Barter communication (M2M, Machine to Machine) is an entity involving one or more data communication without human intervention , also known as machine type communication (MTC, Machine-Type Communication). With the rapid development of M2M services , MTC -based mobile communications network is increasingly becoming a major mobile communication, but , after all, the traditional mobile communication network for all communications (H2H, Hu-man to human) activities designed to adapt H2H business needs , but can not meet the M2M business needs. Specifically , MTC , and all communications traditional differences include the following [ 1 ] :
MTC -based communications application scenarios abundant than H2H communications scene a lot, but also differences. Divided according to functional characteristics can be broadly summarized as location awareness and sharing environmental information perception , remote control and enforcement , data collection release, video monitoring, near-field communications. Differentiation of these applications on the one hand, the performance of functional diversity ; hand also reflected in the application characteristics and demand on the network on differentiation.
Data communication based, including a small flow of data packets , video streaming and so on.
物物通信(M2M,Machine to Machine)是一种牵涉到一个或多个实体的不必人为过问的数值通信,也称为机器类型通信(MTC,Machine-Type Communication)。随着M2M业务的迅速进展,基于移动通信网络的MTC正一天比一天变成一种主要的移动通信形式,不过传统移动通信网络毕竟是面向每人通信(H2H,Hu-man to human)业务预设的,适合H2H的业务需要,却不可以满意M2M业务需要。

MTC communication requires a lower cost than H2H . As M2M business is in the business developed after H2H , minimize cost M2M business to survive an important consideration . Different applications because of their different importance on communication requirements are different, requires a combination of the probability of occurrence and the need to pay the cost of communications integrated to consider the cost minimization.
Huge number of M2M terminals , need to be more flexible and terminal management strategies . M2M terminals massive potential access communication network, and M2M transmission characteristics from either terminal , QoS and mobility requirements , or from the terminal density , have very different and H2H terminal .
A small amount of data transmission based.
If you continue to use the conventional mobile communication system for MTC communication , the system efficiency, cost and suitability can not be optimal. Therefore , in considering the characteristics of M2M business while reducing the impact on the H2H business to design MTC dedicated communication system , is the current barter evolving context communication is an important topic .
M2M Business Analysis
Network architecture design , the need for specific business carried by the network as a starting point [ 2 ] . In other words , M2M network architecture design requires a full analysis M2M business characteristics and needs , combined with the amount of data down the line terminal , frequency , QoS requirements and other aspects of the business characteristics , will be divided into the following five categories of networking applications . Among them, some of the demand for all kinds of applications and characteristics were analyzed , including mobility, group communication , authentication , and periodic treatment according to plan , there are large differences between different scenes .
Monitoring alarm categories: Sensors local monitoring data , when a change in the expected data does not meet the network when the alarm notification application layer .
The average data transfer rate : Low, only send small amounts of certain triggering conditions upstream data traffic.
Peak data transfer rate : there is a big difference between different scenes , and application needs to determine the content of the transmitted data relevant .
QoS requirements : There are large differences between different scenes , as well as current data and application requirements are defined on .
Data security requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Reliable data transfer requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Continuous data : Low , only the occurrence of an event exists when a preset duration of a short or shorter data transmission.
And human interaction : low, usually handled by the system according to the preset automatic processing .
On the connectivity needs: need to monitor connectivity to prevent the destruction or invalid.
Terminal mobility : because there is no downstream traffic demand, so no mobility needs .
Example: Environmental monitoring of blood transfusion car ; covers monitoring ; mobile asset tracking.
Data collection class
The average data transfer rate
Upstream traffic : medium , large amount of data , continuous data reporting or periodic data reporting ; downstream traffic : low, more is used to modify the reporting rules.
Peak data transfer rate : there is a big difference between different scenes , and application needs to determine the content of the transmitted data relevant .
QoS requirements : There are large differences between different scenes , as well as current data and application requirements are defined on .
Data security requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Reliable data transfer requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Continuous data : depends on the data transmission interval and the transmission mode selection . [ Papers net ]
And human interaction : low, usually handled by the system according to the preset automatic processing .
On the connectivity needs: need to monitor connectivity to prevent the destruction or invalid.
Terminal Mobility : Due to occasional downlink data , the need to optimize the mobility management .
Example: meteorological information monitoring ; fire scene data collection ; traffic information gathering .
Information push category
The average data transfer rate
Upstream traffic : typically low , mainly used to provide applications require filtering or input conditions ( eg location information ) ; downstream traffic : usually larger , mainly for the push to pass the information ( such as advertising , video, media, etc. ) , continued , based on the interaction of external conditions such as starting or periodic data push .
Peak data transfer rate : a clear peak data characteristics , the conditions issued after the trigger matching information .
QoS requirements : There are large differences between different scenes , as well as current data and application requirements are defined on .
Data security requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Reliable data transfer requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Continuous data : usually a longer period of time continuity.
Human interaction : high , users will usually make feedback , the system according to the feedback information on the push to adjust.
On the connectivity needs: strong need to maintain network connection in order to correct for data transmission .
Terminal mobility : polarization. Part of the terminal has a strong mobility ; part of the terminal is usually not move.
Example: Smart Museum.
Video surveillance
The average data transfer rate
Upstream traffic : high, mainly used for transferring the control of multimedia data ; downstream traffic : low, mainly used to transfer control and regulation commands.
Peak data transfer rate : no obvious peak data characteristics , data transmission is usually maintained a relatively stable transmission rate.
QoS requirements : There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Data security requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Reliable data transfer requirements: different times have different requirements . If the medium is required under normal conditions , but in the event of certain pre- event delivery requires high reliability .
Continuous data : usually has a long persistence.
And human interaction : low, users will occasionally intervene in the process of video surveillance .
On the connectivity needs: strong need to maintain network connection in order to correct for data transmission .
Terminal mobility : polarization. Part of the terminal has a strong mobility ; part of the terminal is usually not move.
Example: in home security video surveillance .
Remote Control Actuators class
The average data transfer rate
Upstream traffic : typically low , mainly used to provide applications require filtering or input conditions ( such as pre- event ) ; downstream traffic : Depending on the control object and the complexity of the control commands .
Peak data transfer rate : usually a clear characteristic peak data .
QoS requirements : There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Data security requirements: There are large differences between the different scenarios , and applications relevant to the needs .
Reliable data transfer requirements: higher, due to the control process is related to the normal implementation.
Continuous data : usually has a long persistence.
Human interaction : high , usually on the person 's specific operating instructions reflect .
On the connectivity needs: strong need to maintain network connection in order to correct for data transmission .
Terminal mobility : polarization. Part of the terminal has a strong mobility ; part of the terminal is usually not move.
Example: industrial automation.
M2M business impact of the existing network architecture
From the impact of the existing network architecture is , M2M services can be divided into two categories : A category is an existing network can not meet the needs of network optimization business, such business needs overload control function to avoid network overload, as well as for the customer 's business needs provide differentiated services ; B class is less impact to the existing network business, this kind of business is less demanding MTC timeliness business, but these businesses , and now the mobile network services have similar needs . On the whole , M2M business, most of the business is a Class A , the following analysis is a Class A business impact of the existing network architecture [ 3 ] .
M2M business diversity , differentiation, network access methods , M2M terminal mass , Differentiation , and the M2M business performance out of the traditional telecom services do not have the variety of features , all of the existing network architecture and network element equipment had a significant impact , which is a direct consequence of the current network core network elements such as HLR / PCRF / GGSN capacity can not meet the M2M business brought about by the signaling traffic impact and operational control requirements , mainly reflected in the following aspects :
As the particularity of the Internet of Things , may produce a large number of transient signaling , will the wireless network key signaling control device (STP / HLR / PCRF) impacts caused by paralysis of the entire network . Therefore, while a large scale to improve the capacity of the associated signaling device or device control signaling capacity ; other necessary differentiation of priority access control ; addition , the key signaling control and processing device to have certain equipment overload protection mechanism and high redundancy , high- flow control capability , to avoid overloading the key network elements , thus effectively enhance the reliability of the entire network .
As a characteristic of Things , the diversity of its access method , Categories , and the diversity of users and devices , massive , and therefore the need for the user data management NE corresponding HLR enhancements, including its database scalability and flexibility , in addition to the standard user subscription information , as well as the device serial number , device drivers information, position information and quota information and other operators , M2M customers private field , etc. ; support for multiple access types can be connected by different into type (2G/3G/LTE) to authenticate access network equipment ; addressing the user ID and flexible and dynamic support, support for more than one card , or One more card ; support basic state of the terminal equipment of queries that can through the network side terminal "wake up " request and found stolen equipment can immediately lock and so on.
As things particularity and diversity of businesses , groups , and therefore it is necessary to distinguish the business , including business segment classification , QoS classification , user grouping , grouping of devices , thus for traffic management and business management , according to the busy leisure , take a different geographic location and other characteristics of the access and transmission processing strategies. In addition, in the current network architecture PCC overlay networking policy control , because particularity , PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function, Policy and Charging Rules Function ) for strategic control should first determine an individual user or users of things , but things instantaneous data outbreak will affect the existing network PCC architecture , it is necessary to set up a dedicated networking M2M PCRF.
In short , the need for the relevant network elements capacity enhancements and upgrades, you can transform the existing relevant network elements can also set up a dedicated M2M network element superimposed on the existing network up to solve the corresponding problem H2H .
4 ISO proposed M2M network architecture
ISO , such as ITU, ETSI and 3GPP were presented from different angles M2M network architecture [ 4 ] .
According to ITU-T released definition of Things architecture can be divided into three main levels: the perception layer , network layer and application layer. Shown in Figure the architecture basically reached a consensus in the industry , but its architecture is too abstract conceptual models into technical realization in the process also needs refinement.
In ITU-T networking architecture based on , ETSI proposes a logical model can be seen as the top M2M applications architecture [ 5 ] . Shown in Figure 2 , ETSI architecture is divided into the M2M M2M M2M gateway and network equipment and two large domains. M2M devices and gateway domains include M2M devices , M2M M2M gateway and LAN , can be based on existing types of standard implementation ; M2M network domain include WAN and M2M applications.
Compared to the conceptual model of the ITU , ETSI logical model focused on M2M service capability layer , through the definition of service capabilities and interfaces to achieve shielding network details M2M applications , M2M service capabilities and networks between the three calls are available for use in research platform and gateway device functionality and interface reference.
In the architecture based on the ETSI , 3GPP also propose a communication architecture to support MTC applications . Shown in Figure 3 , the entities involved , including MTC terminals, bearer network , MTC application server and MTC . Which , MTC MTC server is the management of the business platform ; MTC application is responsible for business logic implementation . M2M communication mobile bearer network includes GPRS, EPC , and a short message and IMS networks.
3GPP proposed framework focuses on MTC M2M communication network layer, the M2M communication network element of the network functions and interfaces are defined , its application to the study MTC service management platforms and M2M core network functions and interfaces for reference.
Although these standards organizations have raised the M2M network architecture , but has its limitations. ITU and ETSI framework architecture too , for the actual network deployment is no better guidance ; 3GPP although for enhanced network element has done some research , but because of the H2H networks currently deployed mostly in the R7 or R8 version, and MTC the study was conducted in network system R10 or later on the basis of the network . Therefore, in accordance with the standards existing network is still too early to deploy MTC network , you need to have both studying a network architecture based on the existing network investment and deployment feasibility stage MTC can meet the needs of business applications .
M2M 3G network phase network architecture
In the current phase of 3G networks , the development of M2M services to address network operators facing problems and network resources , operators can be used to physically isolate a single host machine network communications business , the initial core network via a dedicated network element to achieve service isolation , in the latter can also be extended to the evolution of the access network, using a dedicated networking service access isolation. In addition , networking management platform networking solution is an essential component. IOT IOT independent management platform and network elements tied in with the things the early stages of business development mainly realize code number of things independent of centralized management and effective control of the Internet of Things and other functions . With the development of things , platform functionality will gradually support more resources control and more business processes, and open up more resources and capabilities . According to the characteristics of M2M services , location-based , time period , access type and the corresponding billing QoS control strategies ; also based on user attributes and behaviors grouped accordingly , the implementation of group-based traffic statistics, event distribution and strategy execution , which is reflected in the core network PCRF/SPR/M2MSP realization of the function . In summary, in the 3G development stage , M2M network architecture features embodied in the following four areas:
In the wireless access side right Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, wireless sensor networks and other means of integration of mobile communication network applications on the industry wide coverage, build industry-oriented M2M mobile network .
Building on the core side M2M dedicated HLR, GGSN, SMSC and other network elements to achieve the M2M business of things such as centralized operation and maintenance and management , and can be achieved with "existing network" effective isolation , is conducive to network security, stability, expansion and upgrades.
M2M deployments in the core network dedicated PCRF policy control network elements such as the use of M2M business service features and user attributes , to achieve efficient use of network resources and business services fine support.
In the core network to build M2M business support platform , to achieve unified management of services and terminals .
Things business development in the early stages of things to consider for network communication needs, for minimum cost isolation: only the key to the new core network nodes , network support isolation. For business systems, require a separate building networking platform to achieve business bearing isolation ; For access to the network , then the public , does not consider a separate building . Figure 4 is an overlay in the present Internet core network architecture dedicated M2M . In this scenario, the existing network shared wireless and SGSN, new things dedicated GGSN / DPI, through APN routing data will be routed to the processing IOT IOT data GGSN, new things dedicated PCRF + SPR, complete things service traffic , security, QoS control , the new IOT IOT dedicated HLR equipment for subscription information , labeling and safety management .
M2M 3G network architecture phase shown in Figure 5 .
Among them, the main network element functions as follows:
HLR: The HLR is because the existing network support H2H the HLR, M2M support capabilities and the ability to support or different . HLR Some also have their own special needs, including : the need to support the group signed data capabilities ; support terminal monitor ( such as position monitoring , IMEI monitoring, etc. ) , and support a certain period of time access control , support for extension ID to MSISDN, IMSI mapping capacity to support the terminal characteristics contract ( such as the terminal 's low priority , whether PS only , etc. ) for the SGSN controlling the UE behavior ; HLR to support multi- profile signing , reducing terminal roaming tariff , support more than one card and a No more cards M2M business .
GGSN: The GGSN need to enhance support extended group-based traffic statistics, flow-based charging information , QoS policy enforcement and group-based event reporting , etc.
Short Message Service Center : In addition to the existing short message function, complete the equipment needed to support short message triggering capabilities to support multiple cards at the first M2M business in the short message sending function .
PCRF: Support group policy data dynamically delivered , update, and delete user traffic monitoring support groups .
SCP: M2M businesses complete emergency calls to a voice call billing, voice calls generated CDRs .
OCS: real-time credit control , prepaid data services and value-added services using real-time billing .
M2MSP business platform : M2M platform to our customers to provide a unified management of M2M terminals , terminal equipment authentication . Provides data routing , monitoring, user authentication and other management functions ; carry information reporting, configuration parameters , the terminal state detection , registration and other business functions of the terminal downlink channel message ; support more than one card , and the 1st multi- M2M business cards for the number of dynamic management . In an actual deployment , networking business support management platform platform according to the function is divided into headquarters , provincial platform two levels .
M2M business diversity , differentiated and M2M business performance out of the traditional telecom services do not have the variety of features , all of the existing network architecture and network element equipment had a significant impact . Based on the study M2M business and its effect on the existing network of influence and ISO proposed network architecture , based on the proposed deployment of existing mobile communication network is feasible , but also to a certain extent to meet the needs of business applications MTC network architecture .
M2M business operators to develop the foundation and development of mobile communication is consistent, in a dedicated M2M network architecture, network resources must be long-term planning , business development based on the implementation of network optimization and data streaming , strengthen platform construction, improve network coverage , increase network capacity to meet the fundamental needs of M2M services , all without affecting the current communication services , to improve the user experience.