Key ideas
我应该读什么,这一切该怎么办? 要了解的一个有效的目的和基本要求作为文献综述。为了帮助您审慎评估研究材料。
What should I be reading and what do I do with it all?
To understand the purpose and basic requirements of an effective
literature review.
To help you critically assess research materials.
To develop strategies for inventing, organising, and drafting a literature
REVIEW To help you cite sources appropriately
4TH Year Honours – Dissertation Preparation
Peter Moles
4th Year Honours Dissertation 2
The basics of report writing Introduction
(writing a dissertation)
The ‘Literature Review’ (lit review) is where most of a dissertation's
Data &
sources are cited.
Literature review It is the scholarly core of the dissertation.
You must locate current research studies (usually found in professional
journal articles) that have contributed to the field in a theme similar to your
own dissertation. You need to review these papers with a critical eye!
The literature review is an
The literature review is an
analysis and synthesis of
analysis and synthesis of
primary source materials, written
primary source materials, written Not to be confused with a book review, a literature review surveys
in a specific style which flows#p#分页标题#e#
in a specific style which flows
scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g. dissertations, conference
from broad to narrow, and
from broad to narrow, and
takes into account both the proceedings) relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory,
takes into account both the
theoretical and empirical providing a description, summary and critical evaluation of each work.
theoretical and empirical
issues of the problem without
issues of the problem without The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature published
over citing any source or
over citing any source or
on a topic.
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Definition & purposes of a literature
Scholarly writing
Your job as a dissertation writer is to show that you know what you are ‘... a literature review uses as its database reports of primary or original
scholarship, and does not report new primary scholarship itself. The primary
talking about, that what you are writing is true and that what you are
reports used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast majority of cases
writing matters--with evidence-based support that will pass the critical
reports are written documents. The types of scholarship may be empirical,
read of the assessors in the authoritative style and voice of a scholarly
theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological in nature. Second a literature
review seeks to describe, summarise, evaluate, clarify and/or integrate
The literature review enables you to demonstrate skills in the content of primary reports.’ (my emphasis)
independent research and critical enquiry. — Cooper, H. M. (1988), The structure of knowledge synthesis,
Knowledge in Society, Vol. 1, pp: 104–126
The lit review is a key element in report writing and shows you know#p#分页标题#e#
where your research fits in with others.
To summarise the literature review’s purposes:
When writing the lit review chapter: 1. You know about subject
DO NOT editorialise – just give the facts! 2. You can review your area critically
DO connect your study to what you find in the review. 3. You have used existing knowledge to focus your research question
DO make certain that every review relates to YOUR study -- and show 4. You have used existing knowledge to chose your research
us HOW.
5. You have something to compare your own results with
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Questions to be answered: What should be in the lit review
“What is already known about this issue/problem?” An overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along
with the objectives of the literature review
What useful data already exists that informs your efforts?
Division of works under review into categories (e.g. those in support of a
particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses
What is missing from the literature that your study will provide?
Why is your approach (method) an excellent way to solve the problem?
Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the
Working with literature is an essential part of the research
Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered in their argument,
process that:
are most convincing of their opinions, and make the greatest contribution
1. generates ideas
to the understanding and development of their area of research
2. helps form significant questions
3. is instrumental in the process of research design
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Reading and researching the
How to write a ‘Literature Review’
lit review
Collect and read material. Step 1: Read a lot.
Read with care and purpose
Summarise sources:. Look carefully at the references
Read from tangentially related areas
Who is the author?
Step 2: Define the area.
What is the author's main purpose?
It is important to know what that body of knowledge says so that we know
What is the author’s theoretical perspective? Research methodology? where our own work should go, and, ultimately, does go.
Who is the intended audience? Keep in mind that when you are reviewing the literature, typically you are
What is the principal point, conclusion, thesis, contention, or looking at the literature that deals with your particular area.
question? Step 3: Keep track of all of this information.
How is the author’s position supported?
Copy or download articles, et.
How does this study relate to other studies of the problem or topic? Write down all bibliographic information.
What does this study add to your dissertation topic?
Step 4: Write it up.
When writing a literature review, keep in mind that you are reviewing the
Select only relevant articles, books, etc.
literature, not summarizing it.
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Four analysis tasks of the literature
What to include?
In assessing each piece, consideration should be given to:
Provenance: What are the author's credentials? Are the author's#p#分页标题#e#
arguments supported by evidence (e.g. primary historical material, case
studies, narratives, statistics, recent scientific findings)?
Objectivity: Is the author's perspective even-handed or prejudicial? Is
contrary data considered or is certain pertinent information ignored to
prove the author's point?
Persuasiveness: Which of the author's theses are most/least
Value: Are the author's arguments and conclusions convincing? Does
A literature review is never just a list of studies—it always offers an argument the work ultimately contribute in any significant way to an
about a body of research
understanding of the subject?
Analysis occurs on two levels:
Individual sources
Body of research
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Dos and don’t of a literature review Intersecting areas of literature
A lit review is not a report that Rather, a lit review is a cohesive
summarises relevant articles and account of important bodies of
books one by one sequentially. works and arguments in your
discipline, and the articles and
books that are a part of these ▪ TEENAGERS
bodies of work and arguments.
The trick is to choose the bodies of#p#分页标题#e#
work that are most relevant to your RITES OF PASSAGE
project. ▪
▪ background literature
moderate relevance
high relevance
highest relevance
Source: O'Leary, Z. (2004) The Essential Guide to Doing Research. London: Sage
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Dos and don’ts of a literature review
As demonstrated in the foregoing literature review, Dweck (1986) and Nicholls’
(1984) models of achievement goal orientation laid the foundation for much of the
research that has been conducted over the last 15-20 years in the realm of
achievement motivation (Harackiewicz et al., 1998; Pintrich, 2000). These models
are useful for understanding how attitudes relate to behavior in achievement
situations. The above review has offered an historical evaluation of the
Literature reviews do not have to A good literature review must be
experimental and quasi-experimental literature that lead to the development and
be necessarily long comprehensive. refinement of achievement goal theory.
Also examined was the current debate in the literature regarding which types of
achievement goals promote optimal motivation. While a number of theorists
endorsed a mastery goal perspective, focusing on the adaptive consequences of
mastery goals and the maladaptive consequences of performance goals (Ames,
1992; Meece et al., 1988), others endorsed a multiple goal perspective in which#p#分页标题#e#
both mastery and performance goals can be beneficial (Barron & Harackiewicz,
2001; Covington, 2000; Harackiewicz et al., 1998).
Finally, the literature review addressed the impact of achievement goals in the
classroom and offered a developmental perspective of achievement goals, thereby
disclosing a gap in the literature concerning student age and achievement goal
orientation at the higher education level. This dissertation addresses this gap in
the literature by examining the relationship between achievement goal orientation
and student age in business studies students.
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Some writing do’s and don’ts
Dos and don’ts of a literature review
You do not want to write like this:
‘Smith (1978) conducted a 3x3x3 factorial design to study squirrels. He
As you summarize the literature, Relate each piece of research to
concentrated on brown squirrels, stating “flying squirrels are just too
be careful that you are not just the broader research question and
damn unpredictable to study” (page 54). 1000 squirrels were broken
discussing each piece of writing in relate individual pieces of research
into six groups and given the choice of nuts to eat. One group was
a vacuum to each other
given nothing but pecans, the other nothing but acorns, and then
allowed to switch, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH......’
This aspect cannot be stressed enough!
This aspect cannot be stressed enough! You may write this instead:
‘Smith (1978) found that squirrels fed with acorn nuts had a higher
mean growth than squirrels fed with pecan nuts.’
Then relate this information to your own research.#p#分页标题#e#
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Summary and synthesis
Dos and don’ts of a literature review
In your own words, summarise and/or synthesise the key findings relevant to your
What do we know about the immediate area?
Be careful not to make your lit For example, if you are writing
What are the key arguments, key characteristics, key concepts or key figures?
review too broad about the effects of squash seeds
on the growth of chickens there is What are the existing debates/theories?
On the other hand, do not make no need to include a background
What common methodologies are used?
your lit review too narrow discussion of how squash are
grown. E.g.:
Normadin (2006) has demonstrated…
Early work by Hausman, Schwarz, and Graves (1986) was concerned with…
Elsayed and Stern (2008) compared algorithms for handling…
Additional work by Karasawa et. al, Azadivar, and Parry et. al (2009) deals with…
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Comparison and critique
Example: summary and synthesis
Under the restriction of small populations, four possible ways [to avoid
Evaluates the strength and weaknesses of the work:
premature convergence] were presented. The first one is to revise the
gene operators. . . .Griffiths and Miles (2006) applied advanced two- How do the different studies relate? What is new, different, or
dimensional gene operators to search the optimal cross-section of a controversial?
beam and significantly improve results. The second way is to adjust gene
概率的方法并获得了双赢的结果。 什么样的证据是缺乏的,不确定的,矛盾的,或太局限,什么样的研究设计或方法似乎不理想?
What views need further testing?
probability. Leite and Topping (2002) adopted a variable mutation
probability and obtained an outperformed result.
What evidence is lacking, inconclusive, contradicting, or too limited?
What research designs or methods seem unsatisfactory?
Piaget’s theory of stages of cognitive development and Erikson’s stages
of psychosocial development are commonly used for educational E.g.:
psychology courses (Borich & Tombari, 1997; LeFrancois, 1997; Slavin,
In this ambitious but flawed study, Jones and Wang…
1997). Piaget described characteristic behaviours, including artistic ones
These general results, reflecting the stochastic nature of the flow of
such as drawing, as evidence of how children think and what children do
goods, are similar to those reported by Rosenblatt and Roll…
as they progress beyond developmental milestones into and through
stages of development
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Writing your literature review Summary of key ideas
Writing a good review requires you to:
read a few good reviews
write critical annotations
develop a structure
write purposefully
use the literature to back up your
arguments/research question
review and write throughout the
research process
get feedback
and be prepared to redraft
A good literature review is an argument that is more purposeful
than a simple review of relevant literature
Source: O'Leary, Z. (2004) The Essential Guide to Doing Research. London: Sage
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Writing style
Consider what makes an article/chapter you have read hard or a joy
The most common mistakes
to read?
students make are:#p#分页标题#e#
Create a flow or ‘storyline’ (sequence when writing; that is, engage the
that they do not do enough
reader and lead them through the account.)
Provide ‘signposts’
or they do too much literature
– “Pulling together” summary points where your writing takes any
or they summarise the literature
new direction. Say ‘this is what I have discovered, the
rather than review it.
implications are these and so we need to explore this, this and
this to develop our understanding further’.
A good structure should set you up for a good writing style Remember that you are trying to set
Try doing a mini-review ASAP (e.g. get a friend to critically review a the stage for your own work and
part of what you have already written of your dissertation)
therefore your discussions about it is
Avoid ‘colloquialisms’ ‘journalistic writing important.
Be precise, clear, use short sentences and paragraphs; use the
appropriate ‘technical’ language (and use it correctly!)
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Keep asking the questions!
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