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英国课程作业指导-英国停车管理系统调研-British parking management system

论文价格: 免费 时间:2012-04-01 14:20:11 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

A, 英国停车管理论文British parking management system and law enforcement agencies parking management department is mainly British "traffic police" and "local government committee" two departments are responsible for. In the "road traffic act (1991) before the issuance of, almost all of the parking violations by traffic police are responsible for illegal parking is considered by criminal court criminal verdict. But the road traffic act (1991) "to stop illegal management" the criminal changes specifically is parking management by most of the access to the local government committee traffic police shift illegal parking is no longer regarded as criminal crime and illegal drivers and its subordinate to the local government committee of civil disputes and civil court ruling by the act. This applies to England. Wales and Northern Ireland Scotland has his own legal system. At present, according to law enforcement of the main body of the British law enforcement personnel different mainly have three-traffic police, traffic controllers and parking administrator. Traffic police mainly responsible for the crime and transportation such as speeding. Drunk driving. Deliberate destruction of the parking meters table or other and road safety related crime: by traffic police traffic administrator employed, the main management red line lane (usually. Any time are the main don't allow parking) and bus special lanes of illegal parking in the main, ensure smooth traffic flow and buses, and for other on the road or in the parking lot of the parking violations by the local government committee main hired administrators responsible for parking, usually practice is government committee and a or a few contracts instead of the government by the company hire and management committee concrete parking administrator. So. In the UK illegal parking is basically referring to stop the scope, administrator belongs to China by traffic police responsible for dealing with the status of the illegal parking have obvious difference.

指导英国课程作业Second, British parking management way of law enforcement in the management of the British parking include law enforcement and not on the two ways of the latter is law enforcement of the main way. Management object including road parking in the parking lot and parking, this paper mainly introduces the road surface parking management. Pavement management of the law the parking equipment is mainly used parking meters table were two types of a single parking Spaces are used to control the meters table (as shown in figure 1) could put in a coin shows allow parking after the time parking administrator according to m table shows the time to determine whether the vehicle fee or whether more than the stop time. M indicated on the table during the periods of parking allowed, fee standards. The longest stop time and use conditions. Every meters table have independent number and be ready to complaints and review in use. Another m form is used to control more parking space or share parking space (figure 2) users in meters on purchases of parking tickets and watch the parking ticket stick in a car's windshield administrator for parking meters above the table with the same inspection period of parking allowed. Charging standards. The longest time and parking use conditions. Figure 1 single parking space m law enforcement personnel including traffic table administrator and parking administrator both according to different area of responsibility of the every day in the parking place patrol. Check whether vehicles according to the regulations and pay for parking fee is not in conformity with the provisions of the parking fee and not be punish notice as a vehicle of the law of the way to strengthen and added. Another road management according to the provisions of the regulations of the parking place in many control (such as single yellow line) allow vehicles II Fou stay but must be up and down when personnel or load and unload goods usually stipulate the longest must not exceed 2 O minutes. If parking observed in the vehicle administrator after parking place. And no people up and down, or loading and unloading the goods can be issued to violate compasses vehicles punish notice. Figure 2 more parking meters parking list

Overseas observation figure 3 traffic warden in the patrol figure 4 parking administrator in the open ticket

Three, Britain parking enforcement procedures for the serious influence of traffic parking. Such as bus lanes of the parking within. Traffic administrator can l, y, te car towed away. For not caused by traffic important influence on the vehicle. The parking administrator punish notice posted on a car's windshield. From the day of the open ticket count. The owner must in 28 days to pay the fine. If the owner to pay the fine within 14 days. Will enjoy five O % discount. That is just pay a fine half. At 14 to 28 days to pay the fines is not enjoy preferential. The owner can also in 28 days and ticket's communications http://www.ukassignment.org/ygkczy/2012/0401/19392.html address. Through the written form and complain. Specifications shall cancel the fine of reason. 如果开具罚单之后28天之内未缴纳罚款.车主会收到一份“车主通知书 。收到通知书后.车主必须在28天之内缴纳罚款.或向当地政府委员会申请复议.对于复议结果不服.车主即可提起法律诉讼。如果车主在28天之内既不缴纳罚款又不申请复议.就会收到另外一份罚款通知书.罚款数额比第一份罚款增加5O%。收到第二份罚款通知书后.车主必须在14天之内缴纳罚款.车主不能提起法律诉讼。如果车主仍未缴纳罚款.罚款转为地区法庭登记的债务.并另~l,/Jl上法庭费用.向车主下达债务登记单。如果在21指导英国课程作业日之内仍未缴纳.由法庭强制执行。奥地利用手机支付停车费奥地利首都维也纳已经开发出用手机支付停车费的技术。手机用户要把手机号码、车辆牌照号码输入到互联网内.并使用信用卡预先支付停车费。驾驶员在维也纳停车场停放车辆时.用专用号码发出短信息.写明要停车的时间。在限定停车前十分钟.用户可收到告知停车时间快到了的警告。当然用户可以续交停车费.也可以把车开走。十分方便。(刘勤)英国新车可增加道路违章监控设备预警装置过去英国人购车后.往往加装环球定位系统等装置。用户需6个月前订货.费用是325英镑(合490欧元).除此之外.还需每年交39 99英镑的使用费。这些设备可以提醒驾驶员前方有摄像机或测速雷达等监控设备。其应用软件可从互联网下载。根据用户的要求.现在英国汽车制造商已经在小客车和小货车出厂前安装好这些设备。(刘勤)荷兰启用新型可变信息板荷兰智能道路交通标志示范工程已经进入试验阶段.现在已经有两块信息板安装在代夫特试验中心的道路上。这种新型可变信息板可为驾驶员提供道路前方的动态实时信息。第二阶段.将把这种新型可变标志安装在道路上。信息板分为两种.一种是安装在路段上.仅为驾驶员提供交通拥堵信息.包括:拥堵时间、原因和到达下一个出口的时间 第二种信息板是为驾驶员提供选择绕行道路的信息.包括:拥堵程度和用不同颜色标出的可以绕行的道路。按照计划.此类信息板在2004年投入使用。(刘勤)英国开发出新型语音提示器英国新近开发出一种语音提示器.这是一种用语音提示驾驶员离开车时拉好手指导留学生作业刹的警告设备。司机停车后忘记拉手刹的情况时有发生.往往会引发事故。现有车辆用的是蜂鸣器.它不能足以引起驾驶员的注意。测试表明.现在的语音提示器要比蜂鸣器有效.即使司机离开车辆关上车门后.也可听到语音提示。


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