Course Description课程简介
…requires students to write between five and six thousand words, applying rhetorical principles of literate discourse – principles as demonstrated in samples of effective writing by writers of diverse backgrounds. Course includes grammar, levels of usage, purposes of language, and for different purposes and audiences.要求学生写一篇5.6千字的作文,词句适当修辞为原则,美国留学生会计学作业引用需要注明不同背景的作家。课程作业要求包括语法,用法水平,语言作为目的众。
Required Text所需的文本
Reading Critically, Writing Well: A Reader and Guide, 8th edition批判性地阅读,写作:读者和指南,第8版
Course Requirements课程要求
Because critically reading an essay will directly improve the quality of your writing, there will be assigned readings that correspond with topics covered in class.
Course Evaluation includes but is not limited to:因为写作的一篇文章,将直接提高你的写作质量,请看作业分配在课堂的主题对应的读数。

Grading Scale
Your grade in this course will be based upon the following scale:
93-100 A 83-86 B 73-76 C 63-66 D
90-92 A- 80-82 B- 70-72 C- 60-62 D-
87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D+ 0-59 F
Make-up Work: There will not be an opportunity to make up missed discussion forums for any reason. For other assignments, you will need to request extensions before the due date of the paper with a justifiable reason for the delay. Requests after due dates will not be considered.
Submitting assignments: It is highly suggested that essays be sent as attachments to an email to the professor’s account so that the format is true to APA requirements.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words, ideas or structures as your own without proper documentation. It is a serious academic offense whether intentional or not and may result in a failing grade on an essay, a failing grade in the course and referral to college authorities. See attached form.
Course Requirements
1. Every Monday, a new discussion question will be posted on Blackboard. Students should read the assigned readings concentrating on the concept covered in the question. Students are required to post their thoughts to the question by Wednesday at midnight. Participation will be evaluated on originality of thoughts, use of literary elements covered, ability to engage classmates, and correct usage of grammar and mechanics. Responses to classmates’ posts will be due by the following Saturday at midnight. There is a required minimum of two responses. “I agree,” “Nice job,” or any similar responses are not considered acceptable because they do not expand the conversation.
2. Every Monday, a new quiz will be posted on Blackboard and must be completed by the following Saturday at midnight. Quizzes are meant to ensure that students read and understand the assignments. These short assessments can take the form of short answer or multiple choice questions. Students may use textbooks while taking quizzes but may not work together. Quizzes will not be scheduled on exam week.
3. Essay Requirements
Each essay assignment will ask you to demonstrate the writing conventions covered in class. Be sure to use the text as a writing guide because each type of paper requires a different purpose, and therefore, requires a variety of writing skills.
Grading is based on the final draft’s overall effectiveness: Ideas, Organization, Style, Support, and Mechanics. See rubric
Length: determined by purpose of essay, gradually getting longer as familiarity with writing expectations increases
Format: Typed in font size 12 Times New Roman, double-spaced (no title page)
Suggested Approach:
• Construct a thesis statement: A statement that forecasts the organization of your paper. The thesis appears at the end of the introductory paragraph.
• When appropriate for the paper’s purpose, use APA format with in-text citations and a works cited page. Below is an online example with APA style guidelines:
4. Writing Expectations:
All essays and Blackboard responses should be in APA format when quoting or paraphrasing a source.
Other writing advice:
a. Remember that these essays are taking place in a formal writing situation. If there is ever a need for clarification about what that might mean in regards to the style of paper, please ask either through email or through the discussion board.
b. Include an interesting title for your paper that is original and indicates the topic of your paper. Simply center the title. Do not underline, type in boldface/large font, or enclose in quotation marks. It should look like the rest of your paper.
c. Don’t use (unless in a direct quote):
You, your, you’re I think that… I believe that…
Things, stuff, something This essay/paragraph will be about
So, well, or anyway to begin sentences
Schedule: Subject to change. Any changes will be announced both on Blackboard and via email.