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英国基尔大学管理专业论文TQL of American Standard, Inc------Taking a new

论文价格: 免费 时间:2013-07-24 10:26:42 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

论文题目:英国基尔大学管理专业论文TQL of American Standard, Inc------Taking a new product plan as an example
论文语言:英语论文 English
您的学校:Keele University.排名四十
论文用于:BA essay 本科课程作业

英国基尔大学管理专业论文TQL of American Standard, Inc------Taking a new product plan as an example

1. Introduction

This easy mainly discusses total quality control and management of the targeted company, involving http://www.ukassignment.org/uklunwen/ some basic theories and concepts developed by various researchers during the past several decades. In order to better understand how relevant theories of quality control be applied to the targeted company, this essay further illustrates a new product plan of American Standard. Because of poor TQM of American Standard, it fails to bring together hard technologies and soft technologies of quality control to meet and satisfy the customers’ real demands, that’s why the new product plan cannot achieve the desired results.


2. Overview of the targeted company

3. What’s TQM?
4. A new product plan of the targeted company

5. Conclusions

The globalization results in fierce market competition and the higher demands of customers to products quality. Under this circumstance, together with relevant theories of TQM, this essay targets a new product design and tried to figure out the main problems of TQM in American Standard. According to the analysis of the main body of this essay, some conclusions could be drawn.
First, the quality management of suppliers needs to be further standardization and systematization. Secondly, the design quality needs to be enhanced therefore the communications between the design managers and marketing department are quite important. Thirdly, American Standard should try every effort to shorten the research period and decrease the design cost, it means a lot to occupy the marketing shares. Finally, it should pay more attention on the satisfactions of team members and their skills improvement. Because the new product is conducted in the form of project team, if the team members could have a clear understanding of the targets from the start, it can enhance the enthusiasm of the project team members, and rapidly improving their satisfactions.
To sum up, in accordance with the example illustrated in this essay, during the TQM, American Standard should better smooth the way of communications between all departments of the organization, it also needs to better put forward researches plan and balance the conflicts of researches.


Kelemen ML (2003) Managing Quality. Sage, Chapter 8.
Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, and Robert Johnston (2007) Operations Management. 5th Ed FT Prentice Hall, p.652.
Spencer Dale. (2005) Governing at-a-distance: Outsourcing, network prudentialism and quality assurance standards. University of Windsor (Canada), p.66.
Web sources:
American Standard. Available at



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