European Union (EU) is a monetary and trade body comprising of 28 member countries. The purpose of this body is to ensure that it has a competitive edge in the global marketplace (Cappelen et al., 621). It is also involved in balancing the needs of both its political members and independent fiscals. Despite its transformation since the establishment of the concept of European trade area in 1951, the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009 highlighted the supremacy of the body (Emmanouilidis & Stratulat, n.p). The treaty granted EU the legal authority to sign and negotiate about international treaties. It thus had the powers for aspects such as border control and immigration. The EU eliminates barriers to entry along the borders of its members and thus there is a free flow of goods and people unless in instances where there is need for crime and drugs checks. Members also benefit from environmental protection, development strategies, energy provision and research. Aspects such as public contracts in a country are made open to bidders from countries within the body. The body also standardizes taxes and products manufactured in one of the member countries are sold to other members without duties and tariffs. Practitioners of services such as banking, law, medicine, law, and insurance among others are also permitted to operate in any member country. 欧盟消除了成员国边境沿线的入境壁垒,因此货物和人员可以自由流动,除非需要对犯罪和毒品进行检查。成员还受益于环境保护、发展战略、能源供应和研究。一个国家的公共合同等方面向该机构内国家的投标人开放。该机构还将税收标准化,在其中一个成员国生产的产品销售给其他成员国,无需缴纳关税。银行、法律、医学、法律和保险等服务的从业人员也可以在任何成员国开展业务。 The United Kingdom, on June 23, 2016, voted to leave the European Union through a referendum known as Brexit (New York Times, par.8). The section below focuses the impact that Brexit will have on the United Kingdom. 2016年6月23日,英国通过称为英国脱欧的公投投票决定退出欧盟。下节重点讨论英国脱欧对英国的影响。 Effect of Brexit on Britain’s economy 英国脱欧对英国经济的影响 Research indicates that Brexit will have profound consequences in various sectors of Britain’s economy. Trade, labor access and subsidies play an essential role in Britain’s agricultural sector. According to FT Reporters (par. 4), with Brexit, this sector will be affected by insufficient labor, as 90% of workers come from central and eastern Europe. Farmers also depended on the tariff access to agricultural inputs under EU. Two-thirds of the agricultural products are exported to the EU and thus will be interrupted and will have a negative impact on the economy. 研究表明,英国脱欧将对英国经济的各个部门产生深远影响。贸易、劳动力准入和补贴在英国农业部门发挥着重要作用。据英国《金融时报》记者报道,随着英国脱欧,该行业将受到劳动力不足的影响,因为90%的工人来自中欧和东欧。农民还依赖欧盟对农业投入的关税准入。三分之二的农产品出口到欧盟,因此将中断并对经济产生负面影响。 The manufacturing sector, which contributes to 10% of Britain’s economy according to Dhingra et al. (p.3), will also be affected. This sector depends on the EU’s negotiations on trade on how to sell their products. It also depends on global talent to improve its products, which was available through free flow of people under EU. With Brexit, the EU’s effect on determining their products’ effective cost and free flow of talents will be halted; consequently affecting the economy. 根据Dhingra等人的数据,占英国经济10%的制造业也将受到影响。这一部门取决于欧盟关于如何销售其产品的贸易谈判。它还依赖全球人才来改进其产品,这是通过欧盟下的人员自由流动实现的。随着英国退出,欧盟对决定其产品有效成本和人才自由流动的影响将停止;从而影响经济。 Services that account for four-fifths of Britain’s economy will also be constrained by the barriers that will be impacted by Brexit (Begg & Mushövel, n.p.). This sector depends on staff mobility, transfer of clients and data across the borders, which were effective under EU. With Brexit, free-trade agreements will be ineffective. Affecting services will have a negative impact on Britain’s economy. 占英国经济五分之四的服务业也将受到英国脱欧影响的壁垒的制约。这一部门依赖于工作人员的流动性、客户和数据的跨境转移,这在欧盟下是有效的。随着英国退出,自由贸易协定将失效。影响服务业将对英国经济产生负面影响。 The financial services sector makes up for 7 percent of Britain’s economy (FT Reporters, par. 13). After Brexit, this sector will lose significantly, as it will try to adjust from the single market rules. With free flow of people affected, the sector will also experience challenges in the labor force. Despite the prospect that it may stabilize after several years, this interruption will adversely affect Britain’s economy. 金融服务业占英国经济的7%。英国脱欧后,该行业将大幅亏损,因为它将试图从单一市场规则中调整。随着人员的自由流动受到影响,该部门也将面临劳动力方面的挑战。尽管未来几年可能会稳定下来,但这种中断将对英国经济产生不利影响。 The education sector is another area that will be affected. Britain’s universities generate approximately £11bn through export in a year and thus are expected to change after Brexit (FT Reporters, par. 15). They depend on funding from EU for research. EU also contributed to the sector’s labor force and international students. Following Brexit, these benefits under EU will be cut and thus the sector will be unable to sustain its contribution to the economy. 教育部门是另一个受影响的领域。英国的大学每年通过出口创收约110亿英镑,因此预计英国脱欧后将发生变化。他们依赖欧盟的研究资金。欧盟还为该部门的劳动力和国际学生做出了贡献。英国退欧后,欧盟的这些福利将被削减,因此该部门将无法维持其对经济的贡献。 Effect of Brexit on Britain’s ability to do business in Europe 英国脱欧对英国在欧洲经商能力的影响 Brexit translates to the fact that the trade agreements that it had under EU will be terminated. Therefore, it will need to reach new trade agreement with trade partners or even the EU. In this case, the ability of Britain to conduct business in Europe will be affected. It will tend to appear weak in the new trade deals. In the two-year deadline that Britain was allocated by EU to establish itself after Brexit, it has to carry out the task under pressure. This may make it submit to some aspects under the new trade deals that portray that its ability to do business with other countries in Europe will be affected. For instance, higher tariffs are expected to be imposed on its good under a new trade deal with EU (Dhingra et al., p.1). 英国脱欧意味着它在欧盟领导下的贸易协定将被终止。因此,它需要与贸易伙伴甚至欧盟达成新的贸易协议。在这种情况下,英国在欧洲开展业务的能力将受到影响。在新的贸易协议中,它往往显得疲弱。在英国脱欧后欧盟为英国分配的两年期限内,英国必须在压力下完成这项任务。这可能会使它屈服于新贸易协议中的某些方面,这些方面表明它与欧洲其他国家开展业务的能力将受到影响。例如,根据与欧盟的新贸易协议,预计将对其商品征收更高的关税。 Effect of Brexit on Britain’s ability to do business in the U.S 英国脱欧对英国在美经商能力的影响 Brexit will also have an impact on the ability of Britain to conduct business with the United States. Murad (par.1) explains that Britain and the United States have strong trade ties especially through U.S companies that operate in Europe. There are also citizens of the U.S who work in Europe. 英国脱欧还将影响英国与美国开展业务的能力。穆拉德解释说,英国和美国有着牢固的贸易关系,特别是通过在欧洲经营的美国公司。也有在欧洲工作的美国公民。 Brexit tends to dampen the growth of the business activities between the countries. The uncertainty regarding the fate of the U.S citizens in Britain after Brexit is also contributing to the tension between business relations between the two countries. Companies from the United States may also be reluctant to invest in Britain over this uncertainty. This change in business relationships between Britain and the United States portrays that Brexit tends to take Britain off the leading platform of the financial world. Works Cited 参考文献 Begg, Iain, and Fabian Mushövel. “The economic impact of Brexit: jobs, growth and the public finances.” (2016). Cappelen, Aadne, et al. “The impact of EU regional support on growth and convergence in the European Union.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 41.4 (2003): 621-644. Dhingra, Swati, et al. “The consequences of Brexit for UK trade and living standards.” (2016). Emmanouilidis, Janis A., and Corina Stratulat. “Implementing Lisbon: narrowing the EU’s democratic deficit.” EPC Policy Brief, Brussels: European Policy Centre (2010). FT Reporters. “How Brexit will Affect Sectors of the UK Economy.” Financial Times, 23 June 2017, www.ft.com/content/602f3674-573a-11e7-9fed-c19e2700005f. Accessed on 8 Feb. 2018. Murad, Andrea. “Six ways Brexit could affect the US.” ICAS, 29 March 2017 New York Times. “How ‘Brexit’ Could Change Business in Britain.” 17 September 2017, 英国课程作业指出英国脱欧倾向于抑制两国间商业活动的增长。脱欧后美国公民在英国命运的不确定性也加剧了两国商业关系的紧张。由于这种不确定性,美国公司可能也不愿意在英国投资。英国和美国之间商业关系的这种变化表明,英国脱欧倾向于让英国脱离金融世界的领先平台。本站提供各国各专业课程作业代写或指导服务,如有需要可咨询本平台。