![]() 哥伦比亚因生产全球最高品质的阿拉比小果咖啡豆而享誉世界。但是奇怪的是在哥伦比亚本地却很少有人喝咖啡,本国平均每位消费者每年仅仅消费1.5公斤的咖啡豆。相比而言,在巴西平均每位消费者每年可以喝掉六公斤的咖啡豆。美國人喝的比較少——四公斤左右——但其中大多數來自哥倫比亞,全球第四大咖啡生產國。哥伦比亚每年生產四十六萬二千吨咖啡豆,大部分用於出口。对于品質較差,進口自厄瓜多和秘魯的咖啡豆,反而占哥伦比亚內消費的九成。但過去十年,由全國咖啡公會(代表咖啡農)經營的Juan Valdez咖啡店,正在尝试转变哥伦比亚人民成為高品质咖啡豆的爱好者。 我们可以模仿星巴克,这个总部位于西雅图的咖啡巨头,Juan Valdez咖啡店正准备与星巴克展开竞争。八月底的时候,美国星巴克公司对外宣布明年将在哥伦比亚设立第一家分店。当然星巴克会选择在此,我们也不会感到意外。Juan Valdez咖啡店负责人Alejandra Londoño表示,「我们已经有了哥伦比亚人喝咖啡的经验并且为他们的到来做好了充足的准备。」十年前,Juan Valdez开始在哥伦比亚开分店之前,「当地人并没有在外面喝咖啡的习俗。」 COLOMBIA is renowned the world over for is fine Arabica coffee beans. Oddly, few Colombians appear keen on the stuff. Each consumes just 1.5kg of coffee per year on average. A typical Brazilian, by comparison, glugs 6kg-worth. Americans knock back less—around 4kg—but a lot of it comes from Colombia, which is the world's fourth-biggest producer. The bulk of the country's yearly production of 462,000 tonnes is destined for export. Lesser-quality imports from Ecuador and Peru account for 90% of internal consumption. But for the past decade coffee shops, owned by the powerful National Coffee Federation, which represents growers, have tried to convert Colombians to the pleasures of high-end coffee. Modelled on Starbucks, the Seattle-based barista giant, Juan Valdez is now bracing for direct competition from it. Last week the American firm announced that it will open its first store in Colombia next year. "The arrival of Starbucks is no surprise for us," says Alejandra Londoño, an executive at Juan Valdez. "We paved the way for them by introducing Colombians to the coffee store experience." Before Juan Valdez began opening stores throughout Colombia a decade ago "the custom of drinking coffee outside the home didn't really exist." Starbucks' entry into Colombia follows Juan Valdez's own foray into the American company's home turf in Seattle, where it opened three shops in 2005. These have since closed but the federation still runs outlets in New York and Miami, as well as Spain, Chile, Peru, Panama and Mexico. "We weren't trying to intrude on their turf but wanted to take advantage of the coffee culture that Starbucks had created," Ms Londoño explains. Indeed, Juan Valdez thinks it has learned so much from Starbucks that it does not fear looming competition. And it believes stressing its local roots give it an edge—though it remains to be seen whether invoking tradition will work in a country traditionally uninterested in coffee. Starbucks isn't taking any chances. The American chain says it will serve only locally grown beans at the 50 stores it hopes to open in the next five years. This is good news for coffee growers, who have been hurt by low international coffee prices and an overvalued peso. Increased domestic sales, even to an international chain, would be a better pick-me-up even than a cup of Colombia's choicest blend. Starbucks (Starbucks) is the name of an American chain coffee company, founded in 1971, the world's largest coffee chain, its headquarters is located in the city of Seattle, Washington.Starbucks' retail products including more than 30 of the world's top coffee beans, hand-made espresso and coffee, hot and cold beverages, fresh and tasty pastries food and rich variety of commodities such as coffee machine, coffee cup.Starbucks around the world already has nearly 12000 stores throughout North America, South America, Europe, Middle East and the Pacific area.In March 2012, starbucks two dessert was revealed in the United States use cochineal as colorant, experts say or make allergic asthma.In April 2012, starbucks said stop using the colorant. Also a starbucks drink, the Chinese market price is expensive, one-third of the United States, starbucks China involved in "windfall" on October 20, 2013 was attacked by CCTV again, to this, starbucks China's statement, the cost of each country, a completely different margins on earnings represent problems at the same time, starbucks has said the media misread the results.And for the existence of a windfall, actually outside voice also each are not identical. |