Paper #3: Persuasive Essay
Identify some issue or condition in the world, in the nation or in your local community that is important to you and argue persuasively for a specific position regarding that condition.
There is no topical limitation, other than that your subject and the treatment of it should respect the feelings of others in this class and the generally accepted values of our time and place. It would be inappropriate, for instance, to argue that women are categorically inferior to men or should have fewer rights than men.
Discuss specific aspects, causes, and dimensions of the condition you have chosen to examine, relying on authoritative sources. You should use at least two kinds of evidence.
The only requirements are:
1. Your issue should be a matter of substance, that is, it should be something of importance to you and others as citizens of this community, nation or world, and
2. It should involve a legitimate controversy. That is, must identify an issue about which reasonable people might disagree.
3. You must cite at least three authoritative sources.
Your submitted paper should be approximately four full pages in length with a separate “Works Cited” page, double-spaced, in a twelve-point Roman font and with one-inch margins. Use MLA format and citation conventions. There is no need for a cover page.
Assignment due dates
Monday, 11/ 8
Working thesis statement for your paper posted on Vista. This should include a claim and a reason.
Wednesday, 11/10
A rough draft of at least two full pages in length, in which the principal elements of your argument are laid out, including cited sources. Your rough draft should be posted in the appropriate folder in the course dropbox before class.
Monday, 11/15
A second draft of at least three full pages in length, with a meaningful introduction and conclusion. We will conduct a peer-editing workshop in class on Monday.
Wednesday, 11/17
Paper #3 due in the course dropbox before class time.
! ! ! Thanksgiving ! ! !
Monday, 11/29
Paper #3 returned by instructor.