The assessment for the Research Methods module involves completing a DISSERTATION PROPOSAL about a topic that you would like to research and explanation of what you would like to find out, who has written about the topic and the methods you may choose to complete the research. The dissertation proposal has THREE sections to it detailed below and there will be opportunities to obtain feedback during the module on aspects of the proposal. In total your dissertation proposal should be 5000 words (+/- 10%) and comprise of the following three sections: Section One: Dissertation proposal outline (1000 words) You have the option to hand-in a draft of this section to your Research Methods tutor on 11th October. NB No feedback will be given on this section unless drafts are handed in by 11th October. Feedback provided on 25th October.
The dissertation proposal outline should include: Section Two: Literature Review (2500 words) You have the option to hand-in a draft of this section to your Research Methods tutor on 8th November. NB No feedback will be given on this section unless drafts are handed in by 8th November. Feedback provided on 22nd November. The literature review is a summary of what others have written about your chosen topic. You need to draw out the main themes and critically discuss the main issues and theories that will underpin your research. Consult a variety of sources especially academic journals and books and acknowledge sources appropriately. Section Three: Methods and ethical issues (1500 words) You have the option to hand-in a draft of this section to your Research Methods tutor on 29th November. NB No feedback will be given on this section unless drafts are handed in by 29th November. Feedback provided on 13th December
This section requires you to: Grades will be awarded as follows:
Section One accounts for 20% of the marks Tutors will use the standard assessment sheet with regard to structure, presentation and use of sources.