Project plan
Investigation of the effect of spiroid wing tips
设计要求:NACA 4310 airfoil; constant incidence 0o, V=30m/s
part 1:
1.介绍和背景材料,包括基本空气动力学概念的介绍,特别是 the tip vortices generation, induce drag从理论上说明winglets 是怎么影响和改善wing performance的。
2.Literature review是关键,我的毕设中这一部分做的非常不好,literature具体范围就是关于机翼,翼尖的一些分析和结论,使其有关于本文研究方向。
3.the use of CFD and the solving model.
用自己的语言介绍毕设所用软件Gambit和Starccm+, fluent,详细阐述在Starccm+和fluent中的turbulence model 中的SA model和SSTmodel,并比较说明,因为这两种是毕设中用到的。
part2:2D airfoil investigation.
2.就是对2D NACA4310翼型的分析,包括网格生成,settings of the CFD solver(如果我的settings 没有错,就用我的settings好了),收敛判断,最后进行网格范围,密度,Y+从1,30,到60的分析,turbulence model中SA 与SST的比较,最后做出合适的选择,选择会被用到3D分析中。
part3:3D airfoil investigation
1.做3D naca 4310 spanwise=1c的simulation, 得出结论,应该与2D的结论一样,因为这个模型没有wingtip,上下表面气流没有相互流动。
3.做3D机翼width test, density test,并分析.
4.做3种模型的simulation:wing tips with endplate, blending wing tips and spiroid wingtips,详细分析winglets是怎么改善机翼性能的。
Blending winglets:
Spiroid wingtips :
这两个模型由我来做,当然会比较简单,不会像上图那样。我会在几天之内交给老师。老师需要做的是用Gambit进行mesh,用Fluent分析,得出结论,从结论的各个方面,比如速度,升力系数,阻力系数,升阻比,2D翼型的各种力的曲线图,模型的各个角度的应力或速度分布图,turbulent Kinetic Energy之类的分析不同外形对翼尖vortex产生的影响,想streamline图和多个应力图组合在一起显示vortex变化的图也都很重要,但最重要的是对数据的精确分析,我就是因为理论功底不深厚才请老师帮忙。最后,得出的结论应该是机翼翼尖生成的vortex大小的顺序是:without winglets>endplate>Blending>Spiroid,其实阻力减小多少并不确定,可能达不到理想的效果,但我相信可以有个合理的理由来解释:就是因为模型本身的问题,没有放到更长更大机翼中做。 这四种模型的分析应该结合起来,进行比较,分析,为什么这种模型更好,最后得出结论。#p#分页标题#e#
First of all, there were factual errors in the introduction - presumably as part of it was based on internet sources rather than on knowledge obtained in coursework in Soton.
Secondly, the validation section is not satisfactory. You obtained results from both CFD and XFoil. There are considerable differences between the cp curves from either code which are not discussed / explained. In the validation section, trust in your results must be built so that the reader believes in the results to be presented later. Therefore, the validation section needs to be better.
Thirdly, the dissertation did not contain a lot of results and the results that were there were not appropriately discussed. If additional cases are run, the results need to be discussed, i.e. an attempt should be made to explain why certain configurations do better than others.
1. Background
There is a new technology as an improvement in aerodynamics that might just have the potential to transform aviation. The wingtip device increase the lift generated at the wingtip and reduce the lift-induced drag caused by wingtip vortices. According to Aviation partners, ”the Spiroid eliminates concentrated wingtip vortices, which represent nearly half the induced drag generated during cruise.” In that case, it is useful to doing the investigation of the spiroid wingtip.
2. Description of approach
I will try to investigate with comparing three different wingtip shapes: the traditional wingtip, the blended wingtip and the spiroid wingtip. Solidwork will be used to product the test models and Star-CCM+ will carry out all the mesh and analysis during these tests.
3. Aim
By using CFD, the Cp, CL profile can be obtained both these three types wingtip. And also the variation of wingtip vortices will be represented. At last, it will be expect that the advantages of the spiroid wingtips can be discovered obviously and reasonablely.
4. Detail plan in semester 2
Firstly, it is necessary that I should have a general idea about wingtip device via reading the previous papers and useful information from internet. Secondly, I will review the aerodynamics principles related to this project to make sure a clear comprehend in my mind. Then, some simple tests will be tried by using Solidwork and Star-CCM+, it is helpful to tell me where I am going and reassessment the plan and idea which I decide before.