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论文价格: 免费 时间:2011-04-15 16:54:36 来源:www.ukassignment.org 作者:留学作业网

Report 由 table of contents, executive summary, introduction, body, conclusion, reference六部分组成,下面以这篇文章为例,教你如何写作一篇符合格式要求的report
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1, report实践性更重一点,少写理论,多结合实际情况分析。对于某些case analysis的report来说,一定要针对客户提供的case来做分析,而不是自由发挥和滥用无关联的理论。所有分析都必须针对case里的内容来进行。
2, 数据和图表的使用很重要。如果用到某公司几年内的某一项数据的变化,可以先列数据表格,再用柱状图、馅饼图或曲线图进行直观反映。
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary...............................................................................................3
2.0 Introduction............................................................................................................4
3.0 Situational Analysis................................................................................................5
3.1 Internal Strengths and Weaknesses......................................................................5
3.1.1 Internal Strength........................................................................................5
3.1.2 Internal Weaknesses..................................................................................6
3.2 External Opportunities and Threats.....................................................................7
3.2.1 PESTLE analysis.......................................................................................7
3.2.2 Opportunities.............................................................................................9
3.2.3 Threats.....................................................................................................10
3.3 Competitor Analysis...........................................................................................11
3.4 Market Segment Analysis..................................................................................13
4.0 Mission Statement................................................................................................16
5.0 Organisational Goals and Objectives.................................................................17
6.0 Strategies...............................................................................................................18
6.1 Market Nichers..................................................................................................18#p#分页标题#e#
6.2 Marketing-Mix-Modification Strategy..............................................................20
7.0 ACTION PLAN....................................................................................................21
8.0 Control and Review..............................................................................................23
9.0 References.............................................................................................................25
1.0 Executive Summary
The main purpose of this report is to create a marketing plan for Beaufords hospitality organisation. The report comprises the marketing initiatives of Beaufords for the next one year, which have been created through identifying and analyzing its own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Beaufords is a small-scale hospitality organization which offers inspiring views, mature totara trees and landscaped gardens to get away from city life. Beaufords is flexible to adapt to customer’s wants and http://www.ukassignment.org/   needs, listen to customer’s opinions and discuss with their customers. Adjustments and arrangements can be made according to customer’s preference, timeframe and religious belief.
Beaufords is experiencing some difficulties with their operation and management. Due to the scale of the organisation, Beaufords is facing limited space in terms of expanding establishment due to Totara park been owned by Local Council. Staff management is also a problem; there is not enough staff during dinner hour causing inconsistent service level. Seasonality is affecting Beaufords during winter where few functions were booked during each month.
In order to improve those weaknesses, this marketing plan also identifies and discusses some market strategies. The main purpose of these strategies is to focus on marketing that Beaufords needs to consider in terms of how much markets and products they want to offer.
According to the strategies, this marketing plan has designed an action plan which will specify activities implemented to achieve organisational goals. A control and review of the action plan is included to specify how activities can be controlled and measured.
Beaufords is located in a quiet picturesque ground of Totara Park at Manurewa, and this organisation has an original homestead and a large private garden marquee area for wedding, conference and private function. The owner of Beaufords, John Ackloyd has bought this property about 7 years ago and renovated it into a fascinating venue for wedding and function. Beaufords offers unique dining area inside of the homestead, bar facility and a dance floor upstairs. This organisation also provides renowned buffet menus with three options and the choice of cocktail menus for informal function. The outdoor marquee dining area can cover up to 100 guests or 170 with marquee extension, while the homestead can cover 70 guests maximum. However the garden marquee is available for only summer season. The business has experienced its introduction and growth stage with its product and services. It is now in its maturity stage where it has built relationships with several customers who provide function business on fixed period. The business of Beaufords is greatly affected by seasonality, where during summer there are a lot of wedding businesses and only a few during winter. This is also because Beaufords’ most profits are made from wedding functions. Its customer’s uses its wedding service only once but have recommended them to people they know and that is how Beaufords received continue business. Currently, Beaufords have employed four waiters and two chefs, John will be around to supervise staff during operation.#p#分页标题#e#
2.0 Situational Analysis
Note: Please see Appendix 10.1 for SWOT analysis table on page
2.1 Internal Strengths and Weaknesses
2.1.1 Internal Strength
- Expertise in wedding: The owner of Beaufords is very experienced in weddings and functions. Being owner-operated, issues can be directly dealt with and decisions made on the spot if occurred.
- Flexibility and Adaptability: Beaufords is flexible to adapt customers’ wants and needs. Beaufords would like to listen to customers’ opinions and discuss with customers. Adjustment and arrangement can be made according to customers’ preference, timeframe and religious belief. For example, customers can add or drop some of foods on the buffet menu and they also can ask certain decorations for wedding ceremony.
- Cost Advantage: Price range of venue hire fees, food and beverage is reasonable and inexpensive compare to competitors.
- Use of flexible practices: most of the employees are part-time student or casual worker in Beaufords. They are called to work prior to events confirmation, there are no salary based cased employee at the moment. This has helped the company to keep labour at minimum.
2.1.2 Internal Weaknesses
- Limited Space: Beaufords is located in Totara Park and remaining land in Totara Park belongs to Local Council therefore difficult to expand.
- Staff Shortage: Every wait staff are student and part-time employees at Beaufords. Moreover, there is not enough staff around when operation moves into dinner hour where services from bar are slower during those hours causing inconsistent service.
- Lack of marketing sources: Beaufords only uses its own website and advertisement in yellow page as its marketing tool. They lack of information distribution channels to let potential customers know about their services.
- Small indoor dining room: Maximum garden dining capacity is 170 guests with extension and maximum capacity for indoor dining area of the homestead is only 70 guests. Therefore Beaufords sometimes lose customers who want to hold large weddings.
- Seasonal sales: There are a lot of weddings during summer season compare to winter season. Around 12~16 weddings on each month during summer, however there are only few weddings during winter season.
- Limited Range of Menu: Beaufords has only three options of buffet menu for customers to choose from, it lacks product depth.
2.2 External Opportunities and Threats
2.2.1 PESTLE analysis
This section of report will identify and explain how factors from external environments around Beaufords will affect its operation in terms of opportunities and threats.
Political factors: The government may experience dramatic change as it is experiencing election this year. Labour party is in charge at the moment where it is more focused on providing societal services whereas National party is focused on improving economic.#p#分页标题#e#
Economic factors: Currently New Zealand is experiencing slow growth in economy as its unemployment rose from 3.4% to 3.6% since mid-2007 (Herald Tribune, 2008). It is also experiencing inflation due to political issues in the Middle East causing petrol price to increase.
Social factors: Though no evidence was shown from newspaper, database or any other proper sources, it can be seen that mostly pakeha people and Maoris held weddings in New Zealand. Other ethnic groups such as Indians, Asians prefer to hold weddings at their country of origin because most of their family live there and would be difficult to invite them here. Another trend is the education of people received today; they are more educated and have influenced their marrying decision. Most decided to marry between the age of 25 to 34 and the marrying age has being increasing since 1961. (Statistic New Zealand, 2008)
Technological factors: this factor does not affect Beaufords unless it decides to upgrade its facilities. This is because most corporate that held conference at Beaufords will bring their own equipments for their presentation.
Legal factors: Current legal issues that will affect Beaufords are Employment Relations Act 2000, Food Act 1981 and The Sale of Liquor Act 1989. These legislations have determined how staff is supposed to be treated including their working condition, pays etc. The food Beaudords provides to its customers must be of good condition and safe to consume. The restriction on how much alcohols can be sold to customers is also restricted and sales condition also applies to age and drivers.
Environmental factors: There are numerous of competitors around Beaufords and they are not only organisations that focus on providing functions. Hotels also provide functions to customers including conference, parties and weddings. Most competitors are hotels where they provide a wide range of services and very few focus on providing function services only. Seasonality also affects Beaufords where number of wedding functions is usually around 16 a month during summer and not many was guaranteed during winter.
2.2.2 Opportunities
- Beaufords may have improved business level if National party wins the election this year where economic might improve and people will become wealthier.
- Since people are more educated they tend to save more for their future and have decided to get married between ages of 25 to 34. It is an opportunity for Beafords to target this segment and inform them about their product.
- Even though Beaufords have to follow the government legislation but they use it as an opportunity to promote their services and products. For example, ‘delicious food yet safe to eat’ or ‘drink safely and celebrate’.
- Beafords can focus on specialising their product and services to build up their brand where compared with large organisations it is much easier for Beaufords in terms of its less complicated organisational structure. Where large organisations will have to undergo significant changes if it decides to specialise in particular services.#p#分页标题#e#
2.2.3 Threats
- In addition, some news indicated the current trend of New Zealand economy is declining (Business and Economic Research Limited, 2008). The economic depression will influence both people and organisations’ financial decisions in spending on holding events.
- With petrol price increasing, most products have increased their price and have caused all businesses’ operating expense to increase including Beaufords.
- If the trend in marrying age continues to change, Beaufords will have to update its marketing strategies more frequently to identify opportunities for business. This will be costly in terms of resources in labour and time invested into research.
- As the most profitable product in hospitality industry is the sales of alcohol. It is a threat for Beafords because it has a limit on how much revenue can be made from each guest. If government decides to increase the drinking age for alcohol then Beaufords will loose its opportunity to make more revenue on alcohol.
- With so many competitors around Beafords and comparing their organisation size, it is difficult for Beaufords to compete head on head with them. Beaufords cannot gain competitive advantage in terms of cost management where large organisations can with mass productions due to higher capacity for functions.
- It is a waste to not have any events held during winter due to fix costs are still occurring. It is a threat that Beauford is eating into its profit during this season.
2.3 Competitor Analysis
This section of report will indicate the primary competitors of Beaufords at Totora Park. Analysis from this section will be used to decide its marketing strategy later in the report.
It is decided the primary competitors are the ones providing almost identical services that Beaufords provides (mainly those that provides wedding functions). It is decided to set the competitor level in this way because most of Beaufords’ profits come from providing wedding services.
From research, 5 primary competitors were discovered and they are Cornwall park restaurant, Sorrento in the park, Harbour Function Centre, and Romfords. Each competitor will be briefly discussed in terms of its operation and its competitiveness against Beaufords. (See appendix for competitors’ SWOT analysis)
Through analysis, Harbour Function Centre has is considered to be the most competitive rival in Beaufords’ view. It is a large establishment, buildings and facilities are in good condition, larger area for large functions, higher price set to have higher return on margin, wide range of services allowing more opportunities for customers to spread their services to potential customers. It has a higher capacity in number of guests when holding functions compared with Beaufords. Which means Harbour Function Centre can hold small to large functions whereas Beaufords can only hold small functions, as a result this gives Harbour Function Centre competitive advantage.
The second most competitive rival is Cornwall park restaurant, even though it is a small establishment like Beaufords. However, there is no maximum number of guests allowed#p#分页标题#e#
in functions which allows it to held large functions that Beaufords cannot. Its buildings and facilities are in good condition, large area as it uses One Tree Hill’s land to hold functions, higher price set to have higher return on margin. These advantages are similar to Harbour Function Centre even thought it does not provide many of the services that Harbour Function Centre provides but in place it provides restaurant dinning. With the restaurant this has given Cornwall park restaurant advantage in terms or having daily contact with customers. This gives the company more opportunity to let its dinning customers know about their other services. Based on customers’ dinning experience they will create a carry over effect on Cornwall park restaurant’s other services and recommend others to buy their services.
The third most competitive rival is Romfords it is also a small establishment like Beaufords and also specialises in holding functions for weddings. Its buildings and facilities are in good condition and its services, products and prices are all very similar to Beaufords which makes it a close competitor to Beaufords. Unlike Beaufords, it is able to extend its area to increase maximum capacity for guests with the land around it.
Lastly, Sorrento is considered to be the weakest competitor against Beaufords. Its buildings and facilities are also in good condition. Its maximum capacity for guests is slightly higher than Beaufords, its services and products are similar to Beaufords as well. However, its prices are high like Harbour Function Centre which may disadvantage it when customers are price sensitive and will choose Beaufords or lower price establishments.
Overall it can be seen that good conditions in buildings and facilities existed in all of the companies mentioned. There is fierce competition because basic services, products are
all extremely similar between all establishments. As a result it is based on customers’ level of satisfaction to ensure future business.
2.4 Market Segment Analysis
This section of report is essential for Beaufords as it will guide its marketing activities by aiming at the right customers. Market segment analysis will help organisation in terms of deciding what products or services to provide and its ability to satisfy customers’ needs and wants. Benefits for effective use of market segment analysis will help Beaufords use its marketing dollars more effectively. Also helps them know what there customers are and what they want in order to accurately select the right promotional techniques. (Morrson, 2002)
Currently Beaufords market segmentation approach is multistage segmentation based on geographic, demographic, and behavioural segmentation bases.
Weddings - couples
Conference - corporate
Private functions - any
25 – 34 years old
Not applicable
Not applicable
White (European, locals)
Pacific islanders#p#分页标题#e#
Local business
Income level
$35,000 above P/A
Not applicable
Not applicable
Product launch, building business relationship
Frequency used
Once in a life time (average)
Rare occasion
Rare occasion
The overall market of Beaufords is based on its services provided and its establishment
size includes almost every type of customers because anyone can held birthday parties at Beaufords. Corporate can held small size functions at Beaufords, unmarried couples or married couples can hold wedding functions there. Due to Beaufords establishment size it could not secure its place in the corperate function market, most corporate functions requires higher capacity for number of guests. Birthday parties are often held at home and rarely held outside in places such as Beaufords. As most of the profits are generated through holding wedding functions, it is decided the primary competitors of Beaufords are companies that can held wedding functions. This has leaded the report to analysing the potential customers out of the overall market.
The rationale to choose wedding function customers as Beaufords target market is due to most business comes from providing this service since operation started. Beaufords are more experienced in providing this type of service and is building up its reputation as an excellent wedding function provider. Below is the break down of how Beaufords segments its target market.
First, the minimum legal age for marriage in New Zealand is currently sixteen years old. Potential customers in overall market include any singles who are aged sixteen or over. This is because anyone who just got married or are getting married may require Beaufords’ services. Therefore, they are all potential customers of wedding functions.
However, statistics shown from Statistics New Zealand (2008) says marriage rate have been decreasing since 1961 and is continuing to decrease today. In contrast, the population of New Zealand has tripled during these decades. This was due to New Zealanders not saving for their future and resulted in government introducing the ‘kiwi saver’ to help people save for their future.
Further statistic has shown the majority of married couples got married between the age of twenty five and thirty four.
At this stage, our market segment has been broken down to age group of twenty five or above, because they have stable income, more savings to be able to afford wedding functions.
The current market segment will further break down into ethnic groups. This is because owner of Beaufords stated majority of customers (around 80%) are white people (Europeans) and remaining are Maoris and pacific islanders. Other races tend to return to their country of origin to celebrate their wedding therefore Beaufords had almost no customers from other origins. This is due to most of their relatives are over sea and it would be inconvenient for all of them to come to New Zealand for wedding.#p#分页标题#e#
Shown from Statistic New Zealand (2008), Auckland currently have around 4,266,407 of population and of which around 70% are white people and within this group approximately 80% are aged twenty five or above. Due to the majority of couples getting married between age of twenty five and thirty four, this has lead the company focusing on attracting business from this age group. There are around 700,000 of single males and 500,000 single females. By evening the numbers there are approximately 500,000 potential businesses for Beaufords around Auckland region.
3.0 Mission Statement
Beaufords is enthusiastic to provide high quality food and excellent services to every guests it meets. Situated in Totara Park, and surrounded by gracious Totara trees made Beaufords the ideal venue for the weddings, conferences and private functions. Moreover, Beaufords is experienced in weddings and functions.
Our mission is to absolutely satisfy our guests by providing great ambiance and excellent food and service. We are also committed to accomplish special occasion ensure the satisfaction of our guests.
Beaufords is devoted to discuss event plans with our guests to develop the most perfect event they will ever have on the event day.
4.0 Organisational Goals and Objectives
Goals are defined as medium that an organisation wishes to achieve within certain timeframe. From this Beaufords have set goals for their operation during the next year based on the analysis shown in SWOT analysis.
Improve sales
Beaufords will increase its revenue by 10% compared with its revenue generated from July 2007 to July 2008 by the end of July 2009.
Develop wedding packages
Develop new wedding package to add new source of revenue based on management fees charged by the end of September 2008.
Improving customer services
Provide staff training on customer services once every 3 months to ensure services provided are consistent.
New distribution channel
Sign contracts with 10 bridal shops and pay commission as incentive for them to recommend our services to their customers by the end of December 2008.
5.0 Strategies
Morrison (2002) stated that strategy is the selection of a course of action from among several alternatives that involves specific customer groups, communication methods, distribution channels, and pricing structures. This section will list alternative strategies for Beaufords to choose from to achieve its goals and objectives.
5.1 Market Nichers
Based on the goals on improving sales, developing wedding packages, improving customer services and find new distribution channel. It is suggested that Beaufords should adopt market nicher strategy. This strategy is about avoiding direct competition with major companies and finding niches to specialise in it (Morrison, 2002). This strategy does not follow closely of what competitor does in terms of having the same services or similar prices. In comparison Beaufords has only 3 different types of services whereas Harbour Function Centre has over ten different services. By adopting this theory Beaufords is not required to add on new services. Instead, Beaufords can focus on what it has and improve them to further satisfy their customers. It can upgrade its buildings and facilities to create a better atmosphere to add value to guest experience. Provide training once every three months to allow wait staff to provide constant service which also adds value to guest experience. As a result, guests are more likely recommend Beaufords services to others; this can be measured by providing comment cards on tables and at reception. Provide wedding package services to save customers’ time in managing their wedding functions. This will generate a new source of revenue in terms of collecting management fees for managing their weddings. Signing contracts with bridal shops will help Beaufords in developing new wedding packages. It will also create a new#p#分页标题#e#
distribution channel for potential customers to know about their services.
5.2 Marketing-Mix-Modification Strategy
This strategy is similar to the market nichers because the activities involved to implement the strategies are similar. Since Beaufords’ services are currently in its maturity stage, it is suggested for it to adopt marketing-mix-modification strategy. This is because Beaufords has being operating for many years and its sales having increased continually from low to high during the past years. This means it has experienced low sales during introduction stage where few customers knew about their products. As it moves into growth stage, more customers knew about their services through advertisement and word of mouth advertisement. Currently, Beaufords has only 2 types of marketing tools; they are advertisement on yellow page and its own business website. Based on Morrison’s (2002) theory on this particular strategy Beaufords can increase its sales by stimulating the marketing mix. It is essential for Beaufords to stimulate the marketing mix because they are in the Societal-Marketing-Orientation-Era. Companies hold responsibility for the environment as well as constantly provide customers their needs and want. Beaufords may want to find new distribution channels such as bridal shops, advertisement on other web sites, newspapers etc. Since owner of Beaufords is experienced in providing wedding functions he is confident to plan for couples on their weddings.
Responsible For Activities
STRATEGIES: Market Nichers & Marketing-Mix-Modification
Upgrade buildings and facilities: upgrading rooms, purchase furniture, upgrading equipments for kitchen and bars.


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