Isle of Sheppey Airport
Feasibility Review
Greenovation Engineering
7th December 2010
Since the middle of the 20th century, plans for a new London airport have been mooted in various locations to accommodate increasing demand. From 1985 to 2005 passenger numbers through UK airport terminals have increased by 3-8% per year: (1) (2)
在20世纪中期以来,一个新伦敦机场的计划已经在不同的地点酝酿,以适应日益增长的需求。 1985〜2005年通过英国机场候机楼的旅客人数每年增加3-8%:

Aside from the recent slide in passenger numbers in the past 3 years (due in large part to the global economic recession, combined with changing attitudes towards the travel and the environment.), long term demand for air travel is anticipated to continue to grow considerably. Being able to meet this demand is vital for the UK economy in facilitating the access of UK businesses to foreign markets, customers and suppliers, encouraging inbound and outbound tourism traffic, and helping bring in foreign investment. (2)
With the majority of demand being the South East, there has been significant development of airports in and around London in the past 25 years. 1985 saw the completion of redevelopment and a new terminal at Luton airport, and two years later, in 1987, London saw the opening of City airport in the Docklands. In 1988 Gatwick’s second terminal was opened, while in 1991 the major redevelopment of Stansted was completed. At Heathrow two new terminals have been opened in 1986 in 2008 respectively.
However, alongside these developments many proposals have been put forward for an entirely new London airport to service this demand, and avoid potential travellers becoming ‘lost’ to the UK system – and avoid the economic losses associated with that.
This feasibility report therefore assesses the potential for a new airport in the Thames Estuary, on the Isle of Sheppey.
Economic rationale
Air travel is vital to the economy, generating 1.1% of the GDP in 2004 (£11.4Bn of value, £3.6Bn to the government), and growth in aviation is tied closely to growth in the UK economy. (3)
A growing industry in its own right, it contributes directly to the UK economy as a key part of the transport infrastructure linking together the UK and the wider international economic community.
It is a vital facilitator for international trade where 11% of UK service exports and over 20% of all exports of goods by value are by air – to destinations outside the EU this proportion increases to 55%. Growth in air travel means growth in potential market size for UK businesses. (3)
这是一个重要国际贸易促进英国服务出口的11%和所有出口货物价值的20%以上是由空气 - 欧盟以外的目的地这一比例提高到55%。航空旅行的增长意味着英国企业潜在市场规模增长。
In addition good air transport infrastructure and international links a major encouragement to foreign investors looking for opportunities abroad. Any UK investment will generally more profitable when supported by a transport network.
UK economic growth is therefore greatly supported by aviation with many sectors dependent on air travel such as London’s international financial services and the west of England’s high-tech manufacturing industry (3). The government has therefore recognised the key importance of allowing air travel to develop to maintaining stable economic growth and meeting UK GDP targets.
Aviation is a major employer in the UK, supporting186,000 jobs in 2005, (3) generally providing almost 1% of UK employment. It also supports three times as many jobs indirectly in the supply-chain for air travel infrastructure and operators. (4)
Finally, three-quarters of all overseas visitors visit the UK by air, (4) and as such air travel is a vital component of UK tourism – an industry which provides 7% of all jobs in the UK, and generates a further 1.1% of the GDP. (3)
Therefore, from a purely economic viewpoint, excluding economic and social concerns for now, restricting air travel in the future will certainly have a negative economic impact on UK tourism, employment, business growth, foreign investment, trade and directly on the UK economy itself.
It has been suggested in the past however that servicing increased demand for air travel with increased capacity could generate up £18Bn for the economy in net value terms, complement by the creation of up to 80,000 jobs (3). In the case of a new airport east of London, much of these jobs would be provide in London and around the Thames Estuary where unemployment remains high in 2010.
In general economic terms therefore, development of air travel capacity to meet demand is key to the UK.