Table of Content
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………...1
1.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………………..3
2.0 Overview of Decision Making for the last three years…………………………….4
2.1 Year 1: Objectives, Strategies and Outcomes…………………………………4
2.2 Year 2: Objectives, Strategies and Outcomes…………………………………5
2.3 Year 3: Objectives, Strategies and Outcomes…………………………………6
3.0 Financial Analysis of the last three years………………………………………….8
3.1 Total Revenue and Net Income Overall………………………………………8
3.2 Rooms Department Revenue and Net Income Overall…………………..…..9
3.3 Food and Beverage Departments Revenue and Net Income Overall…..……10
3.4 Other Department Revenue and Net Income Overall…..................................11
3.5 ROCE……………………………………………………………………......12
3.6 Occupancy and ADR………………………………………………………....13
3.7 ADR and REVPAR………………………………………………………..….14
3.8 Refurbishment Spending and Occupancy………………………………..…...15
3.9 Monthly Indicators Report for Year 1 – 3…………………………….....……16
4.0 Business Plan for Year 4…………………………………………………………..22
4.1 SWOT Analysis of Atlan Resort in Year 4……………………………….22#p#分页标题#e#
4.1.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of Atlan Resort…………………………….22
4.1.2 Opportunities and Threats of Atlan Resort…………………………….23
4.2 Objectives of Year 4………………………………………………….……….24
4.3 Strategies of Year 4……………………………………………………………24
Appendix 1: Financial Target and Actual Information……………………………….30
Appendix 2: Market Image Index and Public Awareness Index……………………...31
Appendix 3: Staff Training Fees and Staff Turnover…………………………………32
Appendix 4: Refurbishment Plan……………………………………………………..33
Appendix 5: Effect of Advertisement…………………………………………………34
Appendix 5.1: Weekday Room Advertisement and Weekday Room Revenue..….35
Appendix 5.2: Weekend Room Advertisement and Weekend Room Revenue…....36
Appendix 5.3: Meal and Liquor Advertisement and Food and
Beverage Revenue............................................................................37
Appendix 5.4: Conference Advertisement and Conference Revenue…….........….38
Appendix 5.5: Wedding/Social Advertisement and Wedding/Social Revenue........39
Appendix 5.6: Tour Advertisement and Tour Revenue…………………………....40
Appendix 5.7: Consortium and Website, Local Visitors’ Guide
and PR Agency and Total Revenue……………………..………41
Appendix 5.8: Conclusion of the Utilisation of Advertisement……………...……42
Appendix 6: Construction and Contribution of Extra Facilities and
Service in Year 1-3………………………………………………..…..…43#p#分页标题#e#
Appendix 6.1: 24 Hours Room Service and Contribution to Food Revenue …….44
Appendix 6.2: Room Mini-bar Revenue and Contribution to Beverage
Revenue ………………………………………………………….45
Appendix 6.3: Hotel Shop Revenue and Contribution to Other Revenue.……….46
Appendix 6.4: Health Club Revenue and Contribution to Other Revenue…...…...47
Appendix 6.5: Conference Revenue and Contribution to Room and
Food Revenue…………………………………………………..…48
Appendix 6.6: Wedding/Social Revenue and Contribution to Room
and Food Revenue……………………………………………..….49
Appendix 6.7: Restaurant Revenue and Contribution to Food Revenue…………50
Appendix 6.8: Bar Revenue and Contribution to Beverage Revenue……………51