presentation report格式 case study Summary范文 PEST分析法 literature review Research Proposal Reference格式


论文价格: 免费 时间:2015-03-16 09:53:19 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网


1.Announcing the Beginning of the Speech Text表示presentation主体内容开始的语句
  • To begin with, I would like to talk about a principle.
  • I think it would be best to start out by looking at some pictures.
  • The first thing I would like to talk about is the definition of the terms which I’ll use in my presentation.
2.Shifting to the Next Main Point要点之间的过渡
  • Well, let's move on to the next point.
  • We will now come to the second problem.
  • Turning to the next question, I' 11 talk about the stages of the procedure.
  • As the second topic, I shall stop here. Now let' s turn our attention to the third topic.
  • So much for the methodology of our experiment. I would now like to shift to the discussion of the results.
  • Now, let's move away from the first part and switch over to the next part of my presentation.
  • That's all for the introduction and now we can go on to the literature review.
  • Next, I would like to turn to a more difficult problem.
  • The next point I'd like to talk about is the feasibility of this project.
  • That brings me to my second point.
  • I am glad that we can now leave this rather boring subject of mathematic deduction and go into a more attractive one, that is the application of the formula.
3.Resuming the Topic重申中心思想
  • Let' s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech.
  • Getting back to the subject of the problem of theoretical considerations we can find that...
  • I want to return to the first part of my presentation.
  • Now, to get back to the effect of temperature, you may be aware that the problems have been solved.
  • This brings me back to the question of security.
  • At this point I would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture.
  • Referring again to the first question, I think...
  • Referring to the Coming Point
  • I'll deal with it later.
  • I' ll touch upon that point in a moment.
  • I shall tell you in detail shortly.
4. Introducing the Supporting Materials介绍你的论据
  • I think this part is the most difficult, so I'll explain it in greater detail.
  • I think this part of my paper is most important, so I plan to spend more time on it.
  • Please allow me to deal with this matter more extensively.
  • Being the most important part of my presentation, I will elaborate on it with more slides.
  • I' ll expand this topic with drawings and figures.
  • Indicating the Points Briefly
  • Limited by the time available, I can only give you a very brief account of this matter.
  • I don't think that I should describe the methods in detail, because they are included in the handout.
  • I will not go into detail on it.
  • This point has been talked about repeatedly in this symposium, so I am not going to spend too much time on it.
  • Let's go through the following points very rapidly.
  • I just want to outline for you what I experienced in using this new drug.
  • I shall not go over all these explanations. My time is running short. So I'll be brief.
  • It is sufficient to say that these experiments were poorly designed and without controls.

1.Repairing a Slip of Tone更正口误
  • The first of such experiments began in 2000, rather than 1999.
  • May I have the lights, I mean the slides.
  • The temperature increased, I shall say decreased.
  • The population is 13 million, sorry, 31 million.
  • The exchange rate dropped from 2.5 to 1.8, I beg your pardon, 1.9.
  • As you can see from the first row, excuse me, the second row, that the output increased two fold.
2.Expressions Concerning Audio-Visual Aids寻求现场人员的帮助
  • Could we have the lights off? And the first slide, please.
  • Lights off, first slide, please.
  • Dim the lights, and first slide, please.
  • The slide is not so clear. Please darken the room a little more.
  • Could you please turn on the lights, please?
  • Now, we can have the lights on.
  • Please switch on the lights.
  • Lights on, please.
  • I apologize that this slide is not so clear, but I hope you can still make out the general idea.
  • Sorry for the small print.
  • I'm sorry we left a figure out here.
3.Explaining the Contents on the Slides向观众解释幻灯片上的内容
  • This slide demonstrates ...
  • On this slide, you can see...
  • This curve in this slide shows...
  • This figure in this slide exhibits...
  • This table on this slide presents...
  • This diagram on this slide depicts...
  • This chart on this slide displaces ...
  • The picture on this slide shows ...
  • The photomicrograph on this slide shows ...
  • The flow-chart on this slide points out...
  • The circuit diagram on this slide represents...
  • Indicating the Sources of the Content in a
  • This figure is taken from.., by Dr. Li.
  • This diagram is after that of Prof. Wang with some modification
4.Demanding to Change the Slide要求切换幻灯片
  • May I proceed to the next slide, please?
  • I think we can move on to the next slide.
  • Let me show you the next slide.
  • To make a comparison, can we return to the first slide, please?
  • Let's go back. No, not this one. One back. Back one more. Yes, that’s it. Thank you.
  • May I go back two slides, please?
  • Sorry, this one is in the wrong order. May I have the next one?
  • Oh, this slide is misplaced. Please skip over it. Yes, this is the correct one.
  • I'm afraid I didn't ask for this slide. Can we go back to the previous one? Please.
  • Let's go through the following slides rapidly.
  • The following three slides we will go through quickly without explanation.
  • Wait a minute, please. I want to say more about this slide.


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