Return reversal
•De Bondt and Thaler (1985)
–Shares that had given the worst returns over a three-year period outperformed the market by an average of 19.6 percent in the next 36 months
•Chopra et al. (1992)
–Extreme prior losers outperform extreme prior winners by 5–10 per cent per year during the subsequent five years
•Arnold and Baker (2005)
–Loser shares outperformed winner shares by 14 percent per year
Cumulative market-adjusted returns for UK share portfolios constructed on the basis of prior five-year returns

Market-adjusted buy-and-hold five-year test-period returns for loser minus winner strategies for each of the 39 portfolio formations

Price (return) momentum
Jegadeesh and Titman (1993): a strategy that selects shares on their past six-month returns and holds them for six months, realises a compounded return above the market of 12.01 per cent per year on average
Jegadeesh and Titman (1993): 在他们过去六个月选择股票的战略汇报并持有6个月,实现了高于市场平均每年12.01%的复利回报。
•Possible explanations:
–Investors underreacting to new information
–Investors overreacting during the test period
•Rouwenhorst (1998) showed price momentum in 12 developed country stock markets
•Liu et al. (1999)
•Hon and Tonks (2003)
•Arnold and Shi (2005)
–Tested the strategy over the period 1956 to 2001
•While on average, winners outperform losers by up to 9.92 percent per year the strategy is fairly unreliable
Price momentum

Portfolios are constructed on six-month prior-period returns and held for six months. Buy-and-hold monthly returns over the six months for the winner portfolio minus the loser portfolio. Each portfolio formation is shown separately
Moving averages
•Brock et al. (1992)
•If investors (over the period 1897 to 1986) bought the 30 shares in the Dow Jones Industrial Average when the short- term moving average of the index (the average over, say, 50 days) rises above the long-term moving average (the average over, say, 200 days) they would have outperformed the investor who simply bought and held the market portfolio
•However, transaction costs should be carefully considered before such strategies can be implemented’ (Brock et al.1992)
然而,交易成本,应仔细考虑才可以实现这种战略'(Brock et al.1992)
•The trading rules did not work in the 10 years following the study period (Sullivan et al. 1999)