![]() 有着留学梦的你,是不是在申请学校的道路上遇到很多阻碍呢?我想对于大多数的学生来说,申请学校时最难的部分一定是各种文章的撰写吧。无论你申请什么国家,都需要提交personal statement和个人简历,但是如果你的dream school是美国的学校,那你又要比去英国、澳洲的小伙伴多面临一些难题呢。因为,众所周知,美国大学申请基本都会需要提交一些命题作文,也就是所谓的essay。其实,在申请美国的大学时写essay遇到困难是正常的,确实有一大部分同学都不知道这样的essay应该如何写,怎么样的才是教授满意的,所以本文就为你排忧解难,介绍介绍美国留学申请essay怎么写,再给大家看看美国大学essay的范文吧!希望能给申请路上的你们多少提供一些帮助,也祝同学们申请顺利,拿到心仪的offer哦。 ![]() 相当数量的美国大学要求向本大学递交申请的学生写作why this school(为什么申请本校)类申请essay。因此,这种选校类申请essay可以说是申请阶段学生写的最多的一类申请essay,掌握写好这类申请essay的方法十分有必要。 让申请学生撰写这类why this school的申请essay,美国大学主要是出于以下三个目的: 一.侦测意愿是否强烈:通过阅读这类申请essay,美国大学招生官希望知道学生为什么选择在本校读书,期望学生对本大学最好是情有独钟或者是钟爱有加,看学生是否是发自内心想到本大学就读。美国大学招生官知道得很清楚,学生普遍是撒网式进行大学申请,同时申请若干大学。如对自己确实想要去就读的大学,学生通常会认真搜集大学相关信息,精心思考将这类essay认真写出来。 二.期望学生了解大学:美国大学期望申请学生就此机会多了解自己选择将要就读大学的情况,熟悉校园的方方面面,一旦获得录取学生可迅速适应、融入大学校园生活。 三.了解学生更多情况:透过学生写作的这类申请essay,美国大学希望了解学生更多的信息,例如,考察学生查阅资料进行研究分析的能力及使用英文进行论述的能力,了解学生期望大学对实现其个人及职业目标提供哪些帮助,考察学生是否与大学互相匹配,以便达到彼此加深了解之目的。 知道意图以后,申请学生要做的就是要投其所好——在申请essay中展示自己对大学有浓厚兴趣,适当地多展示自身的一些亮点。而要达到上述目的,动笔撰写选校类essay之前,学生有两件基础性工作要做好: 一.是想方设法尽可能地多了解自己准备申请的美国大学。通过浏览大学网站、与在读或毕业校友交谈以及阅读近期图书杂志等方式,搜集大学相关信息,深入了解准备就读大学的各种情况。 二.是从搜集到的大学信息中,筛查出大学吸引自己的独特点,思考清楚这些独特点对自己有那些益处,促使自己对该大学产生到那里就读的强烈兴趣。 接下来,就来看一些范例吧! 范文一:认同、欣赏大学的办学理念或者是独特的办学思路 Essay Topic:Please tell us what you find most appealing about Columbia and why. (Columbia University, 200 words) Columbia University’s logo, the Crown,arouses my special interest in the University. As I understand, it must be connected with the University’s original name: King’s College. Actually, just like a King, not only does the University still follow the tradition of liberal arts education, but it changes over time to take the lead. I am sure that through the two papers of its Core Curriculum, namely Contemporary Civilization and Literature Humanities, I can learn more about the history and literature of our mankind, what’s more, which can help improve my critical thinking ability and broaden my viewpoint to adapt myself to my further study. As a supplement to Core Curriculum, a new course, Frontiers of Science, is being offered this fall to remedy the previous neglect that students should be trained in the science-related knowledge. I highly value this “change-over-time” practice.Studying in such a university, I’m sure, I can benefit a lot from it: not only enriching myself with cutting-edge professional knowledge as well as cultivating my personalities. 范文二:将大学对自己的数项吸引点结合起来 Essay Topic:Why NYU? (Characters available 1500) New York University first stands out in my college list because of its emphasis on the education of arts and social studies to its students. Its many famous alumni have made the university more attractive to me, a girl who has a deep love for art and design. Although I have won several awards in some art competitions in recent years, I expect to enrich myself with professional knowledge at NYU to continue my pursuit of art,so that I can realize my dream of becoming a designer. As NYU is situated in the heart of New York city, a dynamic and multicultural metropolis, there is no doubt that I can make the most of the resources that New York has offered. Wandering around museums,galleries and various art festivals will greatly enhance my appreciation for art and inspire my creativity. What’s more, it will be much easier for NYU students to find internship opportunities than students in other universities, and I am sure that these internships will help me apply my knowledge into practice, and I can get a real sense of work place and work experience in advance. As NYU is a university that is dedicated to fulfill its students’ full potentials, I hope I can take advantage of my four years at NYU to pursue a good undergraduate education and make myself more multicultural in New York so as to lay a good foundation for my future career. |