英国作业 美国作业 加拿大作业


论文价格: 免费 时间:2018-10-15 16:53:55 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网
文章题目:The postmodern thought in beloved
"Beloved" is the masterpiece of Toni Morrison, a contemporary American black woman writer, in this novel, Morrison inherits the tradition of the history of the writing of the black slaves, and integrates it into the postmodern context, and also uses a multi-angle narrative method to restore the special status of black people in American history comprehensively and as real as possible. The alleged physical and psychological damage inflicted on black Americans by the infamous Black slave system, revealing the official history dominated by the white upper class, is a distortion of real history.
《宠儿》是当代美国黑人女作家托妮莫里森的杰作,在这部小说中,莫里森继承了黑人奴隶写作历史的传统,并将其融入后现代语境中,并使用了多种 角度叙事方法全面,尽可能真实地恢复美国历史上黑人的特殊地位。臭名昭着的黑人奴隶系统对美国黑人造成的身体和心理损害,揭示了白人上层阶级统治的官方历史,是对真实历史的歪曲。
The author uses the many expressive techniques of post-modern literature to deconstruct and reconstruct the history, and calls on the black people to pay attention to their present fate under the precondition of asking people to face up to the history. "Beloved" is Morrison's fifth work, published in 1987, since the publication of the popular literature enthusiasts, Morrison as a prolific writer, the quality and quantity in the history of literature is the leading. "Beloved" by critics and readers alike is her "most successful and most touching work." After Toni Morrison won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993, she further laid down her literary status. Morrison reveals the tragic survival of the Negro through the creation of a paradoxical plot and a distorted figure, revealing unreal and real, bizarre and normal mixing, thus becoming "another voice of postmodern expression".
作者运用后现代文学的多种表现手法来解构和重建历史,并呼吁黑人在要求人们正视历史的前提下关注他们目前的命运。《宠儿》是莫里森的第五部作品,出版于1987年,自从大众文学爱好者出版以来,莫里森作为一位多产的作家,在文学史上的质与量是领先的。评论家和读者的《宠儿》是她“最成功,最感动的作品”。 托尼莫里森在1993年获得诺贝尔文学奖后,进一步奠定了她的文学地位。莫里森通过创造一个矛盾的情节和一个扭曲的人物揭示了黑人的悲惨生存,揭示了虚幻和真实,奇异和正常的混合,从而成为“后现代表达的另一种声音”。
As the first black woman writer in American history to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, Toni Morrison's work has been widely noticed in American literary circles. Published in 1987 "Beloved" is the author of the work after the famous, the next year won the Pulitzer Prize, and the work is known as "the milestone of American literature history", in addition, "beloved" for Morrison won the National Book Award and Robert Kennedy Award. Toni Morrison reveals the traumatic effects of American slavery and racial discrimination on the black spirit, and profoundly portrays the tragic history of the Negro.
The author starts from the postmodern context to explore the narrative pattern in beloved. "Beloved" is based on a historical fragment of a true, the 1850s black slave Margarett Ganna with their children from the slave manor fled, came to Ohio Cincinnati, followed by the slave master Pursuit, Margarett Ganna to make their children no longer like her to suffer inhuman treatment, Resolutely chose to die for them, but she only killed one daughter after the slave master captured [1]. Toni Morrison had a strong creative impulse when she approached the story in 1974. After 10 years of brewing and three years of creation, a black slave soul of the Blood and tears of the history of "beloved" published. "Beloved" as a novel with magical realism, mainly narrated the black slave sethe to own miserable situation recollection, the story happened in the American serfdom period, at the age of 13 years Sethe was sold to "the Sweet House" The plantation, the plantation host Ghana has carried on to own slave is a relatively benevolent management system, But when Mr. Ghanaian was murdered, the abusive racist "school teacher" began to take care of the plantation. The slaves were so intolerant of animal cruelty that they chose to flee, sethe to avoid the fate of their daughters to be slaves, to kill their own daughter, in the words of Sethe, she took her daughter to a safe place. But when the Sethe, who had endured many hardships, settled down at number 124th, the fear of killing her own daughter haunted her. 18 years later, daughter in order to feel motherly love, with the help of the physical resurrection, and Sethe is all to give their own motherly love, and seems to have lost their due sense, and eventually is always introverted, Dan Fu bravely walked out of the 124th and to the Black society to seek help, finally took the darling.
And Dan Fu also soothe the darling of the undead, Sethe also gradually from the past guilt and remorse of life came out. Blacks have long been a weak group in American history, in contemporary literary works, they rarely become the protagonist of the literature, and the number of outstanding black writers is not too many, coupled with the history of their group in the United States in a missing, blank state, This kind of flaw not only manifests its historical status the flaw, there is also a lack of literary sense, which causes the original life state and historical face is more vague or distorted, some black writers found this material, but due to the lack of historical materials and similar literary works, they can not be very good to express themselves. As a black woman writer, Morrison lives in the black culture, she uses her advantage to regroup the buried black historical data, and then makes a deep and concrete interpretation of the historical connotation contained in the historical context.
In his works, Morrison skillfully supplemented the incomplete black history with the help of Postmodernism narrative style, which increased the charm of literature. Morrison used the art technique of postmodernism in his beloved, and then described the narrative mode in the historical reconstruction under the postmodern context, which is not only the embodiment of the writer's social responsibility, but also the identity of the characters ' psychology. Morrison enriches and expands the writing techniques of postmodern literature with superb writing skills, it also makes people's understanding and appreciation of post-modern literature have a certain positive significance, through the use of the art of postmodernism, so that the real history can be reconstructed, showing the world with a different black culture and the history of civilization picture, While improving the historical status of black writers, the history of postmodern literary works has left a thick and thick pen.


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