Introduction to Literature Course Content文学概论课程内容
1 It is equally aboutboth of them. This poem is a strong condemnation of society for allowing such inhuman servitude. The whole poem from a child's point of view, imitating children's naive language, describes their miserable life, leaving readers to feel a strong irony in it.Therefore, this is about the speaker, Tom and all the rest kids suffering miserable life.
2 I think his father is trying to explain hard work and the ability to earn the life by myself. However, the hard work in this poem refers repeat hard work. People who repeat their work seem to be "struggling".
3 Set suspense is a way to create a doubt or contradiction in a certain part of the article, which creates a certain kind of eager expectation and warm concern for the reader.
4 It is the act of watching observing and peering. Although it is its own property, it is also regarded as the property of others if it is legally occupied or used by others.
The Chimney Sweeper, the poem strongly expressed Blake's sympathy and concern for the work of chimney sweeping children and severely condemned the social indifference, especially the hypocrisy of the church.
Hard work, I think they have invested a lot of time and sacrificed lives and entertainment of repeated work, but they have never been able to improve. Such efforts have no other meaning than moving themselves.