论文题目:innovation Assignment number: 1 of 1 (100% of overall grade) Module Aims: 1. To examine and study the role of innovation and creativity in relation management practice, and to consider critically how the creative characteristics and style possessed by individual managers can affect decision making (and therefore the selection of strategic direction) 2. To consider the organisational context and how culture and climate aids or inhibits innovation, and specifically explore and examine how different systems for innovation can help to break down barriers and access the innovative knowledge base existing within organisations ;
3. To explore the utility of creative techniques for creative thinking, and as a means to facilitate the generation of alternative paradigms. On completion of the module the student should be able to: 1. Evaluate the utility of approaches to the management of innovation and creativity. 2. Undertake a self-appraisal (reflection) of their own organisations approach to the dynamics of innovation as the basis of improving their own and others actions in this area. 3. Evaluate the impact of the individual decision makers creative characteristics and style in determining strategies and their interpretation way in which the activity is managed. 4. Demonstrate increased knowledge of the organisational imperatives for innovative paradigms, and be able to analyse the significance of the innovative dimension within a range of different organisational contexts. 5. Demonstrate increased knowledge of the organisational imperatives for innovative paradigms, and be able to analyse the significance of the innovative dimension within a range of different organisational contexts. 6. Understand the holistic relationship between the innovation topic and the Management of Complexity topic area 7. Demonstrate sufficient proficiency across all level 7 domains to engage in the dissertation component of the students development
• Critically evaluate how the management at 3M has attempted to encourage and develop innovation within the organization. With this in mind take a company within which you work or are very familiar, and compare/contrast the management systems. Though you may use tables and diagrams your answer should be in the form of a report.
• To develop a critical understanding of the concepts and frameworks discussed in the Innovation Module. • To develop the skills of analysis and synthesis through the construction of written argument. Thus developing/honing the skills underpinning the dissertation process.
GUIDANCE An introduction to establish the direction and parameters of the report and overall provide the context for the evaluation A main body in the report which provides a clear structure for evaluating the issue raised by the assignment task Conclusions which provide an overall interpretation and consolidation of the main points of argument that have been revealed by the evaluation. Recommendations of actions or areas for further investigation which, (based upon the evaluation and points in the conclusion) would be of benefit to individuals and the widerorganisation. In doing so you should identify the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of the suggestions you make. • The points you put forward will need to be supported by using relevant arguments from the sources considered in the innovation module to evaluate and interpret the evidence of relevant workplace issues you put forward. • The word length should be 3000 words (min) to 3500 (maximum). This excludes references and if included an Executive Summary.
For the report you will be assessed on the basis of: • The reports overall structure and clarity.(Does each part complement other parts of the report?) • Your selection of relevant concepts and their usein supportingthe arguments you put forward. • Recommendations are directly based upon the critical evaluation and conclusions. (What are the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of the suggestions made?) Retrieval Task: To be advised if necessary. PLAGIARISM AND UNFAIR PRACTICE It is dishonest not to acknowledge the work of other people and you open yourself up to the accusation of plagiarism. The text of this assignment must be in your own words (not even a sentence or phrase should be taken from another source unless this source is referenced or the phrase placed in quotes). For more information please refer to the University Assessment Regulations at the following web address:
REFERENCING It is very important that the sources of material used in your assignments (and Management Reports/Projects, Dissertations, etc) are appropriately referenced. The system of referencing adopted by UWCN is known as the Harvard system. Please note below the standard formats that must be adopted in your work.
Reference to a book:
Reference to a contribution in a journal:
Reference to a Web citation: Titles of books and journals if hand written should be underlined, otherwise they should be as stated above and be in italics. Short quotations [under 4 lines] should be placed in the body of the text and enclosed in quotation marks. Longer quotations should be preceded by a colon, set off from the text and indented by at least 2.5 cm, quotation marks should not be used Please note that inappropriate or absence of referencing in your work may affect your final score for the work