Should Whistleblowers be Encouraged? 应该鼓励举报人吗?
Occasionally, Some illegal actions can exist in companies ,To these phenomena, as employees, Is it necessary to report suspicious behaviors to the relevant departments ?.The answer is “no”, the reasons are as follows :
Firstly, this behavior does not meet professional ethics and business conduct. Many readers probably question it. However, 2013 Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants says, “For example, a professional accountant may have encountered a fraud, the reporting could breach the professional accountant’s responsibility to respect confidentially.” In other words, if an accountant finds fraud behavior of enterprises, his whistleblowing is in breach of the duty of confidentiality of professional accountants. The reason for this is based on the secrecy law,because the company and employees have common interests in order to avoid the whistleblowers gaining unfair interests from the report. For example,when accountants finds the accounts of the company have some problems and they do not report those to their superiors immediately ,moreover,accountants might use this vulnerability to dump stocks, then report to THE IRS. Thus,investors suffer losses, and speculators reap tremendous benefits.
Secondly, the detectors can try to have a conversation with their leaders to solve problems., Executives may not be aware that they are doing something that is against the law, so reporting them directly may cause the company to lose money;even worse, it may destroy the firm. To varying degrees , it is inevitably for a company,especially a large one,to make mistakes during its operating time. Due to the complex organization and human factors,most violations are not deliberate. For instance,in 2009,an engineer in Das Auto found their cars’ transmission had a hidden safety problem which might cause shift failure. He reported this problem to the supervisor, then in 2010, Volkswagen recalled more than 20,000 automobiles. If the engineer had revealed the mistake to the public directly, perhaps the company's reputation would have been ruined , the stock would have fallen. Some conflicts can be resolved within the company, as a result, and it can minimize the cost. However,another car company which is General MotoRs also met this problem. Their products also had transmission defects, and some employees had already found those problems and reported to their executives. But if the supervisors had misconducted this problem, it would have caused many accidents. Finally, a brave employee who is named Kelley sueVERB TENSE GM to court. Then, GM had to recall millions of automobiles.
Thirdly. reporting may seriously hurt the whistleblowers.
, whistleblowing always lets employees get into trouble. According to an American survey,some experts did research in Maryland ,and they interviewed nearly 100 whistle blowers. The answer is that more than 50% of whistle blowers felt regret. What is more,a worker who had been working in a nuclear power plant said: ''This has turned out to be the most frightening thing I have ever done. But it has also been the most satisfying. I think I did the right thing, and I have caused some changes to be made in the plant.'' Therefore, when prosecutors expose the illegal activities,they may face danger. In many ways, they may experience some form of revenge, including being passed over for rise ,being reassigned ,or getting demoted. This is unfortunate for the whistleblowers .The strength of an individual is insignificant when they fight against a huge organization. Not only would they suffer huge pressure, but also their families would face threats. YOU NEED TO CITE ALL OF THIS INFO FROM SOURCES.
To conclude,whistleblowing is not always a right choice because the informers may be morally reprehensible and they may also be under threat. However, for the sake of conscience and responsibility, sometimes employees have to become whistle blowers. As the 2013 Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants suggestS,the best advice for them to try to resolve the contradictions is to solve them within the company first. If all the possible means have been tried, they should sever every relevant relationship, then they can report these circumstances with their real names to the department concerned. (这里需要过渡)TRANSITION NEEDED HERE Based on THE Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011,“ Public employees cannot be discharged, threatened or discriminated against for reporting a violation or suspected violation of a state or federal law to the Office of the Auditor of Accounts, unless the employee knew the report to be false. Aggrieved employees can bring a civil suit for damages within 90 days of the alleged discrimination.”The whistleblowers should know the laws which can protect them,then use legal means to defend justice.
Hardigree,M.(2014).Bloomberg Businessweek: GM Punished Those Who Spoke For Safety.
International Federation of Accountants.(2013). 2013 Handbook of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
National Conference of State Legislatures. (2010). The Whistleblower Laws.