DPADThe wage comes from the taxable income (63,230 USD) and self-employment income (12,930 USD)of Fahmida, excluding all the expenses relevant (4,900 USD). The dividends come from the revenue from selling Apple and IBM stocks. The business income (275,344USD) comes from the software consultant services by Ahmad, which equals to gross income (515,300 USD) minus operating expenses (236,000 USD), including salaries of employees(194,000 USD) and other necessary expenses (42,000 USD). The real estate rental equals to rental revenue (23,378) minus operating expenses (6,360).Unemployment compensation is zero as both of them are employed or self-employed. No alimony or interest in any form was received.Farm income and taxable SS benefits are zero. Other income includes the life insurance benefits (12,500 per year, given in four years) from Fahmide’s aunt, who died in 2013.
The total adjustment is 14,671 USD, so the adjusted gross income is 398,461USD. Excluding the itemized deductions, which consists of medical (58,700 USD), taxes (20,000 USD) and interest (12,100 USD), the taxable income is 307,661USD.
Ahmad made tax payment of 5000 dollars per quarter for 2014 on time, thus no balance or refund was given.
Wage = 63230–4900+12930
Dividends = 560x60 (from Apple share)–250x9(from IBM share)–240 (agent fee)
Business Income = Business Income - SE Tax Computation
I don’t know what they are:
Capital Gain or (loss); Other Gains or (losses); IRA distributions
Pensions and Annuities = 5900 (for FIT)
Rental Real estate = Rental Revenue - Operating Expenses
Other income = the life insurance benefits (12,500 per year, given in four years) from Fahmide’s aunt
I’m not sure about the value of:
Moving Exp
1/2 SE Tax
SE HI deduction
Alimony Paid
IRA deduction
Student Loan Interest