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美国政治学课程作业写作要求:American Political Science coursework writing

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-10-30 15:20:41 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
June 24, 2013
Please critique one of the following questions: 
1. How would you characterize access to the political elite in the United States? Would you say that the political elite is more or less open than in other affluent democracies? 你会如何描述在美国的政治精英?你会说,比在其他富裕的民主国家的政治精英是多还是少?
2. Explain the use and impact of televised ads on election campaigns in the United States.解释的使用和影响的电视广告在美国的竞选活动。
3. What is the state of gender equality in the United States? How does it compare to the situation in other affluent democracies?性别平等在美国的状态是什么?它是如何比较的情况在其他富裕的民主国家?
In a properly structured paper of 800 words critically evaluate one of the following questions and where necessary, provide documented evidence to support your critique. Students are expected to engage the question and answer the question from their personal perspective/experiences.在一个适当的结构中用800字以下来回答问题,并在必要审慎评估,提供书面证据来支持你的观点。期望学生能参与问题回答的问题,从他们个人的角度/经验。
Format and Presentation: 
All written work will be graded principally on the following:
Clarity You should be able to express your ideas in a manner that is clearly understood and logically organized. 你应该能够清晰的方式来表达你的想法,这显然是理解和逻辑组织。
Language/Structure You should use appropriate level grammatical structure and expression. This would include language, spelling, footnoting techniques (where necessary) and seamless structure您应使用适当的语言/结构层次语法结构和表达。这将包括语言,拼写,的脚注技术(如需要)和无缝结构
Content You should express a clear understanding of the question and provide documented evidence to support your position. There should be an emphasis on providing support for your position since this is critical to writing a good term paper.内容,您应表达清楚的认识问题,并提供书面证据来支持你的立场。应该有一个重点放在提供支持你的立场,因为这是写一个好的学期论文的关键。
Presentation •Title page
•Name and date on the paper
•Page numbers
•Proper formatting techniques – double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font in Arial
•Provided in MS Word
Critical Commentary


From the start of classes (May 6) until mid-June, students are required to track commentaries on one current, contentious issue in America politics of their choosing. Students may select any topic related to American politics as the scope of this project is very broad. Provided are some suggested areas to consider:
Civil Liberties
Civil Rights
The Presidency
Political parties
Elections and voting
The news media
Foreign and defence policy
You should make your decision on a topic almost immediately, given that you must begin to collect newspaper articles, magazine clippings, Internet news items and articles on your chosen issue on a daily basis. Then, based on what you have compiled, you will be required to write a http://www.ukassignment.org/mgzydx/ short paper (no longer than 10 pages) that is due June 30. This paper will review the nature and effects of the subject chosen, and will offer a critical analysis of the issues in question and how they are portrayed in the media.

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