It is an artist's book by Abraham Cruzvillegas titled:这是亚伯拉罕·克鲁兹维莱加斯的一本艺术家的书,书名是:
Autoconstrucción: a definitely unfinished, inefficient, unstable, affective, emotional, delirious, cheerful, affirmative, sweaty, fragmentary, empirical, weak, happy, contradictory, supportive, indecent, sensual, amorphous, warm, committed index.Please read the FULL text.
This book introduces a concept of “autoconstruccion” what stands for “self-construction”. It explains that the art pieces have been affected by the emotions of its maker, as well as the materials which have been used during the art-making processes. It is an open-mind, international, and objective concept that shapes the world since it provides a better understanding of arts themselves all around the world.
In this concept, Abraham Cruzvillegas introduces his philosophy: he listed and precisely explains different emotions, and/or elements, and furthermore, he explains how they affect the audiences of art pieces. Roughly, we can simply (but not as precisely as he explained) indentify the elements into two big groups: one is somewhat positive (e.g. happy, committed), and other one is negative (e.g. coherent of landscape, contradictory, and so forth) more or less. For example, he wrote “happy” is “Alejandra my wife is pregnant”, which gave us a rather emotional but not simple alphabetic explanation. (Abraham, page 28)总之,这本书是一本指导人们了解世界各地的艺术作品,特别是在情感方面。
In short, this book of him is a guide for people to understand the art pieces all around the world, especially in the aspect of the emotional side.