授予的知识,不管小组组长让你写哪个部分 ,都可以胸有成竹。了解完了题目,要对自己也有一份认知,对自己的能力所长有个大概的了解并将其分享给其他组员,这样可以让团队更好的分工,合理的分工产出的文章自然高效。想着自己能做出的贡献,尽可能的表现出自己的团队贡献以及团队意识,“承上启下”的组员更加受人欢迎,不要过多的计较个人得失,自然会赢来其他组员的尊重。尽可能的呆在一起完成,尽管每个人忙,闲的时间不同,但是尽可能凑在一起这样出来的文章每一步都经过大家的讨论,矛盾与不和谐也会相应地减少。下面是我读书时与几个国外的同学共同完成的Group essay。我当时被分派到写结论部分,总结所有人做了什么,做出了什么,以及达到了什么目标。长达一个学期的任务被要求就用几句话来概括一下,除开平时自己的亲身操作,更多的是不停与其他组员的讨论促成了这篇文章的完成。

Group essay
讲完了Group essay 的分工,现在需要具体讲一下完成Group essay的效率,除开上文提到的每个人需要按时保质保量的完成自己的部分,更多的是大家在一起时产生更大的效益,否则就错失了在一起的目的。这个时候,如果能够回顾梳理每一次的会议内容,思路会瞬间清晰不少,还可以作为附录上传节省更多的时间。这样可以保证每个人都有一条写文章的逻辑线,不会偏离主题。

团队实验报告也算Group essay 的分支。
Group essay 范文:
Date: 09/16/2018
CSE 301 Essay: How to be decent nowadays
After watching the TED video speech, it was hard for people nowadays to stick to their moral lines in their heart. The rapid economic development made all the things just like the fast food. Standard pipelining, standard assembling work, standard operations made people forget about the conscience. The audience during the speech chose either Apple phones or Android ones which remind me of a news happened one year ago. The Apple company was prosecuted it was saving users’ personal information. No one knew what the Apple company was going to do with these mass amount of personal information. Was the Apple company worked with the US government? Was the Apple company just collecting the data to create a more personalized SIRI? Was the Apple company monitoring the users for just offend users’ privacy. No one knew except for the Apple company itself. Now, people might wonder why they do that, nothing can restrict them about collecting the users’ personal information. It’s all about moral frameworks and self-controlling.
What I choose is the Virtue ethics like Plato. For example, when I studied the CSE 240, I had a hard time writing codes, tried different ways to accomplish the assignments and projects that professor provided. When I am using Google to search the key word of my project to find a way out. I found someone already posted all the resources and his original codes on the internet. I struggled at that time. I chose to finish the code by myself instead of using his. Not just because ASU academic integrity, I got my own virtue ethics in my heart. This is others’ products, though he allowed us to use his product online, but I still think this is kind of stealing. I mean, not the real something, if I used his code, what I stole was his idea, his pattern of thinking. This is breaking my ethics floor. From the 18th-entury Enlightenment until recently, ethical theories have emphasized right and wrong action (and rules about right and wrong acts). Certainly, that is true of utilitarianism, duty ethics, and rights ethics. In contrast, the ethics of classical Greece and Rome emphasized what it means to be a good or bad person, together with related concerns about good lives, good relationships, and good communities. Virtue ethics, also called character ethics, shifts the focus to these latter concerns, especially to the kinds of person one should aspire to be. Virtue ethics has evoked renewed attention in recent decades, and it now plays a major role in health-care ethics. (Ethical Theories, 2011, CASE 12.1)
Like the TED speech mentioned, the virtue ethics origin from Plato who was a great philosopher 2500 years ago. He thought that the virtue ethics was a truth that everyone should follow. This is interesting that nowadays people are lost. They do not follow the truth that they think which is out of date. About other two theories, like duty ethics, I think it was too universalizing to let people follow, they can still betray their good heart to make more profits. Then the right ethics, it sounds solid which this theory is all about human rights, but sometimes, like most of us known, human rights is not about helping people, it got rules to follow which could prevent people helping others. Like Singer’s case against the objectivity of moral value is more sophisticated than it may at first appear, however, it is not just he rejects the traditional theistic worldview, for that is only one way of establishing objective moral value. To be sure, if human beings were created by God in his image, then they would have intrinsic moral value by nature; but they might also be said to have intrinsic moral value on some other basis. The correctness of mathematics gives us a illustration. Even if there were no God and no plan or purpose behind the physical universe, it would still be true always and everywhere that 2+2 = 4. This would be an objective, necessary truth even if were only a product of human thinking. The same would hold for the laws of logic such as the law of non-contradiction. (Krantz, Susan F, 2002, p26)
Within the framework of virtue ethics, lying is a disgusting expression of bad habits. Specifically, lying is wrong because it shows dishonesty vices - neither honest nor credible. Many other lies are objectionable for other reasons, such as when they enter cruelty, corruption, and selfishness. However, some lies are permissible and even admirable - for example, when they need to protect legitimate privacy or protect innocent lives. Because there are many virtues, solving moral dilemmas often requires balancing the virtues of conflict in the context.#p#分页标题#e#
Self-importance of moral values represents one aspect of moral identity. However, as Krettenauer (2011) pointed out that self-importance of moral values needs to be distinguished from moral identity motivation. Individuals may agree that morality is important to them yet express different motives for its personal importance. Note that moral identity motivation is not equivalent to motivation for moral action. As Frankena (1963) pointed out, moral motivation is complex. It consists of motives for action (e.g., the intention to help someone in need) as well as the motivation to prioritize moral concerns over personal or conventional issues (e.g., to help someone in need even at considerable personal costs). The assumption that moral identity provides a motive for moral action is problematic because it suggests ethical egoism (moral motivation would be equivalent to the intention to do what is important to the self; cf. Nucci, 2004). This is not implied in the notion of moral identity motivation defined as an individual’s motivation to uphold moral intentions in the face of other, potentially conflicting, concerns. Moral identity motivation is not limited to overt moral action but includes many aspects of decision-making and judgment formation. (Krettenauer, 2011)
How to be decent? This is a question asking people nowadays, what we lost instead of rapid development. Ethics floor is necessary of doing anything. Cannot lost the conscience when earning the money. Between the right and wrong, there is always a line for all the people not to cross.
Ethical Theories. (2011). Physical Therapy Ethics. (book)
Statman, D, ed. Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press; 1997.
McKinnon, C. Character, Virtue Theories, and the Vices. Orchard Park, NY: Broadview Press, 1999.
Krantz, Susan F.. Refuting Peter Singer's Ethical Theory: The Importance of Human Dignity, Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated, 2002. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Krettenauer, T., & Victor, R. (2017). Why be moral? moral identity motivation and age. Developmental Psychology, 53(8), 1589-1596. doi: