留学文书中除了我们熟知的简历、个人陈述、申请essay,还需要推荐信,这也是文书中唯一不需要自己动笔写的内容。申请英国、美国、加拿大等主要留学国家的大学,一般都需要2-4篇推荐信,推荐人可选择学校老师,可选择工作或实习单位上司,也可以选择自己的长辈。如果学校没有限定推荐性篇数,至少要准备3篇,每封推荐信至少能对申请者的2-3个特质作出推荐,那么3封推荐信差不多可以推荐申请生的方方面面,从学习潜力到研究能力,从个人性格到综合素质。下面我们来分析推荐信怎么写。 推荐信的内容: 1.被推荐人与推荐人的关系、认识时间,如何了解申请人的; 2.被推荐人的优势特点,可以从商业技能、智力水平和个性特征等几个方面切入。另外,还需要客观阐述申请人的不足,小小的批评往往也可以作为另外一方面优点的展示; 3.被推荐人在其群体中的素质比较,如领导潜能、成熟程度、智力、团队工作精神、沟通技巧、创造力、自信心以及动机。特别要注明被推荐人在这些方面在他所属的群体中位居百分之几内,例如在领导潜能方面你是全班20人里最拔尖的,或是最好的,10%以内的。 推荐信怎么写: 一封好的推荐信不仅要在评价方面有特色,更重要的是要有具体的确实可行的事例作为佐证。许多申请者的推荐信都会犯一种致命错误,那就是其中都充满了“excellent”“distinguished”“ambitious”“natural born leader”这样的顶级赞美之词,却没有具体的例子来支持这些“论点”。这样的推荐信不仅不能使商学院增加对申请者的了解,反而会让他们觉得无法对申请者有一个真实的认识。如果没有具体生动的事例,评审委员会又怎能将你从成百上千,甚至成千上万个申请者中区分开来呢?因此,只要不罗嗦,不讲废话,多举一些实例是有益无害的,篇幅一到两页均可。 在具体操作程序上,申请人应该在计划递交申请材料的期限前三个月左右开始寻找推荐人。人选定好后,接下来要做的就是和推荐人坦诚地面谈一次,解释清楚你需要什么样的帮助。告诉对方你想申请哪些学校,为什么选择那些学校。最好能向推荐人提供一份你的完整详细的简历,以方便写推荐信。如果你认为推荐者应就某几个方面作一下重点描述,应该提前准备一份书面材料,列举那些你认为推荐人可以着手的地方。理想的推荐信是每一封都从一个不同的侧面反映你的特点,不需要面面俱到,但又能与申请Essay相配合。 另外,需要确保推荐人知道你在何时之前要得到这些推荐信,不能因此而错过了递交申请材料的最佳时间。即使你已经将这些信息告诉了推荐人,也不能掉以轻心,最好在几个星期之后写信或者打电话询问一下进展情况。对于推荐人来讲,给你写信可能并不是他们优先处理的事情,因此保持适当的联系将会对他按时完成有一定的督促作用。最后当然不要忘了对推荐人表示感谢,要知道他们对你的帮助很大程度上决定了整个申请过程的成功与否。学校方面万一来函来电查对,你的推荐人对你的印象深,评价自然不会差。 推荐信范文:
Aaron Jones
123 A Street Citycenter, NY 12345 September 21, 2012 Scott Smith 345 B Street Citycenter, NY 12345 Dear Mr. Smith, I am pleased to recommend May Williams for the Master’s program at State University. May has been a student in many of my classes during the past four years, so I have learned a great deal about her and her abilities, and I knows he would do well if given the opportunity to continue her education. May’s determination to succeed has led her to excel in my classes. She consistently gets excellent marks on her homework and tests, and she participates in class regularly. Her knowledge of the Spanish language convinced me to ask her to become a tutor for other students who were struggling with the language—a challenge that she met with great success. The students she tutored significantly improved their grades, and some have even chosen Spanish as their majors. Compared to the other students in class, May’s grades have always been at the top. This has led other students in her classes to ask her for help if they do not understand a lesson. Despite her busy schedule, May always balances her time, so she can help anyone who needs assistance with the language. During the years I’ve known her, May has worked to greatly improve her own confidence in her abilities.This improvement is what made her agree to help tutor other individuals. When students in her own classes began asking her for assistance, her confidence truly began to soar, and it only continues to improve. Due to her knowledge and great aptitude for learning, May would be an excellent candidate for the Master’s of Spanish program. She will make a great student at State University, and I have no doubts that her abilities and determination will continue to grow. Sincerely, Aaron Jones |